divine talisman

Chapter 759 Unashamed to speak out [Part 3]

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again and again!again and again!

A burst of unhurried footsteps resounded outside the hall, as if coincident with the rhythm of the avenue, heard in people's ears, making people feel peaceful for no reason.

At this time, all the eyes in the hall were looking out of the hall gate.

"Bing Shitian of Tianyan Taoist Sect, come to pay homage to fellow members of the Jiuhua Sword Sect." Before they arrived, the clear and melodious voice had already entered the hall.

There was a touch of confidence in the voice, a touch of high spirits, which made people feel that this person must not be someone in the pool, and dared not have any heart to underestimate him.

The ancestors of the earth immortals in the hall all looked solemn, and they secretly praised them in their hearts. In fact, in terms of status, they are only earth fairyland. To plug in one end.

One is an Earth Immortal and the other is a Celestial Immortal, that is the difference between heaven and earth, a huge gap between the human world and the fairy world!

However, this place is after all the territory of the Jiuhua Sword Sect, and deep in the mountain gate, there are many hidden old antiques. Bing Shitian came here as a guest, so naturally they will not be inferior in terms of identity and status.

Qingyue's voice was still lingering in the hall, and a tall and handsome figure had already stepped into the hall. He was wearing simple plain clothes, with a delicate face, and there were halos of light in his eyes, illusory and blurred, full of immortality.

Accompanied by his arrival, wisps of fragrance diffused in the air, like fine nectar and jade dew, refreshing, refreshing and refreshing.

He didn't show any monstrous power, but as soon as he appeared in the hall, everything in this hall seemed to become quiet, and there was a sense of tranquility, harmony, and order everywhere.

It's like there are rules!

This person, of course, is Bing Shitian, a great figure who descended from the fairy world to the human world. Although he is just a clone of a fairy, he can hold the talisman of the fairy world. Wherever he goes, he is like a special envoy of the fairy world.

As soon as he walked into the main hall, he didn't look sideways, he went straight to the center of the hall, he cupped his hands at Wen Huating who lived in the first seat in the center, and said: "If you bother me, I don't want to be received so grandly by your sect. Bing is really flattered."

At this time Wen Huating also got up, and said with a warm smile: "Envoy Bing is polite, please sit down."

Bing Shitian was also smiling, and sat on the side of Wen Huating, implying a taste of "sit on an equal footing". Next to him, his disciples poured tea and water.

It wasn't until he was seated that Bing Shitian raised his eyes, glanced at Chen Xi who was sitting at the bottom of the head, and then moved away. The whole movement was smooth and calm, and there was no trace of aggressiveness at all.

However, when his eyes fell on Xueyan who was standing respectfully behind Chen Xi, he was slightly taken aback imperceptibly.

"I don't know why the ice special envoy is here?"

Wen Huating opened his mouth, emphatically naming the word "special envoy", also silently telling Bing Shitian that it is because you are from the fairy world that you will receive such standard hospitality. Come on, that's another matter.

Such a person as Bing Shitian naturally understood the meaning of this layer, nodded and said: "Before we get down to business, Bing has one more small thing to tell you."

Wen Huating said: "But it's okay to talk about it."

Bing Shitian smiled, and said: "On the way to your sect this time, Bing passed by a place where demons were entrenched, and happened to encounter several disciples of your sect who were robbed, so he came to help and took them with him along the way."

As he spoke, he waved his sleeve robe, and the celestial gang flashed, and several figures appeared. Four men and one woman were Chen Xi's second senior brother Lu Sheng, third senior brother Yi Chenzi, fourth senior brother Duan Yi, and fifth senior sister Ah. Nine and Sixth Senior Brother Qing Yu.

Seeing these five people, everyone in the hall was stunned. Although they knew that Bing Shitian came here for the sake of that fox princess Xueyan, and would definitely return his disciples, but they never expected that he would do this Hand it over neatly.

Moreover, in his words and deeds, he even told a lie. If they hadn't already known everything, they might have been deceived.

Compared to the reactions of these big shots, Chen Xi was obviously much more excited. If not for his status, he would have already rushed in front of the second senior brother and the others.

However, what puzzled him was that although the second senior brother and the five of them were standing in the center of the hall, their expressions were in a daze, as if in a coma, and they even forgot to salute the elders present.

"The five of them fell into a kind of illusion. Bingmou has rescued them, and they will wake up within a day." When Bing Shitian spoke, he glanced at Chen Xi intentionally or unintentionally.

Chen Xi also raised his head, and met Bing Shitian's gaze, and after a slight staggering, they separated.

At this moment, Chen Xi was extraordinarily calm and calm, and he didn't feel any emotion because of Bing Shitian's bullshit lie. He knew that facing such an opponent, he couldn't tolerate even the slightest weakness.

This is also the reason why he has been meditating for the past three days, thinking about nothing, doing nothing, emptying himself, and completely calming his mind.

"Come here, help them go down to rest first, so that they can take care of them." Wen Huating ordered, and at that moment, a group of disciples stood up and helped Lu Sheng and the other five people leave the hall.

"This time, I would like to thank Special Envoy Zhang Yi for saving my disciples of the Jiuhua Sword Sect from the fire and water. There is nothing I can do in return. I can only toast a glass of gratitude." Wen Huating smiled and raised the wine glass in his hand.

"It's nothing to do with raising one's hand." Bing Shitian also raised his wine glass and drank it down in one gulp.

"The matter is over, I wonder why Special Envoy Bing came this time?" Wen Huating obviously didn't have any intention of chatting too much with Bing Shitian, his voice was gentle but his tone was quite direct.

"Two things." Bing Shitian was also very straightforward, and after a moment of pondering, he smiled and said: "Let's talk about the first thing first, Bingmou has a maid named Xueyan, who is from the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan. She is playful by nature and likes to go around. Wandering, a few days ago, she went down the mountain again and did not come back for a long time, Bingmou was worried, but later I heard that she came to the noble faction to mess around."

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but shook his head with a smile: "No way, Bingmou can only come here in person and bring this nonsense maid back."

As soon as these words came out, and seeing Bing Shitian's calm and unhurried appearance, everyone in the hall was stunned. This Bing Shitian really deserves to be eloquent, as soon as something comes out of his mouth, he immediately becomes another person. It's the same thing, and his demeanor and behavior are still so natural and free, which shows the depth of the city.

"Oh? There is such a thing?" Wen Huating said in surprise.

Bing Shitian scolded the old fox secretly in his heart, he talked about this point, and even played some false tricks, is it interesting?

Even though he thought so in his heart, he laughed loudly and said: "It's far away in the sky, but it's close in front of you. Please look, Fellow Daoist Wen, that's Bingmou's maid." As he said, he raised his hand and pointed at Xueyan.

Wen Huating groaned again, and sighed with a smile: "If Special Envoy Bing hadn't spoken, Wen would have thought she was the maid of Wen's nephew Chen Xi."

There was already a trace of ridicule in the words, of course, this trace of ridicule was understood by everyone present, including Bing Shitian, but no one would say it out loud.

After all, from the beginning to the end, in fact, everyone is playing a good show of infidelity very cooperatively.

For these old monsters who have lived for an unknown number of years, they are all masters in this way, and their attainments are perfect. When people who don't know why come here, they must think that they have a good relationship.

The corners of Bing Shitian's lips twitched imperceptibly, and he said with a smile: "There are too many people messing around in this world, and Bingmou bumped into one of them, which really gave Bingmou a headache." .

"Haha, it can give Special Envoy Bing a headache. If it spreads, it will be a good story in the practice world." Wen Huating laughed, and with a soft word, he pushed everything back.

It was rare that the reaction was so fast and without trace, even Chen Xi felt a little admiration in his heart when he saw it, and he was filled with emotion. Being able to become the supreme teacher of the Jiuhua Sword Sect must not be a fluke.

Bing Shitian smiled, and talked about the second thing: "Fellow Daoist Wen may have heard that in less than a hundred years, Bingmou and Senior Sister Qing will become Taoist couples, and the sect will hold a ceremony for the two of us. Bing is here to invite all of you to join me, and you must come here to honor me."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became dull.

No one thought that Bing Shitian would actually say this at this moment. If they agreed to go to watch the ceremony, wouldn't they be trapping Chen Xi?

Even Wen Huating was silent for a long while before laughing and said: "It's not urgent, after all, it's still decades away. If there are no accidents at that time, I'll go to watch the ceremony naturally and congratulate the Special Envoy of Bing."

The words "if there are no accidents" were emphasized by him, not only for Bing Shitian, but also for Chen Xi.

Bing Shitian laughed loudly: "Decades, for us, is not a blink of an eye. Bing is worried that the time will be fleeting, so he came to invite us personally. You must not decline."

After a pause, Bing Shitian said confidently: "Bing said something outrageous, it will definitely be a grand event in the practice world for thousands of years, at that time, colleagues from all walks of life will gather together, if you miss it, it will be a pity .”

As soon as the words finished, Chen Xi, who was sitting at the bottom, suddenly said, "Let me also say something arrogant, don't say decades, even hundreds of years, even thousands of years, Xiuyi will not marry."

Everyone in the hall was taken aback for a moment, they didn't expect Chen Xi to be so direct.

It stands to reason that Chen Xi's current status is far inferior to everyone present here, and he is absolutely not qualified to speak, but everyone is aware of the entanglement of grievances and grievances, so they don't find it abrupt.

Chen Xi, Qing Xiuyi, and Bing Shitian, how complicated the relationship between the three of them is, everyone present has heard about it, but they don't know it very well, but just from the names Chen Xi and Bing Shitian called Qing Xiuyi, You can taste a little taste.

One called "Senior Sister Qing".

One is called "Xiuyi".

A respectful name, a nickname, and the relationship between them are all contained in it.

Of course, it is also possible to turn it upside down, but that is already beyond the reach of everyone present here.

In the midst of this dullness, Bing Shitian raised his eyes, and looked directly at Chen Xi for the first time. His expression was peaceful, but there was a sense of the aloof majesty of a fairy, as if he was looking down on an ant.


ps: It's urgent!The monthly ticket list is about to be blown up, please help, it's going to be tenth tomorrow, don't make me worry at this time...

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