divine talisman

Chapter 813 Hello, Liang Bing [Part 1]


In Xijian Pond, the flowers and trees beside the green lake swayed for a while, revealing a beautiful face that is suitable for anger and happiness, with curved eyebrows, white and smooth skin, it is Axiu.

She raised her head, looked at the empty sky, couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and murmured: "Little Sixth Uncle is right, the descendant of Shenyan Mountain is really scary."


"Saint Land of Talisman?"

"That's right. It's a world created by four powerful beings with the power to reach the heavens. It was opened up in the frontline battlefield of the Three Realms. Few monks in the Xuanhuan Realm can enter it."


"Because Xuanhuan Realm is too far away from there, it would take thousands of years even if the Celestial Immortal casts the cosmic light teleportation technique, and if there is no one to guide the way, it will not be able to reach it at all."

"Uh, why is that?"

"Stupid, there are countless space barriers and shattered time-space turbulence between the universe and the starry sky, and the angels who fall into it are like ants, and will be swallowed in an instant."

"I really don't know about this..."

"When you advance to Tianxian, you will understand."

"By the way, senior sister, I still don't know how to call it..."

"Just call me Liyang."

A clear starlight flickered between the universe, and disappeared in the depths of the incomparably dark starry sky in an instant.

Chen Xi's body was surrounded by wisps of starlight, and when he looked around, he could only see pieces of distorted and weird mottled light. These were the visions produced by the activation of the power of space, which represented that the speed had reached a terrifying speed. the point.

This method of teleportation is called the great teleportation of Zhouguang, and it is a more terrifying escape method than the large teleportation of space. Only the terrifying existence above the celestial beings can master it.

Because this method of moving involves the power of the law, and the law can only be controlled by the gods.

Regarding all of these, Chen Xi had never heard of or seen anything before. If he hadn't been in it right now, he would have never imagined that after becoming an immortal, he would be able to travel and fly in this cosmic starry sky...

At this time, he was like a fledgling fledgling. What he heard and saw was so novel and shocking. The knowledge and experience he had acquired before were simply not enough at this time.

Fortunately, the senior sister who claimed to be "Li Yang" followed him and helped him a lot along the way.

According to Senior Sister Li Yang, the Talisman Sacred Land is actually a world opened up on the frontline battlefield of the Three Realms, but it is not well known because it is too far away from the Xuanhuan Realm.

"Senior Sister Li Yang, is that Dao Talisman Holy Land really so miraculous that it can solve my problem of advancing to the fairyland?" Chen Xi pondered for a moment, and couldn't help asking.

He was really curious. Generally speaking, when a monk enters the realm of the earth fairy, he must go through a catastrophe of blue gangster and thunder. The body of a fairy, leaving the ranks of monks, will get a qualitative leap in life level.

True Yuan will degenerate into Xian Yuan.

Divine consciousness will degenerate into immortal consciousness.

However, it is not so easy to survive the Qing Gang Thunder Tribulation, which is the first level of the Earth Immortal, especially for him, because his fate is concealed by the secrets of heaven, when he crosses the tribulation, he will be regarded as the "great way". Different numbers", at that time, the thunder calamity was not as simple as Qinggang Xianlei, but the ruling god thunder!

This is a terrifying thunder tribulation with the most power to judge and kill. It is difficult for a Daluo Jinxian to resist, let alone a cultivator in the Underworld like Chen Xi. Once encountered, there must be death and no life.

And listening to what Senior Sister Li Yang said, there is actually a way to solve the problem that Heavenly Dao regards as an "odd number" in that talisman holy land. How could Chen Xi not be surprised?

You know, if there is such a method, it is no different from stealing the sky for life, stealing the vitality of the heaven, it is absolutely against the sky!

"Don't worry, there are too many methods in the world that can avoid detection by the Dao of Heaven, and I chose this one for you, which will be of great help to your future practice." Li Yang chuckled, she was dressed in a brocade robe, her lips were red and her teeth were white, Although she disguises herself as a man, she has a thrilling beauty.

Chen Xi nodded, and didn't ask any more questions.

"By the way, junior brother, how did you abduct that little girl from the Xuanyuan family? That little girl's background is not simple."

Li Yang turned her head suddenly, and stared at Chen Xi with a smile in her clear eyes, the smile was full of teasing.

"Xuanyuan?" Chen Xi was stunned, after careful thought, he said in astonishment, "Senior Sister, are you talking about Axiu?"

Now those who stay by his side are all friends who know everything, the only exception is Axiu, a mysterious and powerful girl.

Li Yang nodded: "That's right, it's this little girl. If my guess is correct, she should have sneaked out of the house, otherwise...hehe."

Chen Xi asked curiously, "Senior sister, what is the origin of Axiu?"

Li Yang blinked, smiled and said: "It's too boring to talk about it, what do you think?"

Chen Xi was speechless, and he said after a long time, "I feel very boring right now."

Li Yang smiled and patted Chen Xi on the shoulder: "It's okay, I'll introduce you to a beautiful woman later, with her guiding you in the Dao Talisman Holy Land, I can leave with peace of mind."

"Senior Sister, aren't you going?" Chen Xi was surprised.

"The sky is going to be chaotic..."

Li Yang didn't know what he thought of, his smile faded, and he sighed quietly: "Master has been away for a long time and has not returned yet. Some old things in the three realms are busy with layout and playing chess. As a disciple, I have to help with some things." ,Is not it?"

Before Chen Xi could speak, she smiled and said, "Don't worry, this turmoil in the Three Realms is already preordained. Even if the sky falls, there will be people blocking it. You only need to cultivate with peace of mind."


After an unknown amount of time, Chen Xi felt his whole body tremble, and his vision suddenly changed drastically.

What catches the eye is a vast starry sky, in which hundreds of millions of stars circulate, or they are galaxies, or constellations, or endless meteor showers...the magnificence is to the extreme.

And at the end of the countless stars, an extremely bright light curtain unexpectedly emerged, like a huge egg, surrounded by countless stars, shining brightly, illuminating the entire universe.

"That is the Holy Land of Talisman Dao, also known as Fujie. It was jointly created by four powerful men, Donghuang Taizhen, Xuandi Yuanxun, Fenghou Yin Ge, and Demon Ancestor Luo Shang in ancient times."

Li Yang pointed to the vast eggshell-like world in the distance, and said slowly.

Chen Xi was shocked. Only when he saw it with his own eyes, could he fully feel what a heaven-like method was used to create a big world, and it almost existed like a creator!


With a move of Li Yang's slender right hand, he played a mysterious formula, which turned into a flowing rainbow, went straight into the void, and disappeared.

"Okay, someone will come to pick you up later."

Li Yang turned his head, stared at Chen Xi, and said, "Little Junior Brother, no matter what it is for, since you have embarked on the path of cultivation, you must never forget your original heart."

Chen Xi's expression became serious, and he nodded solemnly.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered the majestic and majestic voice he heard when he first entered the first trial site of Tianfeng in Yuzhui Cave Mansion: "The great way is mysterious, the supernatural powers are natural, and the insignificant secrets are born by derivation." Is it a chance? Difficult to call? You should know the way of heaven in your upper body, abide by your heart, practice hard, and don't fall into the heart of Tao..."

The upper body is the way of heaven, and abide by the heart!

Chen Xi took a deep breath, cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Senior Sister, for your guidance."

Li Yang smiled, and unexpectedly pinched Chen Xi's cheek with his hand: "I'm so serious all day, I don't know how those little girls fell in love with you."

Chen Xi was embarrassed and couldn't help but be embarrassed.

"A Li, is this your cousin?"

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded from a distance, and then, a shuttle-shaped magic weapon flew towards it with a long tail light.

The magic weapon flashed, and a woman's figure appeared.

She has a slender and straight body, with a head of eye-catching long golden hair tied in a bun on the back of her head, revealing a beautiful face with sharp edges and corners. Her forehead is smooth and white, her nose is straight, her red lips are plump and sexy, and she is extremely glamorous!

This is indeed a full-fledged beauty, with countless appearances and natural beauty, but her expression is extremely cold, she strides forward, her actions are straightforward, and she has that kind of vigorous and resolute temperament.

But what surprised Chen Xi was that the clothes worn by this glamorous and icy woman were completely different from the ones he had seen before. The tops were slim and graceful, and the curves of the pair were drawn out seductively, and there was even a hint of dazzling light on the chest. snow white.

The lower body was wearing a short skirt, revealing a pair of round and white ivory-like slender thighs, extremely hot, even the boots on her feet were shiny and sharp, like an awl.

In short, the beautiful and icy woman in front of me, no matter her face, figure, or even the clothes on her body, are extremely hot and alluring, full of indescribable temptations, it is like the fusion of ice and fire, giving people a strong feeling. of visual impact.

"How about it, is she a big beauty?" Li Yang raised her chin, smiled at the corner of her lips, and whistled frivolously.

Chen Xi rubbed his nose, not knowing how to respond.

"There is nothing else, then I will leave." The beautiful and cold woman spoke, her voice was clear, like pearls falling on a jade plate, ding ding dong dong, very crisp.

"Wait a minute." Li Yang said with a smile, "This is my cousin, Chen Xi."

The glamorous and cold woman nodded, expressing her understanding.

"Chen Xi, this is Liang Bing, a great beauty from the original world. She is cold on the outside and hot on the inside. If you can abduct her, I will buy you whatever you want."

Li Yang said with a smile, his voice was not concealed at all, so that the two people on the side could hear clearly.

Chen Xi was speechless. He knew that he was introducing each other's identities, but he didn't know that he thought it was a matchmaker pulling a red line...

What was particularly strange to him was that up to this moment, Li Yang seemed to be covering up his identity, calling himself "cousin" instead of "little junior brother". What is the reason for this?

"Hello, Liang Bing." The glamorous and cold woman also remained expressionless as she stretched out her right hand.

This is to shake hands with yourself?

Chen Xi was taken aback, he didn't understand what kind of meeting etiquette this was...

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