divine talisman

Chapter 880 Infinite Merits [Part 2]

When Chen Xi was crossing the catastrophe, in front of a magnificent palace in the depths of Shenhua Peak.

Mei Luoxiao, Yu Zhongxia, and those dandies in the fairy world also looked at the sky above the Xihua Peak where the thunderstorm was created, all with gloomy and complicated expressions.

"Before, I thought that Bai Rixing had something to do with this son, but it's a pity..." Mei Luoxiao frowned, and there was an indelible sense of loss in her voice.

Although two months had passed, his face was still pale and his spirit was listless. It was obvious that the damage Liang Bing had done to him had not healed.

"Although the God of Judgment has not been sent down to kill him, but the power of the catastrophe at this moment is very terrifying, even in the fairy world, it is extremely rare, that kid may not make it to the end!" Yu Zhongxia's eyes were dark, with hatred Hate said.

"What if he makes it through?" Mei Luoxiao asked back.

"Then...then..." Yu Zhongxia didn't know what to say, and now, even if she hated Chen Xi to the bone, she would never dare to make a move against him.

The reason is very simple. She still can't forget Liang Bing, this terrifying woman, and the monstrous power represented by the token she handed out.

"It seems that you also know that under the current situation, there seems to be nothing to do with that kid."

Mei Luoxiao glanced at her, and then said lightly, "However, I heard that this son and the Tianyan Dao Sect are like fire and water, and that Bing Shitian is his number one enemy. The son will surely die."

"But he is a disciple of our Jiuhua Sword Sect after all, wouldn't it be a bit..." Yu Zhongxia said in a daze.

"You're wrong, we don't need to do anything, just stand by and watch is enough." Mei Luoxiao interrupted directly with a wave of his hand, and said with emotion, "The envoy holding the talisman of the fairy world, this honor is not something everyone can have , this little thing dares to challenge Bing Shitian, even I admire his courage."

"Hmph, it's just a clone." Yu Zhongxia frowned.

"At that time, you will know how powerful Bing Shitian's avatar is."

Mei Luoxiao said with a serious expression: "Although I don't want to admit it, I have to say that this Bing Shitian is indeed a peerless talent. The attention of the power, a talent like him, is not comparable to ordinary characters."

Yu Zhongxia was startled, but shook her head and said: "It's useless to say so much, this kid may not even be able to survive the catastrophe in front of him."

"Huh!" Mei Luoxiao's eyes narrowed, and she suddenly looked towards the distant sky.

"You took the initiative to meet the eighth calamity thunder?" Yu Zhongxia followed his gaze, and immediately her expression changed slightly, a little surprised.

In the distant sky, thunderstorms roared, arcs tore through the air, and the billowing thunder seemed to be burning, emitting a fiery blue light that illuminated the nine heavens and ten earths.

The eighth level of thunder calamity is stored in it, and it has released immeasurable divine power before it came out!

Underneath, Chen Xi's tall and tall figure rushed up, holding the sword in his hand, and slashed a radiant and vast sky-reaching sword energy, straight to the nine heavens, and slashed away.

What kind of sword is this?

Fiery, brilliant, surrounded by hundreds of millions of symbols, the sun and the moon are ups and downs, dotted with thousands of stars, Yin and Yang echo in it, and the five elements circulate in it, deducing the mysteries of infinite mystery, interpreting the wonders of the supreme good fortune, and seizing the lead in the world!

In an instant, everyone in the entire Jiuhua Sword Sect was shocked without words. One sword produced ten thousand magic tricks, and they actually deduced the supreme mystery of good fortune!

good fortune!

What a terrifying profound meaning of the Dao, which completely surpasses all Dao Dao, and can be as famous as the Supreme Dao of Immortality, Light, Darkness and so on.


In an instant, there was a sound as if the cloth was being torn apart, and under the horrified gazes of the people, Chen Xi's sword energy directly tore through the billowing calamity cloud, cutting it in two.

The eighth level of lightning calamity accumulated in it was more like paper paste, it was easily chopped into powder and disappeared into invisible form.

The power of a sword is so terrifying!

At this moment, within a million miles of the Jiuhua Sword Sect, Qi Qi fell into silence, shocked by this scene.

Even the endlessly tumbling dark blue robbery clouds in the sky seemed to have fallen silent, standing still, the hurricane was gone, and the thunder had lost its voice.

"Chen Xi, the future is limitless!" Wen Huating looked excited and muttered to himself. He couldn't remember how many times he had said such words. Only this time made him feel an unprecedented shock.

"This kind of person is destined to shake all directions and shock the three worlds! How lucky our Jiuhua Sword Sect is to have such a disciple!" The other high-ranking members of the Jiuhua Sword Sect also looked excited and couldn't help themselves.

As for the other disciples, they were all so shocked that they couldn't speak, and they couldn't find any words to describe their mood at the moment.

It's amazing!

Slash the tribulation thunder with one sword!

Since ancient times, who has been able to achieve this step? Even if it can be achieved, who can be as relaxed and comfortable as Elder Chen Xi?

"F*ck, why didn't you hack this bastard to death?" Mei Qingyuan yelled violently, out of breath, with strong resentment and unwillingness in his voice.

The other young men and women from the fairy world were also shocked and unwilling. How could this bastard's background be so strong and powerful enough to defy the sky!

"To shut up!"

Mei Luoxiao suddenly turned her head, and gave Mei Qingyuan a cold glance, "If you dare to speak such nonsense again in the future, I will kill you first!"

Mei Luoxiao really hated her junior very much. If he hadn't provoked Chen Xi, how could she have been beaten up by that nasty woman in full view, losing all her face?

Mei Qingyuan shivered suddenly, as if falling into an ice cave, and dared not say more.

Seeing this, Mei Luoxiao secretly sighed in her heart, gritted her teeth, why did he wish he could kill Chen Xi right now?But in the end you have to be patient.

"Little thing, the day when I confronted Bing Shitian!" Mei Luoxiao looked up at the sky in the distance, a gloomy glint flashed in the depths of her eyes.


The world was silent.

After the eighth tribulation thunder was shattered, the calamity clouds in the sky suddenly became silent, gathered quietly, merged quietly, and after a few breaths, they turned into a whirlpool-like calamity cloud, covering the Xihua Peak. superior.


Even the wind seemed to have stopped, but everyone felt this scene, but felt a chill in their hearts for no reason, as if a mountain was pressing on their hearts, and they were almost suffocated.

The expressions of Wen Huating and the others gradually became serious, and they sensed the horror in it.

Great sound!

The elephant is invisible!

When all power reaches its peak, it will return to a kind of extreme tranquility.

Everyone knows that this ninth and last tribulation thunder, once it comes out, will definitely be the most terrifying blow!

Throughout the ages, there have been countless peerless evildoers and geniuses who have suffered hatred from this blow, and Chen Xi... can he get through it?

When people's eyes fell on Chen Xi, they didn't see the slightest bit of nervousness from his expression, but he was still so calm and peaceful, calm and breezy.

Perhaps, it is precisely because of this outstanding Dao Xin cultivation that he has achieved what he is today?

Everyone seems to have realized something, and their mood is also much more relaxed unconsciously.

Noticing this scene, although the head teacher Wen Huating didn't say anything, there was a hint of wonder in the depths of his eyes. With his own momentum, he can actually affect the changes in the mood of everyone around him. How can it not be surprising?


In this extremely silent atmosphere where all horses were silent, on the sky, the dark blue calamity cloud condensed into a vortex funnel suddenly shrank inward fiercely, condensing a thunderbolt.

It is dark blue in color, restrained and deep, and ordinary, but it gives people a terrifying and oppressive atmosphere, as if they will be judged and punished by God in the next moment.

And its power is still increasing at a crazy speed, causing all things in the world to scream in unison!


When they saw the appearance of the last tribulation thunder, Wen Huating and other high-ranking members of the Jiuhua Sword Sect couldn't help but gasp, feeling a kind of shock. This tribulation thunder seemed a bit too terrifying...

"Not good! Elders, please act quickly and activate the Xihua Peak Formation!" Wen Huating's expression changed slightly, and he raised his head to the sky and shouted.

In an instant, Lie Peng and other elders all mobilized without any hesitation, and unleashed a series of mysterious formulas, opening up the sect formation covering the upper and lower sides of Xihua Peak, enveloping all the disciples in it.

"Are you going to be noticed? It shouldn't be like this..." Axiu was standing alone on a huge boulder in the distance, her black hair was flying, and there was a rare dignified look in the eyes that looked at the last thunderbolt in the sky. color.


At this moment, billions of golden brilliance suddenly burst out from Chen Xi's body, like a fiery golden crow rising up, illuminating the world, coating everything with a layer of soft golden brilliance.

Even at its feet, there is a golden lotus platform, which diffuses the light of the gods, breathes out light, golden flowers fall randomly, and the birth is full of auspiciousness and auspicious light.

At this moment, his expression was solemn and solemn, bathed in the brilliant golden light, like a legendary saint who lived forever in the legend, exuding an aura that made the mind calm and the soul calm.

The secret method of the heart-the merits and virtues are immeasurable!

It was Chen Xi who had cultivated in the Talisman Realm for a year, and the power of his accumulated merit was fully revealed. The so-called doing good for the heavens has immeasurable merit. At this moment, he, like a virtuous saint, bloomed with a hundred thousand golden lights, reflecting the world.

What a terrifying power of merit...

At this moment, Wen Huating and other high-ranking figures all froze. They couldn't believe how Chen Xi could accumulate such a brilliant golden light of merit.

Only Axiu suddenly grinned, stroked Bai Kui who was in her arms, and muttered: "Hmph, I knew that last year this guy's senior sister came to help him solve everything, which made me nervous in vain." Once, almost..."

No one noticed that a blue jade pendant like the heart of the ocean that she was holding in her palm disappeared quietly.


ps: It seems that the mobile phone can also vote monthly tickets. I can use the mobile phone vertically and horizontally. I tested it myself and it works. Finally, please ask for a monthly ticket. Today I voted for myself. It’s too pitiful... The third update 11 Around half past.

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