divine talisman

Chapter 833 Cutting Weeds and Exterminating Roots [Part 2]

The thunderstorm vortex is raging, and the dazzling lightning arcs are frantically flowing in it, as if the gate to hell has been opened, wanting to choose someone to devour.

Hua Snake was so frightened that his scalp was about to explode. At the critical moment of life and death, he let out a yell, and burst out clouds of fairy blood blood mist all over his body, which directly shattered the whirlpool of thunderstorms in front of him, and escaped dangerously. sky.

"Don't you want a fairy artifact? Why did you run away in a panic?" Chen Xi's voice resounded through the sky.

For an Earth Immortal Patriarch, running away is already very embarrassing, especially when he is defeated by a young man in the Underworld Realm, he feels even more ashamed, and now that he is being ridiculed by Chen Xi, he can't wait to find a hole in the ground. go in.

But life is the most important thing. At this time, he was too busy escaping for his life to care about it.

"Little bastard, in the future, I must treat you well, and if I don't abuse you so much that I can't survive, I will take your surname!" Hua Snake roared, revealing a strong sense of unwillingness and resentment.


A vortex of thunderstorms from the sky charged, piercing through the entire sky, dazzling and dazzling, in the eyes of everyone in Yan Chicheng, it was like a thunderstorm from heaven passing across the sky, its vastness was astonishing.

However, in Hua She's eyes, it looked like a thunder of judgment, about to kill him, his eyes were about to split open, he opened his mouth and spewed out a mouthful of old blood, burning the essence of his body, and accelerated his escape.

When he came, he was arrogant, with a high-ranking attitude, teasing Chen Xi and Wen Tianxiao like a cat playing with a mouse, but now he ran away in panic like a bereaved dog. It made people feel that life is really unpredictable.

Hua Snake was bleeding all over her body, and after trying to dodge several times, she finally dodged the thunder light with great difficulty, but the young man behind her was too ferocious. The ocean covered the entire sky.

The thunder is huge, violent, with a terrifying aura that devours everything, sweeping towards him one after another, no matter how he moves and changes his direction, it is still difficult to avoid them all.


After all, Hua Snake failed to escape this catastrophe, and was directly enveloped by a thunderstorm vortex. With a roar, it was smashed into a puddle of blood foam, and died completely.

Before he died, he didn't even have time to let out a scream, which shows how fierce the battle was.

The blood rained all over the sky.

"If you hadn't been in a hurry, you definitely wouldn't have died so easily..." Chen Xi shook his head, reached out and grabbed the storage ring left by the flower snake after it fell, and disappeared into the sky in a flash.



A burst of crisp and loud slaps resounded, Wen Tianxiao squatted on the ground, bowed with both hands, and slapped the opponent on the ground hard on the cheek, exhilarated.

In the end, he continued to curse viciously: "Fucking things, let you be arrogant, let you read my young master's jokes, make you cheap..."

Near him, one after another corpses fell in a pool of blood, and died tragically on the spot.

As promised to Chen Xi just now, Wen Tianxiao has already wiped out the subordinates of these Hua Snakes, and with his strength enough to kill the strong ones of the first level of the Earth Immortal, killing these native chickens and dogs is simply easy and effortless.

But he still didn't let go of his anger, so he kept one and didn't kill it, just to vent the anger in his heart.


A figure appeared in the field, and Wen Tianxiao was startled. He fixed his eyes and saw that it was Chen Xi. He couldn't help saying happily, "You're finally back. Go, run away!"

As he spoke, he stomped to death the opponent who had already been knocked out by him on the ground, and rushed up to run away.

"Why did you run away?" Chen Xi was stunned.

"Although Hua Snake is dead, the other party still has many good players. Once they get entangled, it will be a big trouble." Wen Tianxiao said quickly.

What he said is not bad, Hua Snake is only one of the four guardians of Yan Chicheng Black Soul Gang, after killing him, it will inevitably attract other masters of Black Soul Gang to chase and kill him.

This is a very obvious truth, even Wen Tianxiao knew without thinking that the other party's troops might have already heard the news and moved towards this side.

"There's no need to run away. Let's go to the headquarters of the Black Soul Gang and wipe them all out, so there won't be any threats anymore?" Chen Xi said calmly.

"Kill the Black Soul Gang? Annihilate them all?"

Wen Tianxiao's expression was dull, and he could no longer move the steps he was about to take. He felt that he was already daring enough, but he didn't expect Chen Xi to be more aggressive than himself, and he wanted to go directly to his lair!

"What, are you afraid?" Chen Xi asked.

Wen Tianxiao woke up suddenly, and annoyed: "I'm afraid of shit, I just feel...feel..." At the end, he couldn't help hesitating again. After all, this matter is really too crazy. That's life in danger!

"Don't tell me, you have lost the power of eight thousand stars, and you don't even know where the opponent's lair is." Chen Xi interrupted with a wave of his hand.

Hearing Chen Xi mention this embarrassing incident, Wen Tianxiao couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I'll walk with you once, and kill his mother!"


The confrontation between Chen Xi and Hua Snake had already attracted the attention of all the cultivators in Yan Chicheng. When he and Wen Tianxiao left the small courtyard, they saw cultivators with suspicious expressions on the streets in all directions, looking towards him. come.

Chen Xi ignored it, picked up Wen Tianxiao with his hand, and displayed the wings of the starry sky, like a fleeting rainbow, it disappeared before the nearby cultivators could clearly see the appearance of the two of them.

However, he knew very well that doing so was only a temporary deception, and after a long time, the identities of himself and Wen Tianxiao would definitely be investigated by the Black Soul Gang.

Therefore, the only way to exchange for a longer-term living space is to get rid of all of them before the Black Soul Gang has figured out everything.

"How did you bet with them?" Chen Xi couldn't help asking on the way.

"Yao Luwei was introduced by a friend. When I have nothing to do, I went to play. I thought that I would lose so quickly. I even wondered if they were a partner to cheat me." When this matter was mentioned, Wentian laughed A burst of depression, sighed.

"Yao Luwei?" Chen Xi frowned, "Where is she?"

"Who knows, this woman is too scheming, I don't like spending time with her all day." Wen Tianxiao replied angrily.

Too scheming?

Chen Xi thought about it, and immediately nodded, "It's fine if she's not around, at least she won't be implicated by us."

"Implicated?" Wen Tianxiao was stunned, keenly picking up an unusual taste from this word.

"That's right, the Black Soul Gang is not scary, what is scary is the Luo family behind it." Chen Xi said.

Before, it was precisely because he cared about the Luo family that he had been patient with Hua Snake, but now that he had killed the other party, it was inevitable that he had regarded the Luo family as a potentially huge threat.

"The Luo family!" Wen Tianxiao was taken aback, and shouted, "Could it be the Luo family, one of the four major families in the Fujie?"

Chen Xi nodded, and immediately understood that he didn't need to waste his time explaining, because from this guy's reaction, it could be seen that he should also know something about the Luo family.

"Since the power behind the Black Soul Gang is the Luo family, you... still want to do this?" Wen Tianxiao took a deep breath, forced himself to suppress his shock and asked.

"It's not me, it's us." Chen Xi corrected.

"Yes, let's!" Wen Tianxiao nodded fiercely, his expression became extremely serious and serious.

Strictly speaking, if it wasn't for saving himself, Chen Xi wouldn't have been dragged into the water. If he shrinks back at this time, he would be too inhuman!

In the northeast area of ​​Yanchi City, the streets and alleys here are densely covered like spiders, and the terrain is extremely complicated. Most of the people living in it are the aborigines of Fujie and some weak cultivators.

In Fujie, the most important thing to analyze whether a cultivator is capable or not is not strength, but the power of merit.

On the contrary, if you can't earn the power of merit, even survival is a problem, and you can only live in a densely populated area where the conditions are not too good.

Wen Tianxiao led Chen Xi through the long, narrow and dark streets and alleys, and finally arrived at a relatively empty area. If he didn't use his divine sense, Chen Xi even suspected that he would faint here .

"It's just ahead, don't look at the dilapidated place here, the lair of the Black Soul Gang is magnificent and magnificent, built underground, like an underground city."

Wen Tianxiao pointed to the rubble-like place piled up with rubble in the distance, gritted his teeth and said, "Yao Luwei brought me here that day, otherwise who the hell would have known that there is something wrong with this dilapidated place."


Chen Xi glanced at him, said concisely, and swept past him.

But soon, he stopped suddenly, his eyes narrowed, and a look of surprise flashed across his face, why is he here?

On the ruins in the distance, stood a tall and tall figure with an ordinary face, a green dress and white shoes, and a calm and calm demeanor in his gestures. It was Teng Lan.

He seemed to have been waiting here for a long time, and when he saw Chen Xi appearing, he smiled and said, "From the moment you had a dispute with the Black Soul Gang, I knew that you would definitely come here."

Surprised, Chen Xi moved his nose, and suddenly smelled a strong smell of blood, spilling out from the rubble like a pile of rubble. With a sweep of his consciousness, he immediately saw a shocking scene.

I saw that under the ruins, there was an empty site with a total area of ​​[-] mu, with pavilions, pavilions, rockery and flowing water, everything that one expects to find, just like a magnificent manor.

However, at this moment, corpses were lying on every inch of the manor, blood flowed like rivers, and broken limbs were scattered, dyeing the ground in an infiltrating scarlet color, like a purgatory.

"This is..." Chen Xi was surprised.

"Cut the grass and don't get rid of the roots, and there will be endless troubles." Teng Lan was still calm, and smiled warmly, "Since the war has started, it is natural to erase all hidden dangers."

Seeing Teng Lan's smile for no reason, Chen Xi felt a chill in his heart. He found that he seemed to have completely ignored Teng Lan's existence from the beginning to the end, and he was not even clear about the other party's strength and position.

And the more this happened, the more mysterious and terrifying Teng Lan became. This person is definitely not as simple as an envoy from Jiupintang!


ps: Today is the birthday of my brother "Jianjie Storm". Storm has been serving as an administrator in the group, and has devoted himself to giving too much to the emperor. Here, please allow me to send my most sincere blessings,, wishes, birthday hapiness!

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