divine talisman

Chapter 733 Full House Shock [Part 1]

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Literally, it means that the heart is like an ape, and the meaning is like a galloping horse. It means that the heart is impetuous and restless.

But for monks, this sentence is intriguing. It refers directly to the mind of the Tao. If the mind of the Tao is uncertain, there is no way to talk about the Tao.

To put it simply, if you want to practice, you must first make the Taoist heart strong, and if the Taoist heart is not stable, everything is nonsense.

However, if these four characters are cooked into a dish to express its artistic conception vividly, the difficulty is absolutely beyond imagination.

Faced with this problem, all the chefs in the hall were stunned.

They originally wanted to watch a good show, and wanted to see how Chen Xi, a fisherman in troubled waters, made a fool of himself in public, but when they saw this topic, they all fell into deep thought.

This topic is difficult and illusory. From its implication alone, it is difficult to connect the mind with a dish. It can be said that this is the most elusive topic in the re-examination so far.

What should I do if I win this question?

All the spiritual chefs fell silent.

At the top of the palace, all the elders of the Taotie clan sneered, and their hearts were extremely happy. If they hadn't taken their manners into consideration, they would have wished to raise their heads to the sky and howl.

I swear to God, they never expected that Chen Xi would actually pick up this topic!This is really self-inflicted, you can't live!

On the other hand, Tao Zhentian frowned and smiled wryly in his heart. Only he knew the topic of the re-examination this time, and the other elders had no access to it. This also eliminated any possibility of cheating, but he also never expected that Chen Xi would actually It was so unlucky that I got the most difficult question in this re-examination.

He was even a little worried that Chen Xi would have doubts in his heart, thinking that he was operating secretly to make things difficult for him... If so, that would be too wronged!

Because out of the one hundred questions, 99 of them were written by him, but it is the last one, "Heart and Mind", which was not written by him!

Just when the thoughts of everyone in the hall were flying, Chen Xi put down the paper and started to act.

He began to choose the ingredients he needed, only a few, green phantom fruit, pleated fire ginseng, golden spot jade liquid, and a piece of roe deer meat.

Then, he returned to the kitchen counter and began to process the spiritual materials.

His movements are meticulous, as fast as the wind, as slow as the forest, as aggressive as the fire, as immovable as a mountain, with appropriate movement and stillness, skillful and smooth, implying a wonderful and unspeakable rhythm.

This series of actions alone attracted a lot of attention.

The people present were all sharp-sighted people, who had been immersed in cooking for countless years, and could tell at a glance that everything Chen Xi showed had reached the level of perfection, and there was absolutely no way to fake it.

This also changed many people's impressions of Chen Xi. At least, from this point of view, Chen Xi's performance is no less than that of a real Qiyeling chef.

"What is he doing? He only chose four kinds of spiritual materials, and he wants to cook a 'spiritual horse'?" Someone murmured in a low voice, somewhat puzzled.

"Green ghost fruit, pleated fire ginseng, one tastes sweet and cool, and the other tastes hot and spicy, like water and fire. According to the properties of the ingredients, they are contradictory things. It seems a bit inappropriate."

"There is also the gold-spotted jade liquid, which has an extremely yin attribute, while the spirit roe meat has an extremely yang attribute, one yin and one yang, and the attributes are also in conflict, such a match...hehe."

"Well, it's really weird. If it weren't for his superb handling of ingredients, I really suspect that he doesn't know anything about cooking. How can a chef in the world match ingredients like this?"

All the spiritual chefs were whispering in low voices, they were all at a loss as to what Chen Xi was doing.

"Everyone, don't draw conclusions prematurely, let's listen to what Master Qiu Feng said first." Someone opened his mouth and bowed his hands respectfully to the old man on the side.

"Well, yes, Master Qiu Feng can be said to be the one who has studied cooking the most among us. His skills are extraordinary and refined. Whether Chen Xi is genuine or not can be judged by his old man's evaluation."

When speaking, everyone's eyes fell on the old man.

The old man was dressed in a loose white robe, with white hair like silver, and a fairy air. Hearing this, he gave in a little bit, and said in a deep voice: "In my opinion, the selection of materials for this son should be carefully considered. One water, one fire, One yin and one yang, people who don't know how to cook, it is definitely difficult to choose such ingredients."

After a pause, he continued: "If the old man cooks, these four ingredients can also cook a 'heart ape'. You only need to contain yin in the water, and take yang from the fire. Meat, roasted with the fire of the cold and dark, the golden spot jade liquid, the quiet spirit fruit..."

"In the end, the roe roe meat is cooked with pleated fire ginseng, and it is in the center, and the golden spot jade liquid is used to cook the ghost fruit, and it is distributed around, forming a pattern of fire in the water, yang in the yin and yang in the sky. Its taste is good enough to make people People are in a hurry, and they can't control themselves."

Master Qiu Feng talked eloquently, as if he had learned it at his fingertips, and the nearby chefs were fascinated by it, and they were all amazed and admired from the bottom of their hearts.

As expected of a master, he solved the problem of conflict between fire and water, and the incompatibility of yin and yang in a few words, and brought the spiritual power of the few four kinds of spiritual materials to the extreme. His ingenious intentions are incredible.

Even the elders of the gluttonous clan nodded secretly. This cooking method is indeed ingenious and ingenious to the peak.

"Hey, he seems to have other ideas." One person said in surprise.

Everyone was startled, and they all raised their eyes to look, and they found that Chen Xi had indeed started cooking, but the method he used was completely different from what Master Qiu Feng said.

"Hmph, if he cooks the same as the answer given by Master Qiu Feng, doesn't that mean that his culinary skills are also comparable to Master Qiu Feng's? Is it possible?" Someone retorted.

"That's right, he is so young, even if he masters the art of cooking, he will definitely not be able to compare with Master Qiu Feng."

"Hehe, I can already predict that as long as the Taotie clan does not operate in secret, this retest will undoubtedly fail!"

"So, Master Qiu Feng is the leader of this re-examination?"

"Is there any doubt?"

Everyone was discussing, and their minds no longer paid attention to Chen Xi's every move, but discussed with each other the final result of this re-examination, all of them were extremely optimistic about Master Qiu Feng.

Qiu Feng stroked his beard with a smile on his face, humbly, and could not help but feel complacent and complacent.

He has retreated for [-] years and has studied culinary arts intensively. He is only one step away from being a master of spiritual chefs. This time he participated in the Golden List of Spiritual Chefs.

Judging from the current situation, he can easily advance to the finals. There is no doubt about this. The only thing he cares about is the first place and who will win it.


At this moment, he glanced inadvertently, and when he saw Chen Xi's cooking technique clearly, his eyes shrank, and the smile on his face froze a lot.

At this time, not only Qiu Feng, but also the patriarch Tao Zhentian who was seated at the head of the table also had his eyes fixed on Chen Xi, with a look of shock on his face.

Soon, those Ling chefs who were happily discussing the rankings of the re-examination also noticed the abnormality of Master Qiu Feng, and they couldn't help turning their eyes to Chen Xi after being slightly shocked. Then, the smiles on their faces froze, showing surprise color.

This weird atmosphere spread like a silent wave, spreading throughout the hall, and within a short time, the hall was completely silent and quiet.

The atmosphere was extremely silent, only the chi chi sound from the spirit fire when Chen Xi was cooking.


Chen Xi's mind was ethereal, and he focused on the kitchen table in front of him. His majestic spiritual consciousness was like the thousands of tentacles of an octopus monster, sensitively and smoothly controlling the changes of the spiritual fire.

His movements are more like being measured by a ruler, precise, clean, and simple, but they have a kind of smooth flow, the rhythm of cutting a dog to solve a cow.

Spiritual fire, ingredients, kitchen utensils... Under the control of his pair of big hands, a wonderful change occurred. It was not like cooking, but rather like completing a work of art, full of wonderful visual enjoyment.

Chi Chi!

Inside the iron pot, steam was steaming, oil was shining, and there was a crunching sound, and wisps of seductive fragrance that seemed to be able to penetrate into the depths of the soul diffused.

He was so focused, but in his mind, scenes of the past emerged from time to time, Songyan City learning skills, Nanman mountain trial, destroying the Li family, Qianlongbang competition, destroying the Su family, the star conference, the ancient battlefield, worship Entering the Jiuhua Sword School, Cangwu Abyss...

The past is long, turbulent and arduous, sword light and blood flying, death and tears are intertwined, the bumps and thorns along the way, is it only for cultivation?

Do not!

There is also a heart for the Tao!

If the ancient sages and the gods of the Three Realms asked how to obtain the Tao, they had to surrender their hearts!

If the heart is calm, thousands of thoughts are flying, but it is just the shadow of a crow in the cold pool, and the moon is reflected in the well, and nothing can disturb it.

If the mind is determined, the place of purgatory in the eyes of others, but to me it is a paradise of bliss, as quiet as one, and full of distractions.

Chen Xi's current state of mind can be said to be one that is devoted to everything, his mind is leisurely, he does what he wants without exceeding the rules, he is free and unrestrained, he is impetuous and illusory, and does not disturb his heart.


Less than a quarter of an hour.

A dish appeared, the dish was very simple, just like ordinary stir-fried pork with green peppers, but at a glance, there were two very different visions floating above the dish.

One is the eerie and terrifying demon realm, in which demons fly and ghosts scream, and there are blood rivers of bones, purgatory and other tragic scenes.

One is a pure land like a fairyland, with gold paving the ground, flowers falling from the sky, dragons and phoenixes presenting auspiciousness, golden lotuses springing from the ground, and bright and brilliant images everywhere.

The two visions are not incompatible, but transform into each other, just like the cycle of yin and yang, the fusion of water and fire, which has a shocking visual impact.

Everyone was shocked, and the hall was dead silent.

I can vaguely hear the sound of the Sanskrit voice——

If the heart is not clean, it is difficult to distinguish between immortals and demons.

Uncertainty, good and evil are hard to tell!


ps: The second update is at 9:11, the third update is at 1:[-], and the fourth update is around [-] am.

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