divine talisman

Chapter 764 Bai Jingchen

The Bauhinia Mountains, located in the east of Xuanhuanyu, are rolling, majestic and majestic.

Looking down from the sky, the mountain looks like a giant dragon [-] li long, its winding body gathers the king's purple aura. Whenever the sun rises, the mountain is shrouded in a purple mist, Zhuang Su And heavy, there is a kind of royal air.

The purple air coming from the east is a rare blessed place where dragon veins gather.

The Bauhinia and Bai family is located in it.

The Bai family is an ancient and long-standing clan, and its history can even be traced back to the ancient times. Its power is huge and its foundation is solid, comparable to the top ten immortal sects.

What is most talked about is that the family style of the Bauhinia and Bai family is extremely fierce, and all the sons and daughters of the family are like heroes, standing upright and brave.

In other words, the body of the Bauhinia and Bai family is born with warlike blood, and they have already set their sights outside the great world of Xuanhuan, and have begun to march to foreign races outside the territory!

There is no reason, just to fight!

In the name of war, they kill and attack, so they appear extraordinarily domineering and brutal. [

But this is the most troublesome thing for the world. The Bauhinia and Bai family is warlike, and they are also extremely defensive. If they dare to provoke the Bauhinia and Bai family, they don't care whether you are justified or not. Fight first and then talk.

Therefore, in today's practice world, when it comes to the forces that the world fears the most, it is not the Immortal Sect, not the Demon Sect, but the Bauhinia and Bai Family!


Bauhinia and Bai's house, on the martial arts field.

A burly and tall middle-aged man was squatting in the corner, holding a big bowl in his palm-like hands. This big bowl was like a wooden basin, filled with a bowl of steaming white noodles, sprinkled with some emerald green coriander .

The middle-aged man's face was rough and his jet-black beard stood up like steel needles. He was very unrestrained and heroic. He was swallowing noodles with a whirlwind, his mouth was full of oil, and he was very happy.

In the blink of an eye, he ate up a large bowl of noodles, and even the soup was swallowed by him with a swoop, and then he smacked his lips eagerly.

Then, he got up and went to a ten-foot-high wooden barrel next to him, picked up a spoon and filled another bowl of noodles...

Then, he squatted in the corner again, feasting on it.

That appearance is like a hard labor on the street, a starving ghost reincarnated.

The teenagers on the martial arts training ground were not surprised, they didn't even look at the middle-aged man, and concentrated on exercising their bodies.

These teenagers, the older ones are eleven or twelve years old, and the younger ones are ** years old, with their upper bodies naked, each of them is strong, with knotted muscles, full of explosive power.

In front of each young man, there is a black boulder like a hill. This is a kind of stone called Chongmingyan, which is the size of a fist and weighs hundreds of jun.The Chongming Rock, which is as big as a small mountain in front of you, cannot weigh more than a hundred thousand jun.

But what is astonishing is that these teenagers picked up the Chongming Rock in front of them casually, like picking up a wooden stick, with ease and ease.

Some older ones threw the Chongming Rock into the air and caught it, just like playing with a ball. If people outside saw this, their eyeballs would definitely fall out. [

But the burly middle-aged man in the corner also didn't take it seriously, enjoying his noodles intoxicatedly.

At this moment, suddenly, there was a sound of hurried footsteps, and a young man in a Chinese robe and a gold belt ran over and said, "Uncle, what you told me has been done."

As he spoke, he took out a jade fan with a swipe, and fanned it again and again. With his left hand, he took out a white silk scarf inlaid with gold to wipe the sweat stains on his forehead, looking overworked.

If Chen Xi was here, he would definitely recognize that this young master is Bai Gunan.

"Sao Bao!" The burly middle-aged man squatted on the ground, finished drinking the noodle soup in the bowl with a slurp, gave Bai Gunan a sideways look, and gave an evaluation that was often on the lips.

Bai Gu Nan was embarrassed, and consciously stuffed the jade fan and silk scarf.

"Sao Bao, what did you say?" The burly middle-aged man put down the bowl and belched contentedly.

"I told him that sister-in-law won't come back until ten years later, so let him stay calm." Bai Gu Nanfei answered quickly, and then asked: "Uncle, is sister-in-law okay in the foreign battlefield?"

The burly middle-aged man let out a sneer and laughed: "There's bullshit, there is old Teng following her, unless the Holy Emperor takes action, who can hurt her?" Although the words were rough, they were full of convincing arrogance and self-confidence.

Bai Gunan immediately felt confident, and heaved a long sigh of relief: "That's good, that fellow Chen Xi should feel relieved now."

The burly middle-aged man glanced at him in surprise: "Sao Bao, don't you dislike everyone in the world? Why are you thinking about that kid now?"

Bai Gunan said displeasedly: "Uncle, don't call me 'Sao' Bao anymore."

The burly middle-aged man nodded: "Okay, 'Sao' Bao, let's not be an example."

Bai Gu Nan: "..."

"Uncle, I really don't like the disciples of the ten great immortal sects and the six sects of the demon sect, but this Chen Xi alone makes me feel very special and worthy of acceptance. Coupled with my sister-in-law's relationship, I have long regarded him as a My family has taken care of it." After a while, Bai Gu Nan said proudly.

"Oh? Why is he so special?" The burly middle-aged man asked with interest.

"How should I put it, anyway, he is the only person in the world who dares to beat me up. I think he is not bad, he has backbone and responsibility." Bai Gunan pondered and said seriously.

The burly middle-aged man: "..."

After a while, the burly middle-aged man tilted his head and said thoughtfully: "You did a good job this time, you didn't get beaten in vain."

The corners of Bai Gunan's lips twitched, and he said with a look of regret: "Uncle, can you talk properly."

The burly middle-aged man stood up, stretched his waist lazily, reached out his big hand like a cattail fan, patted Bai Gunan's shoulder and said, "If uncle becomes serious, aren't you afraid?"

Bai Gu Nan's small body was shaken for a while, grinning his teeth, when he heard the words of the burly middle-aged man, he couldn't help trembling all over again, he quickly shook his head and said, "Forget it."

He knew that once his uncle became serious, he would be more ferocious than the anger of the gods. If he didn't kill a few people, he wouldn't stop!And no one can stop it!

The burly middle-aged man laughed loudly, and strode out: "Come on, follow me to meet those Zuoqiu guys. It's a headache. If they don't leave, how can your sister-in-law come back..."

Bai Gunan turned pale with shock: "Uncle, keep your voice down, don't be overheard."

The burly middle-aged man doesn't care: "I heard it when I heard it, afraid of being a bird? "Sao" Bao, turn around and tell your ancestor that if he supports me, his benefits will be indispensable in the future. If he dares to be like other elders, he wants to use Zuo Qiu's power, what kind of "messy" tricks are you playing with me, be careful I'll deal with him! Tell him, I, Bai Jingchen, will do what I say!"

Bai Jingchen, with just three words, represents a powerful figure who is powerful and influential in all directions. He is naturally the head of the current Bauhinia Bai family!

Embarrassed and panicked at the same time, Bai Gunan scanned the surroundings and pleaded nervously: "Uncle, don't be so loud, okay, a good heart has been crushed by you."

The burly middle-aged Bai Jingchen burst into laughter again, his voice shook the sky, and he shook his head: "You, when you dare to be like me, you will become a good person, and your ancestor will not worry about successors."

As he spoke, he raised his foot and kicked forward, and the void was directly shattered, while the other person had already walked in, disappeared, and he did not stick to one pattern in terms of behavior or style, and he was domineering to the bone.

Bai Gunan stood there in a daze, and then moaned: "I dare to be so arrogant, I was hacked to death long ago, I'm a ghost!"

If outside cultivators heard this, they would vomit blood with anger, aren't you arrogant, Bai Gu Nan?


ten years?

Chen Xi put away the jade slips, frowning endlessly.

The jade slip sent by Bai Gunan did not explain too much, it just said that Bai Wanqing was going to return to the Bauhinia Bai family this year, but for some reason, she had to stay on the battlefield outside the territory, and if she wanted to come back, at least It will also take ten years, so it is better for Chen Xi to calm down and cultivate quietly.

"Could it be related to those people from the Zuoqiu family who appeared in the Bauhinia family?"

Chen Xi remembered, however, that Bai Gunan once said that Bai Wanqing's position in the clan is quite bad now, and she was squeezed out by many clan elders because of the person from the Zuoqiu clan who fell from the sky.

Soon, Chen Xi didn't have time to think about it, because the duel between the Zidian Camp and the Cyan Frost Camp had already ended, and the teenagers hadn't seen him for a long time, so they rushed over all of a sudden.

I haven't seen them for three years, and these teenagers have changed a lot. Some of the older ones seem to have become youths, and the younger ones, like snot-nosed babies, have also grown into teenagers.

This is the magic power of time. Looking back suddenly, too many things have quietly changed.

When Chen Xi left the customs, Qing Yu took a day off as an exception. Everyone gathered together, drinking, chatting, and having fun. Even Xueyan seemed to have begun to adapt to her new identity, and she was very harmoniously on the side, serving tea and water for Axiu and Chen Xi. There was no trace of feeling wronged.

Until late at night, when Chen Xi returned to the room, Long Zhenbei and An Wei came to visit, and they left after talking for a while.

The two came here to invite Chen Xi to Qingtian Palace, one of the top ten immortal sects, to participate in the grand event of the immortal way. This is a grand event held among the seed disciples of the immortal sect. Only the top seed disciples are eligible. participate.

This grand event represents the highest level of comparison in the entire Xuanhuan Great World, and every time it unfolds, it will attract the attention of the entire Xuanhuan Region's cultivation community.

After all, it was organized by the superpowers such as the Ten Great Immortal Sects, and the participants were all first-class and peerless figures in the world, and they could be regarded as the most outstanding existences among their peers.

It can be said that as long as the characters who can participate in this fairy event don't die, sooner or later they will grow up to be a big shot and cause a sensation in the world!

But Chen Xi refused. With his current strength and foresight, it was very difficult for him to generate any interest in such a grand event. What's more, he had more important things to do.

That is the bone of origin left behind by comprehending the Supreme Ant Emperor!


ps: The fifth update!Brothers, ask for a monthly pass, I am almost tired, please smash the monthly pass and burn me!The sixth update is 9:[-]!

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