divine talisman

Chapter 875 Signs of Chaos [Part 3]


The crisp and loud sound of the whip piercing through the air resounded in the hall, like a thunderclap, which made everyone's eardrums tingle, and their whole body was churning with energy and blood.

This is the power of Xuanxian-level powerhouses, and within a whip there is a profound and subtle power of the Dao Law. Those who are not strong enough will hear it, just like hearing the angry cry of the gods, and their souls will be affected.

However, in comparison, Mei Luoxiao's shrill roar is obviously more shocking. He is a majestic celestial being, so high that hundreds of millions of creatures in the world can only look up to him, but now, he is like a prisoner who has been whipped, his clothes are torn , the skin and flesh were ripped open, the hair was disheveled, and the bloody scars covered the whole body, looking extremely miserable.

He did struggle hard, almost tried his best, but in the end it was futile. Under Liang Bing's control, he couldn't escape the predicament of being whipped.

Liang Bing's expression was cold, full of aura, and she used a pitch-black long whip so superbly that it enveloped the surrounding fields and imprisoned the eight poles. No matter how miserable Mei Luoxiao screamed, she remained indifferent.

That ruthless appearance made everyone around feel cold, as if falling into an ice cave.

Under such circumstances, no one dared to stop him, even that Yu Zhongxia froze there, her expression was struggling, and she dared not step forward to rescue her, because the power disparity was too great, she knew very well that even if she went up Even before, he could not escape the end of being whipped.

In the end, Patriarch Fei Ling couldn't stand it any longer, and asked Wen Huating to ask him if he could persuade Chen Xi to let Mei Luoxiao go, anyway, the other party was a great figure in the fairy world, and he was inextricably linked with the Jiuhua Sword Sect. relation.

Moreover, Mei Luoxiao and the others were ordered to go down to the realm this time to help the Jiuhua Sword Sect defend against the great enemy. It involved the layout of the Jiuhua Sword Sect when the Three Realms were in turmoil. shocked.

Wen Huating didn't dare not to listen to Patriarch Fei Ling's instructions, so he could only send a voice transmission to Chen Xi, saying: "Chen Xi, you must have exhausted enough anger, let that one stop, if this continues, it will be bad for the sect .”

Chen Xi keenly discovered that the attitude of the headmaster towards him was different again, and there was a hint of equality in his voice. This surprised him, but he soon understood.

All of this must be because of Liang Bing.

"Alright, let's spare him for now." Chen Xi said.

"Oh, let's forget it?" Liang Bing asked back.

Having said that, she stopped quickly, and Mei Luoxiao finally escaped. His clothes were torn and he was almost naked, with scars covering his whole body with deep visible scars, and he looked extremely miserable.

Chen Xi shrugged his shoulders, and said helplessly, "The anger has already been exhausted, if you continue to fight, you will lose your life... Ah no, you will lose your immortal life."

"Are you worried that you won't be able to gain a foothold in the sect in the future?" Liang Bing asked thoughtfully.

What she said was indeed the truth. After this incident, Mei Luoxiao, Yu Zhongxia and other elders in the fairy world would definitely hate Chen Xi to the core. Once Liang Bing leaves, Chen Xi's situation may become worse. Very bad.

At that time, even if the head teacher Wen Huating, the elder Lie Peng and others have the heart to protect him, they will probably have more than enough heart but not enough energy. This is the real trouble.

Just like what An Wei was worried about before, now that he is happy, how should Chen Xi deal with the aftermath?

Before Chen Xi could speak, Liang Bing said, "Leave it to me."

As she said that, she flipped her palm and took out an extra token, and shot it at Yu Zhongxia with a snap of her fingers, without explaining a word from the beginning to the end.

But when Yu Zhongxia saw the token in her hand clearly, her complexion suddenly changed drastically, her eyes suddenly shrank when she looked at Liang Bing, a deep fear and even a trace of fear appeared uncontrollably!

It seemed that Liang Bing was like a scourge, and the token was an interpretation of how monstrous her authority and power were.

All of a sudden, everyone couldn't help looking at the token, wanting to see what kind of divine object it was, which would make even a celestial being so afraid.

It's a pity that before everyone could see it clearly, Liang Bingtan grabbed it and took it back, "Since you recognize it, then you should understand who can be offended and who can't be offended."

Yu Zhongxia looked dazed, and finally gave a bitter smile. She knew that this time she kicked the iron plate, and the chances of getting back in this life were extremely slim...

Only Chen Xi could vaguely see that the token was actually quite ordinary, the only thing that was unusual was the pattern of a ruler engraved on the surface, and a simple and powerful beam character.

Obviously, this token represented the influence of the Liang clan in the fairy world, and from this it also made Chen Xi completely understand that compared to the influence of the Jiuhua Sword Sect in the fairy world, the Liang clan is undoubtedly bigger.

Otherwise, Yu Zhongxia, as the envoy sent by the Jiuhua Sword Sect in the Immortal Realm, would never be so afraid of even a token.

And then, Yu Zhongxia was really ashamed to stay any longer, she turned her head and left with Mei Luoxiao, looking devastated, able to torture two angels into such a state, it shocked everyone in the hall.

And those dandies in the fairy world who were scattered all over the ground, one by one, pretended to be with a wave of the sleeves of Patriarch Fei Ling, and then chased after Yu Zhongxia.

There is no way, even if they lose face, Yu Zhongxia and the others are also messengers from the fairy world, and they must not be neglected due to emotion and reason.

In just a moment, the whole hall became deserted again.

The head teacher Wen Huating and the elder Lie Peng looked at Chen Xi differently. They were amazed and couldn't believe it. However, due to the presence of Liang Bing, the two had a tacit understanding and didn't ask any more questions.

Chen Xi didn't explain Liang Bing's identity much, because if nothing unexpected happened, she would leave after he taught Liang Bing "Boundless Merit", so there was no need to explain so much.

Lie Peng left soon and wanted to go to a hidden place outside the mountain gate to bring back everyone on Xihua Peak. Now that the big event has been decided, it would be a big mistake to let these people be wronged in the outside world.

And those core seed disciples outside the main hall saw that the head teacher and Chen Xi had something to say, and they all chose to leave. They were very excited, and they all knew that it would not be long before the news of Chen Xi's strong return would inevitably cause a sensation. The whole denomination up and down.

As for the experience of those distinguished guests who came from the fairy world, I'm afraid they will be blocked. After all, it is too embarrassing at this time. If it is spread, it will be very bad for the reputation of the entire Jiuhua Sword Sect.


"Uncle Master, I remember that everyone in the fairy world can't just come to the human world, right? Then why did Mei Qingyuan and others appear in our sect?"

In the empty hall, Chen Xi asked the doubts that had been stuffed in his heart for a long time.

Wen Huating seemed to have expected that Chen Xi would ask such a question, so he immediately explained it in a gentle voice.

It turned out that in the more than a year since Chen Xi left, the figures of foreign races from outside the territory frequently appeared in Xuan Huan domain, causing the forces and sects all over the world to prepare for battle nervously, and there were large-scale battles in Xuan Huan almost all the time. Staged in every corner of the world.

It can be said that the current Xuanhuan Territory is already in a situation where an undercurrent is surging and a storm is about to come. Everything seems to be a precursor to the imminent turmoil in the Three Realms.

Especially two months ago, the nine alien saint emperors Qiqi appeared in the south of the Xuanhuan Domain, in a deserted mountain [-] miles away from the Fire City, and led countless alien armies to attack the city, not only Occupying Lihuo City spread the flames of war to the nearby Nine Heaven Cave Huangong, a major sect.

For a whole month, the Nine Heavens Cave Huan Palace, which was not inferior to the Ten Great Immortal Sects in terms of power, was unexpectedly conquered by an army of foreign races from outside the territory, the mountain gate was destroyed, and the orthodoxy perished, completely causing a sensation in the world.

This also made the situation in the entire Xuanhuan Region more and more tense, and all the major sects took action after hearing the news, either wantonly expanding their territory, recruiting more disciples, or directly closing the mountain gate and hiding in the deep mountains.

And those small forces and small clans knew that they were powerless to fight against the alien army from outside the region, so they approached the ten great immortal sects and the six demon sects to seek protection.

In short, the entire Xuanhuan Realm presented a chaotic situation, fleeing and migrating forces could be seen everywhere, and extremely tragic battles could be seen everywhere, filled with blood and rain.

In this situation where the storm is about to come, the big shots in the fairy world can't sit still, because Xuanhuan is the big world closest to the fairy world, once it falls, it will pose an immeasurable threat to the fairy world.

Therefore, in recent days, the super powers such as the Ten Great Immortal Sects and the Six Meridians of the Demon Sect have ushered in fairy envoys from their respective forces.

People like Mei Luoxiao, Yu Zhongxia and others are envoys from the Nine Flowers Sword Sect in the Immortal Realm.

At this point, Chen Xi completely understood everything, and he couldn't help frowning. He never thought that in just one year, the situation in Xuan Huanyu would become so severe.

If he guessed correctly, the place one hundred thousand miles away from the fire city, occupied by the nine great saint emperors outside the territory, is exactly the place where he escaped from the land of nine seclusions!

Thinking of this, his heart sank. As early as when he was in the Nine Nethers, he knew that the reason why the foreign race broke through the boundary wall and captured the Nine Nethers was to use the Nine Nethers as a foothold. , to prepare for an all-out attack on the entire Xuanhuan Territory.

Because in the Nine Nether Lands, even the laws of heaven do not exist, it is an excellent hiding place for alien races from outside the territory. Now it seems that those alien races outside the territory have obviously achieved their goal.

"By the way, Uncle Master, is the Nine Heavens Cave Huan Palace really completely destroyed?" Chen Xi thought of Su Qingyan, that beautiful woman from the Great Tang Dynasty, who had a close relationship with him, and she was the one who worshiped. In the Jiutian Cave Huan Palace.

"The foundation has been destroyed. Although many people escaped by chance, it is still difficult to recreate the former glory of the Jiutiandong Huangong." Wen Huating sighed.

The power of Jiutiandong Huangong is not much different from that of Jiuhua Sword Sect. Such a giant was destroyed within a month, which made Wen Huating, who is the head teacher of Jiuhua Sword Sect, feel an unprecedented pressure.

"The sky sends out murderous intent, the battle turns and the stars move, the earth sends murderous intent, dragons and snakes rise from the land, people send murderous intent, and the world is turned upside down. These are just small troubles. The three murderous intents of heaven, earth and people only occupy one of them. Chaos, when even the way of heaven changes, that is the real sign of chaos."

Suddenly, Xiao Ding's voice came from Chen Xi's ear.

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