divine talisman

Chapter 863 I'm late [Part 1]

When Chen Xi first arrived at the eighth floor of the Dayan Pagoda, everyone including those Xuanxian-level powerhouses did not notice his arrival, because he was standing in that void.

That piece of emptiness is pitch black and deep, and it is a terrifying restriction in the Dayan Pagoda, which spans between the eighth and ninth floors. If you don't rely on sacred objects such as the measuring ruler, it will be extremely difficult for even a Xuanxian-level powerhouse to overcome.

Chen Xi didn't want to expose his traces impulsively, so he hid in that emptiness before, and calmly observed everything that happened on the eighth floor of Dayan Pagoda.

He saw Luo Zixuan laughing triumphantly, about to capture Liang Bing, and also saw Teng Lan being seriously injured in order to rescue Liang Bing. During this process, he was also communicating with Xiao Ding.

Because Chen Xi knew that with his own strength, let alone fighting against a Xuanxian-level powerhouse, the coercion released by the opponent alone was enough to kill him.

In such an urgent situation, only with the help of Xiao Ding, may he be able to win a glimmer of life.

However, Xiao Ding's answer made him feel heavy.

The reason is very simple. Xiao Ding said frankly that it has just recovered, and its strength is not even as good as before. Even if it can refine and swallow those peerless treasures in an instant, it will be difficult to be the opponent of Xuanxian-level powerhouse for the time being.

And the only thing it can do is to help Chen Xi leave the Dayan Pagoda safely by himself. As for rescuing someone from the Profound Immortal level powerhouse, it can't do it at all.

Xiao Ding was very firm in his refusal, but Chen Xi couldn't feel dissatisfied, because he knew that Xiao Ding had always been an existence so calm that he had almost no emotions.

Except for himself, Xiao Ding didn't care about other people's lives at all.

As a result, Chen Xi could only give up his plan to fight against Luo Zhanbei and others with the help of Xiao Ding, but he did not give up his plan to rescue Liang Bing and Teng Lan.

Xiao Ding is Xiao Ding, it is for his own good, and he is himself, so how could he see Liang Bing and the two dying?

Even though he knew that rushing out would mean death, but when he saw that Luo Zhanbei and others were about to capture Liang Bing and Teng Lan, he rushed out resolutely.

Without him, only peace of mind!

This is Chen Xi, who can be ruthless and ruthless when dealing with enemies, as cold as a god of death, but when dealing with friends, he is equally righteous and will go through fire and water.

Of course he knew that he might not be able to save Liang Bing and Teng Lan, but would die together with him. He also knew very well that it was the most calm and correct way to avenge Liang Bing and Liang Bing when they were stronger.

However, in that case, he would never feel at ease for the rest of his life.

His way is different from others, if he treats his friends like death, he is not Chen Xi.

It was too late to say it, but it was so fast, Luo Zhanbei yelled violently, like a nine-day thunderstorm, and in the next moment, he had already slapped Chen Xi's head hard.

This grab is an understatement, but it can be used in the hands of a Xuanxian-level powerhouse, but it is enough to tear the sky and the earth. Just that aura is enough to shatter the spirit of the Earth Immortal powerhouse!

However, Chen Xi had already prepared for it. After chopping off one of Luo Zixuan's right arms with his sword, he retreated quickly, dodging into the nothingness behind him.


Luo Zhanbei's sure-killing blow was like entering a bottomless abyss, completely offset by the restriction in that emptiness, and could kill Chen Xi by a hair's breadth, but in the end it still failed.

However, even though Chen Xi dodged this blow, the aftermath of that force made him tremble all over, as if he had been hit hard by a giant hammer, and the blood all over his body was churning endlessly, and he almost vomited blood .

This is the power of a Xuanxian-level powerhouse, who transcends the ordinary to become a sage, and controls the laws. He is more terrifying than a fairy, and it is definitely beyond the power of the human world to compete!

"Huh? It counts that you have a big life! You actually mastered the magic of the restriction in the Dayan Pagoda. It seems that the exercise on the tenth floor has indeed fallen into your hands."

After missing a hit, Luo Zhanbei was slightly taken aback. Looking at Chen Xi standing in that emptiness, he immediately understood everything. In addition to the strong murderous intent in his eyes, there was also a blazing greed.

The next moment, he shouted: "Little thing, quickly hand over that exercise, I can leave you a whole body, otherwise if I do it myself, it will not be as simple as death! "

If it wasn't because of the restriction in that void, he would have killed it directly, so he didn't bother to talk nonsense with a small ant.

Of course, if he tried his best, he would not be afraid of the restriction, but in his opinion, the opponent's humble strength was not worthy of him spending so much effort to suppress and kill him.

That would flatter the other party, wouldn't it?

"Let them go, and I can hand over the exercises to you, otherwise, no one will get them!" Chen Xi said coldly with an indifferent expression, completely unafraid of the other party's threat.

"Absolutely not!" Liang Bing shouted in the distance.

But soon, she could no longer speak. Teng Lan was seriously injured and dying, and she was almost on the verge of exhaustion. Facing the pincer attack of the black robe man, Gu Jiuzhen and Yin Biyun, she was already in danger.

"You're still stubborn when you're about to die, what a slut! When I capture you, I will ruthlessly humiliate you to death!" Luo Zixuan said disdainfully, with a cold and cruel arc on his lips.

"You bastard! This seat has already given you a chance, and you still want to bargain with this seat. You really don't know what to do!" Luo Zhanbei scolded, frowning.

"Answer or not, just a word." Chen Xi was unafraid, his voice was cold and calm.

"How courageous! I have killed countless young people like you, are you sure you want to be the next one?" Luo Zhanbei pointed at Chen Xi, his beard furious, and the murderous intent in his eyes turned into lightning crackling and flickering Go on and on, a little ant dared to be so tough, which made him really angry.

Chen Xi didn't say anything, but just glanced coldly at Luo Zhanbei.

"Third uncle, what are you talking nonsense with that bastard, I will give you the Zhan Dao sword, split that restriction, and kill him completely!" Luo Zixuan shouted violently, and with a flick in his hand, a stream of light flew into Luo Zhanbei's hand.

This is a bronze sword with a simple shape, simple, ordinary, and even a bit rough in outline, but when it appears in Luo Zhanbei's hands, it releases a terrifying and almost monstrous fierceness, as if it can hold All the avenues are cut off, and all the secrets of heaven are disrupted!

Dao Zhan Sword!

The Chaos Holy Artifact, which is as famous as the Quantian Ruler, the Sheji Seal, and the Zhenjie Pagoda, is controlled by the demon ancestor Luo Shang, and the laws of heaven that run in the talisman world come from the work of the Dao Sword!

The Dao Slashing Sword in Luo Zixuan's hand is of course an imitation, but it is by no means comparable to ordinary fairy artifacts, especially since there is a breath of a real Dao Severing Sword imprinted in it, which has a certain degree of restraint power in the Dayan Pagoda. The power of resistance is extremely mysterious.

Seeing this, Chen Xi's quiet gaze finally shrank slightly, and his expression also became dignified.

On the other hand, Luo Zhanbei smiled coldly, and said: "Good! Very good! It is a kind of good luck for a small ant to be able to struggle to this moment and be buried under Dao Zhanjian!"

When he was speaking, he had already stepped up, and the surrounding celestial gangs roared, and the laws intertwined, as if a god was angry, and the Dao Zhan sword in his hand turned into a rainbow light piercing the sky, and he slashed down!


An imitation of a chaotic holy artifact, used in the hands of a Xuanxian-level powerhouse, how terrifying would that power be?

Before, Chen Xi was unable to give a definite answer, but now, he finally realized that the power of this sword hadn't reached his body yet, it made his entire body stiffen, and his Qi machine stopped functioning, like falling into the endless seabed For ordinary people, even struggling to breathe has become a luxury.

too scary!

The unspeakable horror, as if under this sword, the way of heaven, luck, and everything will be easily wiped out, making people desperate and helpless.


The restriction in nothingness was easily torn open, and the sword energy fell, and Chen Xi found it difficult to even move the strength of a finger.

"Senior, you still don't make a move!?" On the verge of death, Chen Xi would not sit still and wait for his death. He wanted to use the power of the cauldron to dodge this terrifying blow for the time being.

However, Xiao Ding seemed to fall into silence again, without even the slightest reaction.

At this extremely critical moment, Chen Xi never expected such an accident to occur, and the emotions in his heart were so complicated that it was simply indescribable.

Is it really going to be this time...

When this thought flashed through Chen Xi's mind, he felt that his body was suddenly grabbed by someone, and with a gentle movement, he was out of danger the next moment.


The sword energy that Luo Zhanbei slashed with the Dao Zhanjian suddenly fell, and directly plowed a huge and incomparable crack in the nothingness, like splitting Yin and Yang, cutting through the universe, it was extremely terrifying.

Chen Xi was startled suddenly, knowing that if he slowed down a bit, the game would really be over for him.

"Senior, since you plan to make a move, don't make people so frightened..." Chen Xi smiled wryly, thinking of the scene just now, he was still terrified.

Only by facing the power of the Xuanxian-level powerhouse, can one appreciate the horror of it.

Xiao Ding didn't answer, still as if falling into silence.

This made Chen Xi startled, and at this moment, a pleasant voice sounded next to his ears, "Little Junior Brother, I'm sorry, I'm a bit late."

Hearing this extremely familiar voice, Chen Xi froze all over. He turned his head and glanced, and sure enough, he saw Senior Sister Li Yang, who was disguised as a man and had picturesque features, standing beside him. With a trace of remorse, he patted himself on the shoulder guiltily.

All of a sudden, Chen Xi's tense and heavy mood completely relaxed and calmed down, as if as long as Li Yang was around, even if the sky fell, he wouldn't be able to hurt himself.

But at this time, the atmosphere on the eighth floor of Dayan Pagoda suddenly became solidified.

The man in black, Gu Jiuzhen, and Yin Biyun resolutely gave up the attack, while Liang Bing and Teng Lan's eyes lit up, and hope was rekindled. As for Luo Zixuan and Luo Zhanbei, their faces became gloomy, uncertain.

Because when they saw Li Yang for the first time, they all recognized that this girl disguised as a man was A Li who climbed to the top of Dayan Pagoda 3000 years ago!

Why... why did she suddenly appear?

Luo Zixuan and the others' eyes flickered, full of surprise and doubt.

"Don't worry, no one can escape whoever offended you today." Li Yang stood on tiptoe and patted Chen Xi's shoulder, like a big sister comforting a little brother, with a gentle and amiable voice.

But when she turned around and faced Luo Zixuan and the others, her expression became cold and heartless!

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