divine talisman

Chapter 846 Even Being Provoked [Part 1]

Chen Xi and Feng Luyang looked sideways together, and saw a few young people coming from the teleportation array on the platform.

The one in the front is a young man in silver robes, with gorgeous and exaggerated clothes, walking swaying, fooling around, just now he was born to ridicule.

This group of young people consisted of men and women, surrounded by two youths like stars holding the moon. The one on the left had a handsome face, red lips and white teeth, and a strong evil spirit filled his brows, making him look stern and domineering.

The one on the right is wearing a colorful robe, tall and thin, with a faint smile on his lips, and elegant demeanor, like a peacock with its tail open.

These two people are exactly Luo Zixuan and Nan Xiuchong.

The young people beside the two of them were all young masters and ladies from the fairy world.

Feng Luyang frowned suddenly, a little surprised, and the murderous intent that was about to boil in his heart disappeared without a trace, and he seemed to have no intention of paying attention to Chen Xi anymore.

"You seem to be very scared?" Chen Xi said via voice transmission, thoughtfully.

He also noticed this group of people, and found that almost all of these young people were like Feng Luyang, overflowing with extremely strong immortal power, but their aura was not as powerful as that of an immortal. People are also descendants of immortals from the fairy world.


Feng Luyang snorted, his eyes were dark and flickering, "It's you who should be afraid, do you know who they are? The one in the middle is Luo Zixuan, and the people next to him are all well-known dandies in the fairy world. It's enough to kill you like crushing an ant!"

Chen Xi let out an oh, and suddenly understood in his heart.

At this time, those young men and women had already come here and stopped seemingly at random, but the positions they occupied faintly blocked all the way of the two of them, even Wenjiu and Wenpeng did not let go.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xi frowned slightly, and became more and more sure that the visitor was not good.

The silver-robed young man at the front leaned over and looked left and right at Feng Luyang, his eyes were full of joking smiles, and then he exaggerated and laughed and said: "Look, it really is Mr. Feng from Miaoxia Mountain! Hahaha, I can't think of it." Seeing Mr. Feng here is really surprising."

The sarcasm in the voice was undisguised, appearing extremely arrogant and domineering.

"Hey, Mr. Feng, what's the matter, came to pay attention to Liang Bing from Fujie?" Another young man also grinned and said, "A word of advice, hurry up and disappear in Fujie, otherwise it is impossible to guarantee that it will not appear." What an accident."

The faces of Wenjiu and Wenpeng suddenly darkened.

And Feng Luyang has already turned against the case, and shouted coldly: "Chu Xiao, Cao He, what are you two, dare to yell at me, believe it or not, back to the fairy world, this son demolished your kennel?"

Chu Xiao and Cao He were startled, among them Chu Xiao said with a look of disbelief: "My dear! Is Mr. Feng going crazy again? It's so scary, you are so good in Fujie, does your father know?"

Feng Luyang glanced at the two of them coldly, then calmed down suddenly, glanced at them contemptuously, then looked at Nan Xiuchong, and said coldly: "Nan Xiuchong, is this how you raise dogs?"

"You called us dogs?" Chu Xiao and Cao He were furious.

"This is not nonsense, are you deaf?" Feng Luyang said lightly.

"It seems that Mr. Feng hasn't recognized his situation yet!" Chu Xiao and Cao He smiled and were about to make a move, but they were stopped by Nan Xiuchong next to them.

"Feng Luyang, if you're interested, it's best to shut up obediently now. We're here, and we don't have the intention to argue with you." Nan Xiuchong said slowly.

"You are also worthy to order me?" Feng Luyang frowned and said disdainfully.

Nan Xiuchong smiled lightly, glanced behind him, and said no more.

Feng Luyang was stunned, followed his gaze, his pupils shrank suddenly, and the look of fear disappeared in a flash.

There, stood a young girl, she was dressed in azure blue palace attire, she was dressed like a noble lady, her face was very beautiful, but the corners of her eyebrows and eyes were full of indifference that would reject others thousands of miles away.

Hear people night!

Why is she here too?

Before that, Feng Luyang's thoughts were all on how to deal with Nan Xiuchong, who ever thought that the girl behind the crowd would be Wenrenye?

In an instant, his heart became a mess. In the presence, Chu Xiao, Cao He, and even Luo Zixuan all made him look down on him. Only the existence of Nan Xiuchong made him feel important.

But compared to Nan Xiuchong, the appearance of Wen Renye was enough to make him feel deeply afraid.

The power behind this girl is too great, no matter how confident and domineering Feng Luyang is, he has to admit that Wen Renye's identity and background are more than a notch higher than his.

Feng Luyang's face was cloudy and uncertain, and he finally pursed his lips and sat back in front of the desk with an extremely gloomy expression, like a defeated rooster sulking.

This kind of duel is not a real fight, but an invisible competition between each other based on their own strength and background.

Before, even if Zhao Xiao and Cao He clamored again, Feng Luyang thought he was capable of fighting against Nan Xiuchong, but Wen Renye's appearance completely defeated him.

Chen Xi had been watching with cold eyes the whole time, watching a wonderful confrontation between the young masters of the fairy world, each one was more arrogant and domineering than the other, with arrogance to the sky.

In his heart, he was extremely disapproving of this practice of using identity and background to compare superiors and inferiors, and even felt a little ridiculous, but through observing a series of changes in Feng Luyang's expression, he had a general understanding of the situation in front of him.

Chu Xiao and Cao He had the lowest status, and Nan Xiuchong was enough to challenge Feng Luyang. As for the girl in the blue palace dress, her status and background were obviously higher than all of them.

As for Luo Zixuan, he was the host, because these young masters and ladies from the fairy world were obviously invited by him to appear here.

Seeing Feng Luyang's confession, the group of young men and women suddenly became active, laughing disdainfully.

And that Chu Xiao had already come to Chen Xi's side, slapped on the desk, crushed the wine glass in front of him into a pile of powder, then stared at Chen Xi with a sneer and said, "You are Chen Xi? A small ant in the human world That's all, this young master is wondering, is Liang Bing blind to keep a little thing like you by my side?"

Chen Xi's expression at this time was still calm and composed, showing no signs of happiness or anger. He sized Chu Xiao up and made sure that the other party only had a cultivation level at the second level of the Earth Immortal Realm. Looking at the Xuantian Domain, such a cultivation base was enough to disdain most of them. It's human, but thinking that the other party is from the fairy world, it is easy to understand with such a cultivation base.

In fact, this group of young people from the fairy world can be regarded as amazing. At least at a young age, they can possess such a strong power of the fairy gang and advance to the realm of the earth fairy. The impossible.

Seeing Chen Xi sitting still and even looking away, Chu Xiao's expression changed slightly, and she immediately shouted unceremoniously: "Little thing, are you looking for death? How dare you ignore this young master, just for this point, it is enough to kill you ten times!" Seven or eight times! Do you still think that Liang Bing will stand up for you? Stop dreaming!"

Chen Xi frowned, and a smile suddenly appeared on his lips. He ignored Chu Xiao directly, but set his eyes on Feng Luyang who was opposite him, and said, "Mr. Feng, yesterday you patted your chest to guarantee that with you, no one would If you can move Miss Liang, if you let Miss Liang know about your performance, I'm afraid you will be very disappointed."

Feng Luyang froze for a moment, his expression extremely suffocated.

Of course he knew that it would never be that simple for Luo Zixuan to bring this group of people here, and he thought it was targeting him, but now he finally understands that their goal is actually the same as his own, it is the damned one on the other side Little ants.

Now it's all right, he just needs to sit still, and he can watch a good show of killing someone with a borrowed knife, but he never expected that Chen Xi would seem to be trying to cause trouble...

Indeed, he once said that, but at this time and that time, who would have thought that the situation would develop to this point?

Seeing that Feng Luyang's face was cloudy or cloudy, Chen Xi still smiled and said, "Could it be that you don't really like Miss Liang? Are you going to confess your love when you see something bad?"

The corners of Feng Luyang's lips twitched violently twice, the veins on his forehead twitched, he was so angry that he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

He stood up suddenly, gritted his teeth, looking like he was about to go crazy.

Suddenly there was a crisp cold snort from the opposite side, Wen Renye's eyes flickered coldly, and he glanced at Feng Luyang lightly, just one glance made him feel as if a basin of cold water had been poured on him, his anger disappeared, and his mind instantly cleared up down.

Chen Xi glanced at Wen Renye, his expression remained motionless, but he sighed in his heart, Feng Luyang wanted to borrow a knife to kill people, so why didn't he also want to try whether Feng Luyang's knife was sharp, but unfortunately, it was destroyed by this girl .

"Boy, you probably guessed why I'm here. Stop talking nonsense and come with us. As long as one thing is done, I'll save your life!"

Suddenly, that Chu Xiao sneered and opened her mouth. When speaking, she even reached out and grabbed Chen Xi's lapel, trying to drag him away. After all, everyone was standing, but this little ant who had only just been in the Netherworld had been sitting still. Not moving, which made him extremely unhappy.

At this moment, Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and suddenly moved. Everyone felt that he had already grabbed Chu Xiao's neck, like a dead dog, and pressed him against the desk.

With a loud bang, the copybook made of thousand-year-old black iron wood was smashed to pieces, and sawdust flew, while Chu Xiao's handsome face was bloody and bloody, screaming incessantly.

"court death!"

That Cao He was the closest to Chu Xiao. Seeing this, he couldn't help shouting violently. A circle of golden fairy power surged all over his body, and he rushed towards Chen Xi. Xi's shoulders!

But just as he jumped halfway, his whole body froze, and he froze in place immediately, maintaining the ugly movement of an old dog digging food, motionless.

This scene was too weird, it stopped at a very fast speed, and it happened in an instant, giving people an extremely abrupt visual impact.

But immediately, everyone discovered the mystery.

A simple, dark and dull sword was held in Chen Xi's hand, the tip of the sword spit out sharp edges, and it was only an inch away from Cao He's throat!


ps: Thank you for your blessings. I saw that several brothers also have birthdays today. Here, Jinyu also said, happy birthday!

The second is more likely a little late.

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