divine talisman

Chapter 766 Blood Soul Sword Cave

There are two mysterious places in Xuanhuanyu, one is the unknowable place, and the other is the hidden holy land.

If we say the difference between the two, it probably lies in the forces they represent. There are many ancient and powerful forces in the hermit holy land, such as the Ascension Holy Land, the Great Zen Forest Temple, the Immortal Spirit Mountain, and so on.

In unknown places, there are many single-pass forces. In a sect, there are even only two masters and apprentices. Generally, such single-pass forces often mean that their personal strength is the most terrifying.

This Qiu Xuanshu came from an unknowable place, elegant and unrestrained, free and easy, making people feel like a spring breeze, he is a young man who is very easy to make people feel good about.

However, he was able to outshine others at the Immortal Dao Grand Meeting, overwhelming the crowd, but it was by no means as simple as it appeared on the surface.

Through a brief conversation, Wen Huating, the head teacher of the Jiuhua Sword Sect, even suspected that the strength of this polite young man in front of him had already reached the supreme level among his peers!

That kind of neither arrogant nor impetuous manner, relaxed and moderate demeanor, absolutely ordinary people can have, what's rare is that the other party's knowledge is extremely extensive, communicating with him makes one feel a little admiration.

Even Wen Huating had to admit that this person's demeanor was as good as Chen Xi's.

At the end of the conversation, Qiu Xuanshu put forward his own request again, hoping to visit Chen Xi for a side, to sit down and discuss the Dao, or to fight and learn from each other. [

Unfortunately, he didn't get what he wanted in the end.

Because Wen Huating told him very directly that he was not sure when Chen Xi would leave the customs, and he could not force him to leave the customs as the head teacher.

Qiu Xuanshu waited for a year in the Jiuhua Sword Sect, and finally left in a hurry.

Before leaving, Wen Huating met him again and only asked two sentences. The first sentence was: "Why are you so persistent when you come to the door this time?"

Qiu Xuanshu smiled freely, and replied happily: "He, in the current world, only Chen Xi can enter the disciple's eyes. Although the others are strong, this disciple is not even half interested."

The second sentence is: "Where is this trip going?"

The answer given by Qiu Xuanshu is equally simple: "The world is vast, divided into three thousand, travel around the world, visit fellows, discuss principles, and only seek one defeat."

Wen Huating heard the words, personally sent him out of the sect step by step, and then turned back.

Some disciples were curious, where did Qiu Xuanshu get so much face that he was personally sent off by the head teacher?Many people are guessing that only some big shots vaguely understand the meaning contained in the act of teaching.

Wen Huating also inadvertently revealed during a lecture: "In today's world, this Qiu Xuanshu is the second great young man he has ever met, and his future is limitless."

The first one is naturally Chen Xi.

This evaluation came from the head teacher of one of the ten great immortal sects. To receive such high praise, the existence of Qiu Xuanshu had to make people even more curious.

This gentle and elegant young man, or his senior brother Chen Xi, which one is stronger?

Nobody knows the answer.

Perhaps, one day when Qiu Xuanshu and Chen Xi meet, they will be able to tell the truth. [


The years in the mountains are so cold that I don't know the years.

Flowers bloom and fall, winter goes and spring comes, and another year passes quietly.

In the world of stars, ten years have passed.

The clear and misty silver starlight was floating, quiet and peaceful, deep and vast, Chen Xi sat cross-legged under the starry sky, bathed in the clear brilliance, his expression was calm.

He closed his eyes tightly, but suddenly raised his right hand and swiped it in the air.


A slender sword intent shot out, blazing and dazzling, and the sun, moon and stars floated in it, as if they were interpreting the mysteries of the universe's changes, tearing apart the void and breaking through it.


There was a loud bang, and a star in the sky trembled slightly, and the light was floating. If you look carefully, the sword intent penetrated that star, and it did not disappear, but disappeared in the depths of the vast universe!

"The Sword of Creation is indeed terrifying. It exhausts the wonderfulness of creation and interpretation, and it has the same effect as the Dao of Talisman..." Chen Xi opened his eyes, thoughtful.

His eyes were clear and deep, and when he looked carefully, it seemed that there were thousands of mysteries evolving in it, and countless runes were born in it, which shocked people's hearts.

"However, it's a pity that comprehension belongs to comprehension, but you haven't experienced training. After all, you lack three points of fire." Chen Xi pondered, quickly made a decision, turned and left the world of stars.

Applying what you have learned is the most simple and easy-to-understand principle. Similarly, a kung fu that has not been baptized in actual combat will ultimately lack the purest killing power.


Walking out of the room, Chen Xi's spiritual sense swept the top and bottom of Xihua Peak, and when he saw everything was ailing, he turned into a flowing rainbow and flew towards the depths of the Jiuhua Sword Sect.

After a cup of tea.

An ancient large hall was reflected in Chen Xi's field of vision.

This hall is simple and unsophisticated throughout, filled with mottled traces of the years, as if it has gone through countless vicissitudes, giving people a solemn and solemn atmosphere.

This hall is called "Zhen Ling". It is rumored that under it, countless blood souls are suppressed. They are all extremely vicious monsters, evil spirits, villains, etc. that the sages of the Jiuhua Sword Sect traveled around the world to kill.

There is another rumor that the Zhenling Hall is the foundation of the Jiuhua Sword Sect, and there is actually a peerless killing sword under it.

This sword once drank the blood of the gods and slaughtered many great powers in the Three Realms.

Later, because of its heavy murderous intent, it was suppressed here by the sages of the Jiuhua Sword Sect with physical force. No one is allowed to open the seal unless the sect is in crisis.

But no matter what kind of rumor it is, Chen Xi knows very well that under the town spirit hall, there is an existence called "Blood Soul Sword Cave".

This sword cave leads directly to the ground, and there are many floors. Each floor is filled with various bloodthirsty and brutal blood souls, and the strength of each blood soul is also different. The most powerful blood soul is said to be stronger than the blood soul. The real angel is not inferior!

However, that is just a rumor, no one will take it seriously.

Many disciples in the Jiuhua Sword Sect, even the ancestors of the Earth Immortals, regard this place as an excellent place to hone themselves and experience what they have learned.

Chen Xi came here with the same purpose in mind.

At this time, there was already a queue in front of the Zhenling Hall. There were internal and external disciples, true disciples, and core seed disciples. They were so dense that the front of the Zhenling Hall was completely blocked.

Chen Xi knew that anyone who wanted to enter the Blood Soul Sword Cave would not be able to enter, but that he had to complete many missions of the sect and make certain contributions to the sect before he was eligible to enter.

And before entering the Blood Soul Sword Cave, one must first receive a teleportation jade talisman in the town spirit hall. Once in danger in the Blood Soul Sword Cave, the jade talisman can be crushed and safely teleported out.


"That is……"

"Senior brother Chen Xi! Senior brother Chen Xi is out!"

"Senior Brother Chen Xi? Why did he come to Zhenling Hall? Does he also want to enter the Blood Soul Sword Cave for trials?"

A sharp-eyed disciple saw Chen Xi, and after being slightly taken aback, he yelled excitedly. Then, the entire crowd also erupted in an uproar, every one of them was filled with excitement, showing reverence on their faces.

Today's Chen Xi has long been famous all over the world, famous in the Jiuhua Sword Sect, and was named the new core disciple No.1 a year ago, completely overshadowing Shen Langya's thorough limelight.

Everyone had already heard that Chen Xi was in seclusion. Because of the seclusion, he didn't even go to the grand event of the immortal way, but after the grand event of the immortal way ended, Qiu Xuanshu, who had won No.1, came in person, and bluntly said that he wanted to visit Chen Xi, and even waited for it. After a year, I still haven't seen Chen Xi's face!

This matter has already become a good talk of the Jiuhua Sword Sect, how could these disciples not know?

Even No. 1 of the Immortal Dao Conference came to visit, but failed to meet senior brother Chen Xi. This anecdote became a topic that all the disciples talked about after dinner.

Seeing how enthusiastic the crowd was, Chen Xi couldn't help being startled, and immediately greeted him with a smile.

Everyone was terrified, how could they dare to accept Chen Xi's courteousness, they hurriedly retreated to the side, made way for a wide road, and welcomed Chen Xi to the town spirit hall.

The passage, which was still impenetrable just now, has become so spacious now, and it can be seen from this that everyone respects and supports Chen Xi.

Chen Xi didn't refuse at all, and walked in the middle of it, entering the main hall.

The person who managed to send the jade talisman was a gray-robed elder named Xia Mang. When he saw Chen Xi walking in, a bright smile appeared on his serious face, and he said enthusiastically, "Nephew Chen Xi, please, please."

After speaking, they were about to take Chen Xi's arm and welcome him into the seat.

Chen Xi quickly resigned: "The purpose of this disciple's coming here is to enter the Blood Soul Sword Cave. When I'm free, I'll visit Master Xia again."

Xia Mang laughed: "That's fine, that's fine."

Immediately, his expression tightened, and he seriously reminded: "Chen Xi, this Blood Soul Sword Cave is unfathomable. As far as I know, there are a total of 99 floors. If you want to enter it to sharpen, you still have to be careful. 55 After the first floor, only the ancestors of the Earth Immortals can enter, and it is extremely dangerous for others to enter, so you must remember."

Chen Xi nodded, and said, "Master, don't worry, even if you are in danger, won't you still have the Jade Talisman?"

Xia Mang shook his head: "After the 55th floor, some powerful blood souls are extremely powerful, no different from the strong earth immortals. There are those who master Taoism, those who practice supernatural powers, and also those who understand the way of space. Among them, people may even be killed before the jade talisman is crushed."

After a pause, he continued: "In the past years, many outstanding disciples were curious and stepped into it, but they survived in the end, which is embarrassing."

Chen Xi was surprised, and immediately cupped his hands and said, "Thank you for your guidance, Master Uncle."

Xia Mang smiled and said, "It's not about any advice, just be careful to protect yourself while you sharpen your strength."

As he said that, he took out a teleportation jade talisman, and handed it to Chen Xi: "Go, go deeper along the main hall, and you will be able to see the entrance to the Blood Soul Sword Cave."

Chen Xi nodded, carefully put away the jade talisman, turned around and left in a hurry.

Until he left, Xia Mang was very emotional, and then slowly sat back on the seat, and told the disciple next to him: "Call the next disciple to come in!"

When he was speaking, the smile on his face had disappeared, and he became serious again. It can be seen that only Chen Xi's appearance could make him greet him with a smile.


ps: The 8th is a bit later, around 23:10. To be honest, the goldfish is exhausted, but the brain is extremely excited. Stay up late tonight until the early morning, and we have to finish the [-]th update!Ask for monthly ticket assists!

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