divine talisman

Chapter 888 Brushing the Sense of Presence [Part 2]

The general-level powerhouse has done it!

Above Lushui City, the middle-aged literati-like Liao Fan's expression changed, he gritted his teeth resolutely, and rose out of nowhere.

The other party is one of the seven general-level powerhouses, with a burly figure, red beard and leopard eyes, and his muscles are poured like black gold, exuding an explosive terrifying aura, as if as long as he is willing, lift The hand can crush [-] miles of mountains and rivers, giving people a mighty and powerful aura.

According to the information obtained by Liao Fan, the other party's name is Bei Xin, and his strength is roughly equivalent to the sixth level of the Earth Immortal. He is a strong man named "Beize Realm" from outside the region.

Facing such an opponent, Liao Fan, who was only at the third level of the Earth Immortal, was not his opponent at all, but he had no choice but to make a move, because among the cultivators guarding Lushui City, he was the only one with the highest cultivation level.

As for the other strong Earth Immortals, they were killed by their opponents in the previous fierce battle...

"It's time to come, and it's finally coming. The cultivators of the Great Yan Kingdom have pinned all their hopes on me, so how can I abandon them?"

Liao Fan gritted his teeth, his eyes were filled with raging flames, and he was determined to die.

"Come on, you bastard! Even if you die, I'm going to pull you back this time!" Liao Fan jumped up, his beard furious, and he gritted his teeth and rushed towards Na Beixin.


As a strong man in the earth fairyland, his speed is so fast, he crossed the void in an instant, but when he was only a thousand feet away from Na Beixin, his eyes blurred, and a tall figure suddenly blocked in front of him.

This sudden turn of events made him froze in shock, and he stopped immediately, only then did he see clearly that the person standing in front of him was actually a handsome young man.

"Leave it to me." The person who came was Chen Xi.

"You...can you?" Liao Fan asked in a daze. He had made up his mind to die, but he was stopped halfway, and he couldn't react for a while.

"Try it and you'll know." Chen Xi laughed.

"Nonsense! This is war! Life and death is a trifling matter, little guy, you are still young and have a bright future, so leave it to me, an old man, to do your best. Quickly, get out of the way, don't waste your life!" Liao Fan Frowning, he scolded.

Although he did not believe in Chen Xi's ability in his words, he had to say that Liao Fan was indeed a heroic and courageous person. This kind of person is rare in today's world.

"Hmph! Neither of you two natives can escape today!" That Bei Xin flew towards him suddenly, let out a thunderous sneer, and reached out to grab Chen Xi.

The five fingers are like mountains, and the roots are as thick as pillars reaching the sky. They are surrounded by terrifying black light flames, covering the sky. Wherever they pass, even the void is incinerated and corroded, which is extremely terrifying.

"Step aside!"

Liao Fan knew very well, his complexion changed, he shouted suddenly, and raised his hand to grab Chen Xi and throw him away, but to his surprise, he was only a short distance away, but he caught nothing!

This startled him, he raised his head suddenly, and saw a scene that left him dumbfounded.

I saw Chen Xi leaning forward and putting his sleeves on, condensing hundreds of millions of dense symbols, like billions of stars contained in them, releasing a blazing, incomparably bright and profound aura.

With a bang, Bei Xin's grasping force was like paper paste, and he was easily crushed, and his whole body was shocked to fly thousands of feet away, coughing up blood, and extremely embarrassed.

This is just one blow, and a general-level alien strongman who is equivalent to the sixth level of the earth fairy is knocked back!

Liao Fan gasped, his eyes almost fell out of shock.

Who is this young man?

Before he could react, Chen Xi had already jumped forward and fought fiercely with Na Bei Xin again.

He has a majestic figure, and his moves are simple and simple, with a taste of returning to the basics, but his strength is surprisingly strong. Every move is surrounded by an incomparably powerful Dao rhyme, covering the eight poles and locking the four fields.

Under this kind of attack, Bei Xin was like a turtle in a urn, unable to escape, but was beaten until he coughed up blood, his hair was disheveled, and he was in a miserable state.

A sense of absurdity suddenly arose in Liao Fan's heart. He felt that Bei Xin, whose strength was comparable to the sixth level of the Earth Immortal, was like a weak ant in front of Chen Xi. He was beaten so hard that he had no room to fight back .

"Unexpectedly, I ran into a master here! Indigenous boy, if you are willing to work for our clan, I can save you from death, how about it?"

At this moment, another strong man at the phase level tore through the void and arrived in an instant. This is a stern and pretty woman with a slender figure and a strange purple mark on the center of her brow.

When he saw the woman's face clearly, Liao Fan's heart jumped again. Information about the other party flashed in his mind for a moment. Horror secret technique "Purple Emperor Swallowing Heaven Kungfu"!With one swallow, it can kill all creatures within a range of [-] miles!

It is said that this woman is also a descendant of the Holy Queen of the Purple Soul Realm, and she has many treasures in her hands that are as powerful as fairy weapons!

These thoughts flashed in his mind, and Liao Fan shouted violently, and he was about to charge forward. He couldn't watch Chen Xi fight alone, and wanted to help him contain the enemy, even for a moment!

"Friend Daoist, just watch the battle with peace of mind." However, before he stepped forward, Chen Xi, who was fighting fiercely, suddenly turned his head and gave a serious order.

What does it mean?

Did he think I was no match for that woman?

Liao Fan was stunned, annoyed and unbelievable at the same time, that feeling, as if he was an insignificant existence, made him very uncomfortable.

When Chen Xi spoke, that Zi Yaoyue had already rushed towards him, her jade palm cut across, attacking and killing Chen Xi, just like the blade of heaven piercing towards her, fierce, straightforward, and exuding a domineering aura of life and death.

Chen Xi calmly and unhurriedly slapped his backhand, and a sheet of radiant runes roared out, condensing into a vortex, like a sudden rebound of a taut spring, and with a bang, the ruthless blow was dispelled.

At the same time, he swiped his hands in the void again and again, like a talisman master who used the heaven and earth as the talisman paper and his own strength as the pen and ink, deriving lines of runes that rushed like a tide.

Those runes, either evolved into fierce and unparalleled good fortune sword energy, or combined into Mingtao Wanlang Palm, or deduced brilliant and huge thunderstorm vortexes...

It's like integrating all kinds of wonderful methods and all kinds of wonderful truths into the runes, and applying them in one palm, without a trace of fireworks.

This is a means to control one's own morality with talismans. After advancing to the fairyland, using such means with one's own immortal energy is more than ten times more powerful than before!

In an instant, Bei Xin and Zi Yaoyue were like two worms on the talisman paper, imprisoned in the trajectory of the runes carved on the talisman paper, no matter how hard they struggled, there was no way to escape and no way to hide.

And Chen Xi, once again grasped the absolute initiative.

Seeing this, the slight discomfort in Liao Fan's heart completely dissipated. He finally understood that the young man in front of him, despite his cultivation at the first stage of the Earth Immortal, had already reached an unbelievable level of fighting power!

Looking at the world, which Earth Immortal first-level powerhouse can suppress two strong outsiders who are comparable to the Earth Immortal sixth-level realm?

At least before this, Liao Fan had never seen one in his life!

"However, I am standing here stupidly, am I a bit too useless?"

Liao Fan smiled wryly in his heart, gritted his teeth and decided that if any enemy intervenes, he must charge forward no matter what!Otherwise, it would be too non-existent...

"Hey! That native boy is very unusual."

"We can't just sit back and watch. Bei Xin and Yaoyue's situation is very bad. I'll take action together, capture that kid together, and then carefully interrogate him. I always think that kid is a bit weird."




There was a sound of breaking through the sky, and one after another general-level powerhouses came across the void, with divine light flowing, and the momentum was overwhelming, there were five of them!

In other words, all the powerful generals on the seven thrones have been dispatched at this moment!

As soon as they appeared, the entire battlefield, regardless of the enemy or us, consciously gave way to a blank area with a range of thousands of miles, because everyone knew that the aftermath of this level of confrontation alone was enough to kill them!

After all, no matter whether it is a strong earth immortal or a strong general, their power has reached the peak of the human world, and they can destroy a city with a wave of their hands.

In the confrontation between them, people with low strength can't intervene at all.

Seeing such a scene, Liao Fan's face turned extremely pale all of a sudden. He never expected that if the other party didn't come, they would all be mobilized as soon as they came!

He was gnashing his teeth just now, vowing to rush up to brush his sense of existence, but seeing this scene, his heart was shaken again, and his face was cloudy and uncertain.

You know, he is just a strong man in the third level of the earth immortal. He may be famous in Dayan, he is at the top of the sky, and he is worshiped by everyone, but facing any of the seven foreign strong men present, he is like a chicken and a dog. In general, simply not enough to see!

"Damn it! Never mind, fight! The big deal is death, no matter what, we can't let that little fellow daoist fight alone!" Liao Fan made a decision in an instant, a look of madness flashed across his face, and he raised his head to the sky and let out a long cry. To rush forward.

"Fellow Daoist, please watch the battle with peace of mind!"

However, at this moment, Chen Xi's voice came from next to Liao Fan's ear again, which made his whole body stiffen, his mouth couldn't help twitching violently a few times, and most of the fighting spirit that had been built up in his heart faded away.

Then, he saw that Chen Xi was fighting with those seven outsiders by himself. The battle was so intense that there was no room for him to intervene.

And not only Chen Xi, but even the seven strong outsiders seemed to think that he was too weak, so no one paid any attention to him.

This discovery made Liao Fan lose his eyesight, wanting to cry without tears, standing there in a daze, like an innocent child who was abandoned and forgotten, muttering to himself: "I just want to help, even a chance to regain my sense of existence Don't you give me..."

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