divine talisman

Chapter 883 Shocking Change in the Sword Cave [Part 2]

When he arrived at the Blood Soul Sword Cave for the first time that year, Chen Xi learned about the origin of the Blood Soul Sword Cave from Shen Langya.

It is rumored that in the ancient times, the Jiuhua Sword Sect was founded, and the Immemorial God Lotus hit the highest level, unfortunately fell, and its body turned into two parts, good and evil.

Part of it turned into evil power, condensed into a murderous fairy sword,

Part of it turned into a force of justice, turned into this blood soul sword hole, and suppressed this fairy sword.

The Immortal Sword represents the killing and bloody life of the Primordial Divine Lotus, and the blood souls on every layer here are the result of the excessive blood energy on the sword, condensed and transformed.

The sword cave, representing the justice and wisdom of the ancient god lotus, was suppressed here, and it became the supreme foundation of the Jiuhua sword sect, and it has survived endless changes through endless years.

The chaotic mother crystal in it is not divided into good and evil, but is condensed by the chaotic essence in the body of the ancient lotus, left behind the 55th floor of the sword cave.

The last time when he arrived at the No. 60 floor of the Sword Cave, the ancient formation under the Thunder Pond, Chen Xi had collected three chaotic mother crystals that looked like sharp swords, and used them to raise the quality of the sword talisman to unbelievable levels in one fell swoop. Compared with the level of fairy artifacts.

But it was also at that time that he was attacked by that terrifying mysterious man.

Chen Xi still clearly remembers that if he hadn't been wearing a dark feather robe, he would have been almost wiped out by a single blow. At that time, he had vowed fiercely that if he would succeed in cultivation in the future, he would definitely come back and kill this person .

And that person was also extremely arrogant, threatening to wait for Chen Xi to kill him just below the ninth floor of Jiandong No. 90, his voice was extremely arrogant.

"I'm here now, but that guy is no longer there. Could it be that he really hid on the ninth floor of Sword Cave No. 90?" Chen Xi pondered for a long time, but couldn't come up with a clue, feeling a little disappointed in his heart.

Blood Soul Sword Cave is divided into 99 floors.

The further down, the more terrifying the strength of the sword soul distributed in it, Chen Xi really can't imagine whether anyone has reached the ninth floor of No.90 since ancient times.

And that terrifying mysterious person was able to be suppressed on the last floor of the sword cave, which shows how terrifying his strength is.

"Forget it, it's better to go to the next level of the sword cave to try it out..." Chen Xi shook his head, didn't think about it any more, turned around and was about to leave.

He came to Jiandong this time, apart from having a revenge-like mind, the fundamental purpose was to sharpen his strength, and wanted to see how far his combat power had reached after being promoted to the fairyland.


However, the moment he turned around, an indescribably terrifying aura suddenly filled his heart, and that incomparably deadly aura stimulated every hair on his body to stand on end.

not good!

Chen Xi's expression changed suddenly, and he cast the space teleportation technique without any hesitation, and was about to dodge it. However, what made him even more astonished was that the space around his body, as if it had been imprisoned, turned into a single piece of iron. He has a sense of powerlessness that cannot be escaped.

That feeling, as if all the strength in his body was imprisoned, stuck in Dazhong like a bug, not to mention struggling, he didn't even have the strength to lift a finger!

How scary is this?

You know, when Chen Xi was still in the Nether Transformation Realm, he was enough to kill an Earth Immortal fifth-layer strongman. Now that he has advanced to the Earth Immortal realm, his strength has more than doubled, let alone killing an Earth Immortal sixth-layer strong. In the face of the strong seven-level earth immortal, he is not afraid at all.

But now, he was imprisoned all of a sudden, unable to move a single point!

How terrifying should the opponent's strength be?

Chen Xi understood in an instant that he still underestimated this terrifying and mysterious person who was suppressed here. The strength of the other party was terrifying, and it definitely surpassed the level of an Earth Immortal!

Otherwise, I will never even have a chance to struggle.

His heart suddenly fell into a trough.

"Little guy! What about advancing to the fairyland? In front of this seat, he is still as weak as a mayfly." Suddenly, a sharp and hoarse strange laughter came out, rumbling and rumbling, stirring his ears.

"Hiding his head and hiding his tail, no matter how powerful he is, he is nothing more than a despicable person." Hearing this, Chen Xi secretly heaved a sigh of relief. This at least proved that the other party did not intend to kill him immediately.

"Hmph! This seat used the supreme magic method to capture you on the ninth floor of Sword Cave No. 90. Could it be regarded as hiding your head and tail?" That voice snorted coldly.

Jiandong No.90 Nine Floors!

Hearing this, Chen Xi's heart was shocked again. This is the No. 60 floor of the Sword Cave. Except for the entrance and exit, every floor of the Sword Cave is like a world apart!This guy can actually break through the shackles of space and the barriers of the sword cave. How terrifying is his cultivation?

What's more important is that Chen Xi clearly remembered that when he came here last time, this person's strength was far from being so terrifying, otherwise it would be impossible for him to escape.

How could his strength be so frightening after a few years of absence?

What kind of existence is the other party?



still is……

Chen Xi couldn't imagine it, because it was beyond his cognition.

"Little guy, be obedient and follow my instructions to come to the ninth floor of Jiandong No. 90. As long as I get out of trouble, how about I spare your life?"

The sharp and hoarse voice suddenly changed, becoming gentle and clear. The words were like the wonderful sound of the avenue, pointing directly to the heart, as if listening to a sage chanting scriptures, with a convincing taste.

However, why is Chen Xi's Dao Xin cultivation so strong now? He has already reached the level of his heart and soul, so how could he be bewitched by him, so he said directly, "You can even if you want me to help you. Tell me first, who are you?"


The voice was startled, and suddenly fell into silence. After a long time, he gritted his teeth and said, "Who am I? I am the founder of the Jiuhua Sword Sect. As a disciple of Jiuhua, you don’t even know who I am!?”

The monstrous resentment in the voice made Chen Xi's heart tense, and what shocked him especially was that the other party actually claimed to be the founder of the Jiuhua Sword Sect!

But immediately, he calmed down, because this is impossible at all, how could there be a group of ancestors who were suppressed in their own sect?The other party is obviously talking nonsense.

"Since you are so good, how can you be trapped here?"

Chen Xi asked. While speaking, he tried to struggle a bit, but he still couldn't bring up any strength. His whole body was like a stone sculpture, motionless.

"It's not that traitor Dao Lian!" That voice shouted without hesitation, "If that bastard Dao Lian hadn't lied to me back then, gathered the power of the entire sect, and designed to harm me, how could I be imprisoned here? ?”


Chen Xi suddenly remembered the scene when he first stepped onto the ninth floor of the lotus platform, and he thought of that young man in green robes with an indifferent demeanor who looked like a lotus in clear water.

It is also because of Daolian that he realized the method of controlling his own various profound meanings with talismans, and obtained the supreme inheritance "The True Explanation of Daluo" from the Jiuhua Sword Sect.

But the most important thing is that he clearly remembered that at that time Daolian claimed to be transformed from the petals of a divine lotus in the chaos.

How could he go to trap that terrifying mysterious person?

Certainly not possible!

Apparently, it was just a statement made by this guy on purpose.

However, this also made Chen Xi suddenly want to understand one thing. Daolian must have had a lot to do with suppressing this terrifying and mysterious person back then.

Otherwise, when this guy talked about Daolian, there wouldn't be such a big resentment in his voice.

These thoughts flashed in his mind, and the next moment, Chen Xi asked: "With my strength, it seems that I can't help you at all, right?"

"Your strength is indeed weak enough. If I rely on your strength, I won't be able to get out of trouble for the rest of my life." That voice taunted Chen Xi unceremoniously, and then said: "Isn't this what I like? Your strength lies in the "True Explanation of Da Luo" that you have practiced!"

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, "Da Luo's true solution?"

"That's right, only by comprehending it thoroughly, I can break the restriction set by Daolian herself and get out of trouble!"

Speaking of this, that voice threatened: "Don't say that you don't have the true understanding of Daluo, the trace of Daolian's breath permeating your body can't be hidden from me at all! If it wasn't so, you think I would spend money Skill, to play tricks on you, a little thing?"

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in silence for a moment, "How profound is Da Luo's True Explanation, how could I be able to grasp it thoroughly, but even though I couldn't grasp it, I have a lotus petal in my hand that records Da Luo's True Explanation .”

"What!" The voice seemed to be extremely surprised, and shouted: "Daolian actually handed over that fetish to you? Quick! Take it out and let me have a look!" rapid.

As soon as the words were finished, Chen Xi felt his whole body loosen, and he could barely use a little bit of strength, but he still couldn't do it if he wanted to get out of trouble.

However, he didn't intend to run away just yet, and when he flipped his palm over, there was already a golden lotus petal in his palm, which seemed to be poured with red gold, and radiated soft divine brilliance.

"It really is it! Hahaha! Heaven has eyes!"


The next moment, Chen Xi only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and a figure had already appeared in front of him.

This is a young man dressed in black, with a handsome face and long hair like blood. His pupils are deep and glowing with a strange luster. He gives off an extremely evil, cold, and surly feeling.

He was not real, but a phantom, but when Chen Xi saw him, his body and mind still couldn't help but shudder, as if he was facing a monstrous evil monster.

What surprised Chen Xi especially was that the appearance of this blood-haired boy in black was exactly the same as Dao Lian!

Absolutely nothing wrong!

Except for the completely different aura, there is no slight difference in appearance between the two!

How is this going?

Chen Xi's eyes shrank sharply, and he couldn't believe it.

"Hahaha, with this piece of lotus petals, what use do I need you for?" The blood-haired boy in black looked up to the sky and laughed, his demeanor was rampant, and his handsome face was full of evil and coldness.


The next moment, his five fingers turned into claws, and he ruthlessly tore down towards the altar above Chen Xi's head!

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