divine talisman

Chapter 791 Repeated Killing [Part 2]

The ancestor of Huaiyin fell, and all the power of guilt in his body was absorbed into his body by Chen Xi, refined through the Nether Record, and extradited into the Nether reincarnation.

Almost at the same time, in Chen Xi's chaotic world, the golden light of merits and virtues fell like rain, making the whole world more peaceful and serene, like a fairyland of holy land.

His Dao Xin cultivation has also improved accordingly, and the "secret power of the heart" has become like a substance, clear, clear, and diffused with a golden light of nothingness, condensed in the mind like a mass of mercury.

However, after reaching this step in mental strength cultivation, it seems to have encountered an insurmountable obstacle, and it can no longer be improved, but it has become more and more concise.

Like a silkworm cocoon condensed in the heart, a strange rhythm gushed out, as if only waiting for the day of "breaking the cocoon and becoming a butterfly", the cultivation base of Dao Xin would undergo a qualitative transformation.

At this moment, Chen Xi had a trancelike feeling that everything in the universe could not be included in his heart.

Mind power is the most mysterious!

It is very different from true energy, witch power, immortal energy, and even any other power. Mind power is illusory and unfathomable like a great secret.

In the ancient times, there was a powerful person who once expressed the feeling that "there are three thousand paths, but the heart is hard to find".

"How brave!"

Huai Ming's death made the old Taoist Ziyun's complexion as gloomy as water, and he yelled loudly, arousing the Dutian Blood Divine Banner, and exerting its maximum power, ruthlessly bombarded Chen Xi.


The blood flags were unfurled, ghosts were crying and wolves were howling, turning this place into a sea of ​​purgatory blood, and Chen Xi was unable to avoid it, because this set of most evil treasures had already condensed into one with the surrounding void, turning into a small realm, covering him.

Everyone knows that this Heavenly Blood Divine Banner has killed an unknown number of big figures in the sky in the ancient times.

However, no one expected that Chen Xi would be unafraid in the face of this, he slashed out with a sword, the runes rolled, and the deduction of good fortune would actually directly threaten him.


A shocking sound came out, and the sword talisman collided with the Dutian Blood Divine Banner, directly shaking the latter away!

Everyone was terrified and stupefied like puppets. This was like a miracle. The power of a sword actually knocked back the Heavenly Blood Divine Banner. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, who would have believed it?

That sword...could it be an extremely powerful immortal weapon?

Some people felt palpitations, and faintly sensed that although Chen Xi's strength was against the sky, the power and influence created by this blow could not be separated from the credit of the sword in his hand.


At the same time, Chen Xi's fortune-telling sword energy emitted again, slashing towards the old Taoist Ziyun, the aura was terrifying and brilliant.

Old Taoist Ziyun's complexion has changed drastically. He knew that Chen Xi was powerful, but he never thought that a little guy in the Nether Transformation Realm could fight against his Heavenly Blood Divine Banner. Once this big weapon was released, it would be enough to kill him. A strong person in the fifth level of the Earth Immortal Realm!

Even though he thought so in his heart, his movements were not slow at all, and he retreated violently again and again, drawing out a torrent of blood, blocking this terrifying sword energy, and burst out a blazing light.


Seeing this, Chen Xi was not surprised. His sword energy swept across and slashed at the Beihuang Patriarch. With a loud bang, he cut open his magic weapon and one of his right arms.

The sword qi roared in all directions, as if entering the land of no one!

At this moment, Chen Xi fully demonstrated the heaven-defying strength that he should not have at this level of cultivation. Even those sinners from the Earth and Immortal Realm could hardly stop him.


Patriarch Beihuang roared furiously, and the blood light from his body shot up into the sky, turning into the blood wind of the fairy gang, and covered the entire space in a piece of crimson red.

However, his people didn't charge forward, but turned their heads and wanted to run away, because he knew that even the Heavenly Blood Divine Banner couldn't kill Chen Xi, and it certainly wouldn't be able to with his cultivation level, and if he continued to fight fiercely, he would definitely die.

Unfortunately, it's still a step too late.

Chen Xi exploded, the sword talisman fit with his body, like a divine sword supporting the sky, the sword intent of good fortune was displayed to the extreme, and he slashed down with all his strength.


The sword qi slashed, cut through the blood-red light curtain, shattered all the blood light, chopped off a head, and scarlet blood gushed out.

Another great sinner in the fairyland has fallen!

The rain of blood splashed and dyed the sky red. Everyone in the Hou Mansion was shocked and speechless after witnessing this scene. They couldn't regain their senses for a long time.

Although he is an Earth Immortal, Chen Xi was able to achieve this step against the sky with the power of the Underworld Transformation Realm, which is enough to shock the world. If it spreads out, it will definitely cause a sensation in the world and cause an uproar!

For all of this, Chen Xi didn't even look at it. He rushed past, and with every step he took, a golden lotus flower bloomed in the void. Kill Chi Ya and Huang Jiao on the other side.

"Too deceiving!"

Being counterattacked and killed by Chen Xi, Patriarch Chi Ya's expression was extremely gloomy. He raised his finger, and a blood-colored light rained down, filling the sky with blood energy, bringing with it a mountain-like overwhelming power, covering Chen Xi.

"Old man, are you qualified to say that!"

In just a few words, there was endless killing intent. Although Chen Xi had a handsome face, but he was not angry but mighty, giving people a sense of oppression as if he ruled the world. He raised his hand and slashed away with a sword.


Above the head of Patriarch Chi Ya, a huge mountain suddenly appeared, bloody light shot straight into the sky, rocks, plants and trees were all transformed by ghosts and evil spirits, ferocious and violent, and the vicious air roared.

This is his body, a cliff that has been soaked in the blood of the gods. After countless years of honing, its body has long been transformed into a magic weapon comparable to a fairy.

As soon as he appeared, he actually shook Chen Xi's sword, but his whole body was thrown backwards by the shock, coughing up blood incessantly.

"Die to the ancestor!"

On one side, Master Huang Jiao took advantage of the void and entered, his palms and ten fingers swelled, his sharp and pitch-black nails were like ten magic soldiers, they scratched through the void, and ruthlessly grabbed at the top of Chen Xi's head.


With a backhanded sword, Chen Xi split Huang Jiao's entire body into the air, like a kite with a broken string. It was so unbearable that everyone felt their scalps go numb.


In the next moment, Chen Xi charged towards Chi Ya again, and the sword talisman flew across the sky, releasing a thick sword energy that soared to the sky, shining brilliantly, and extremely sharp and compelling. This is one of the strongest Taoist techniques he has mastered so far. The sword intent of good fortune comprehended from the bones of the ancient supreme ant emperor.

One sword can cut down the sun, moon and stars!

This is the sky-reaching method mastered by the Supreme Ant Emperor, and it is also the goal of Chen Xi's efforts. Raise his hand to chop the sun and the moon, and drop nine stars from the sky!This is the true supreme demeanor!


Patriarch Chi Ya's expression changed. Although he is at the third level of the Earth Immortal Realm, his strength is far superior to those of the same level. Otherwise, why would he be invited by Huai Ming and the others? However, Chen Xi's sword made him feel a sense of terror Feeling palpitations, this sword energy is too terrifying, it not only deters the body, but also oppresses the soul.

He didn't dare to have any hesitation, the blood-colored mountain above his head roared, and the blood light was majestic, turning into the sound of billions of screams, like a comet from outside the sky falling, suppressing Chen Xi.


The sword chanted, and under a horrified gaze, Chen Xi's sword energy directly cut the huge mountain in two, like a knife cutting tofu, destroying it and destroying it. Patriarch Chi Ya didn't even have time to dodge, and was also chopped It was divided into two halves, blood rained, and his soul was instantly wiped out by the sword energy!

Everyone's palpitations reached the extreme, and another great sinner in the fairyland has fallen!

Chen Xi got up to kill, the wings of the black magnet fluttered, like a flash of light traveling between nothingness and reality, flickering frequently, avoiding the bombardment of the ancestor Ziyun, and directly arrived in front of the master Huang Jiao, and stretched out his hand Grasp.


When Master Huang Jiao saw Patriarch Chi Ya's death, he was frightened out of his wits, without any hesitation at all, he used the technique of space teleportation, wanting to escape.

It's a pity that under the sweep of Chen Xi's eyes of divine truth, his spatial teleportation also lost its effect, and he was directly grabbed out of the void by Chen Xi like a dead dog, and he raised his sword and dropped it, directly obliterating him.

Everyone couldn't find any words to describe their mood at this moment, they were shocked and speechless, this is the ancestor of the earth immortal, he committed a heinous crime, and his hands were covered with blood.

But now, they were killed by Chen Xi indiscriminately like killing chickens and monkeys. It took less than a cup of tea, and the old Taoist Ziyun was left alone!

Who could have imagined this before?


At this moment, the old Taoist Ziyun's face was extremely livid and unpredictable. Everything that happened today was like an unimaginable nightmare, which made it difficult for him to accept, and he could not accept it.

He didn't dare to hesitate any longer, and urged the Heavenly Blood Divine Banner with all his strength, erupting with the most powerful force, bombarding and killing Chen Xi.

Seeing this, Chen Xi slashed again and again with the edge of his sword, each slashing in each of the eight directions and four poles, each sword was imprinted with the profound meaning of "painting the ground as a prison".

In an instant, the entire universe reversed and was imprisoned!

This method of "painting the ground as a prison" was taught by Xiao Ding, and it has its own advantages and disadvantages just like the Great Imprisonment Technique. At this moment, Chen Xi used it with all his strength, overlapping and overlapping, and played an incredible effect.

That Du Heavenly Blood Divine Banner was completely sealed and imprisoned at this moment, and kept shaking violently, but it couldn't get rid of the threat of "painting the ground as a prison".


A sword qi swept past, and Ziyun's old man was terrified. He was so frightened that he almost lost his wits. He turned around and left. After losing the Dutian Blood Divine Banner, he was like a tiger whose teeth had been pulled out. How could he dare to fight Chen Xi head-on.

However, this sword energy arrived in an instant like cutting the void, forcing him to sacrifice his magic weapon, and then continued to escape.

With a click, the magic weapon in his hand was chopped into pieces, and the sword energy swept towards him like a rainbow. The old Ziyun felt cold all over and tried his best to resist, but with a pop, he still lost an arm.

Everything happened in a blink of an eye. Chen Xi killed Chi Ya and Huang Jiao, and chopped off an arm of Ziyun's old Taoist. He was unparalleled in power and invincible. It was like a god descending to patrol the world.

"Blood River Transforming Spirits, Communicating with Youxuan!"

However, at this moment, the Ziyun old man suddenly uttered a shocking shout, like a madman, all the energy and blood in his body poured wildly towards the Nadu Heavenly Blood Divine Banner.

In an instant, the Divine Blood Banner of Dutian, which was originally imprisoned, trembled violently, and an astonishing divine thought spread out from within, vast as a vast ocean, and the moment Chen Xi went to slay the old Taoist Ziyun, he broke free from the confinement!

"The will of a great man descended into the Dutian Blood Banner!" Beside Bailiyan, the two old servants exclaimed in unison, terrified.


ps: I didn’t expect this chapter to be so difficult to write. It’s a bit late, and I’ll make another update in the early morning. Ask for a monthly ticket~

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