divine talisman

Chapter 902 Supreme Annihilation [Part 3]

Your sword is my sword!

Facing Bai Hong, a murderous and bloodthirsty female sword cultivator in the fairyland, saying such a sentence is either ignorant or fearless, or has sufficient background.

From Bai Jun and Bai Yu's point of view, Ling Bai is ignorant and fearless.

In the eyes of Chen Xi and others, Ling Bai was an extremely proud existence, and it was reasonable to say such domineering and arrogant words.

In Bai Hong's eyes, this was a great provocation.

There was a curve on her lips, coupled with the dark mask with a cold metallic luster, there was a hint of cruelty in the sharpness.

"Then let me try, are you qualified to say this sentence!"

After finishing speaking, she held the embroidered red fairy sword in her hand, and her whole body suddenly turned into a colorful streak, like an aurora piercing through the void, and burst away with an unparalleled aura.

There was originally only a distance of a thousand feet between her and Ling Bai, but at this moment, as soon as she moved out, the space of a thousand feet was like a piece of cloth, which was torn apart by a sharp edge, and went straight to Ling Bai. Less than one-thousandth of an instant!

too fast!

If it was someone else, even if they didn't even have time to react, they would be as swift as lightning, as fast as teleportation, and seemed to have cast all the energy and spirit of the whole body into this sword, and the aura released would appear extremely powerful. fear.

Facing this sword, Ling Bai's expression remained unmoved. With a press of his fingers, it was like a cold and sharp arc suddenly drawn by the tip of a pen, poking with incomparable precision on the bit of sword light that came from the attack, like Like a prophet.


The two collided, and there was a bang like a tearing eardrum, which could be seen with the naked eye. Between the two, there was a terrifying destructive airflow blasting in all directions. Wherever it passed, it crushed the void in all directions. , forming a palpitating vacuum.

But Ling Bai and Bai Hong stopped in the center, confronting each other very close, not wanting to let go.

In this blow, there was no difference between high and low!

"Not bad little guy, well, if I had known this, I should have chosen him as my opponent." Bai Jun narrowed his beautiful eyes, and there was a hint of surprise in his voice, and even a hint of excitement.

"It's only one blow, and Bai Hong's strength has not been fully revealed." Bai Yu said with a smile on his face. Obviously, he didn't think Ling Bai was Bai Hong's opponent.

"The sword is still in my hand." Bai Hong said coldly.

"Don't worry, it will be mine later." Lingbai replied expressionlessly.

The next moment, the two separated with a tacit understanding, and then collided with each other with a tacit understanding, launching a thrilling and fierce fight.

This is a duel between peak sword cultivators.

One has a sword in his hand, and wherever the light of the sword reaches, he can kill everywhere.

A man without a sword in his hand, raises his hands and feet, all of which contain the wonderful essence of the way of swordsmanship.

But the weird person, since the two fought each other, although their moves have been extremely fierce, there has never been a collision again, but the murderous intent in it makes everyone's heart jump.

chi chi chi...  

In the air, the whistling sound of sharp sword qi resounded from time to time, embellishing the quiet and strange atmosphere, as if reminding everyone how terrifying this battle was.

The wind makes the flowers still fall, and the birds sing and the mountains become more secluded.

It was the sound of strands of sword energy splashing out from time to time piercing the air, which made the two of them fight more and more terrifyingly, soundlessly, and never collided.

Perhaps, when the two confront each other, it will be the moment when the winner will be decided.

Whether it was Bai Jun, Bai Yu, or Chen Xi, everyone's hearts were suspended, and their eyes were fixed on the battle situation, lest they miss any details.

Bai Hong has the cultivation base of the sixth level of the Earth Immortal, and she has obviously passed through the emptiness and thunder. Judging from her swordsmanship cultivation base that comes and goes like a teleportation, it is obvious that she has reached the Dao of Space. It has reached the point of perfection.

And her swordsmanship, with a touch of terrifying killing intent, exudes a pure killing intent, obviously sharpened from the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood.

Coupled with the embroidered red sword of the peerless fierce soldier in her hand, it made her feel like a female sword emperor who was born for fighting and aimed at killing. She was so powerful that it made people tremble.

Even looking at it with Chen Xi's gaze, he had to admit that this Bai Hong was indeed a formidable opponent, and he was definitely not comparable to an ordinary sixth-level Earth Immortal.

But it was Ling Bai who caught Chen Xi's attention the most.

Over the years, he and Ling Bai have been getting together less and less often, and rarely asked about Ling Bai's cultivation level, but seeing him now can be said to be an unexpected surprise for him.

Ling Bai's swordsmanship is still the supreme Nirvana swordsmanship inherited from his previous master, just like what he said back then, bringing a swordsmanship to the extreme is enough to kill no opponent in the world.

Ling Bai also did the same, but it was different from the past, his mastery of Nirvana sword is even more terrifying now, with every movement of his hands and feet, the sword will emerge, as if he could easily grasp it.

He and Bai Hong have two completely different ways of swordsmanship, and their momentum is also very different. His sword is neither born nor destroyed, nor dead, it seems to return to the extremely quiet state of chaos, making people desperate, helpless, and depressed...

And Bai Hong is killing, fierce and pure killing.

The current battle situation between the two seems to be roughly the same, but Bai Hong has a slight advantage because she still holds a peerless weapon in her hand, while Ling Bai is unarmed.

This duel also alarmed a big man in the depths of the Heroic Soul Canyon, who searched for strands of thoughts and communicated silently.

"No life, no death, no death, it's actually the way of the Nirvana Sword! Could this child not be the descendant of the Nirvana Sword Sect that has long been annihilated in the ancient times?"

"What a nice little guy, he can actually fight evenly with Bai Hong. There aren't many such characters in the entire Xuanhuan Territory."

"I'm curious, where did Chen Lingjun's son recruit such a helper? In this way, maybe he can really..."

"That doesn't matter, we just need to see them decide the outcome. As for the struggle between the Great Elder and the Patriarch, it's better for us not to get involved."

"Hmph, Bai Hong will win. As for the evil bred by Chen Lingjun and Zuo Qiuxue, don't think about gaining our approval!"

"Elder Suifeng, what do you mean by that? Don't forget that you were still a member of the Bauhinia and Bai family before you flattered the Zuoqiu family!"

"Enough! Arguing is useless! The Great Elder has given a test, and it depends on whether they can pass. Before that, all disputes are meaningless!"

All of a sudden, all the communication of ideas disappeared, and there was no sound.

If Chen Xi could hear all of this, he would know how intense the infighting between factions in the current Bauhinia and Bai family has reached.

And his arrival is undoubtedly like a fuse, making the two major factions of the Bai family almost torn apart.


"After so long, the sword in my hand is still my sword, but you don't even have the courage to really confront me."

Bai Hong suddenly sneered, breaking the eerie silence.

In fact, the confrontation between the two has reached the most intense level. Although there was no real collision, the danger and murderous intent between the moves made everyone's hearts uncontrollably tugged.

"I'm unarmed, and you rely on the power of immortal soldiers, so you don't deserve to talk to me about courage!" Ling Bai disdainfully, proud as usual.

"This is fighting. I will not give up my advantage just because you are unarmed, nor will I affect my mind just because of your words."

Bai Hong sneered, and the fairy sword embroidered red swept across the sky, slashing out streaks of unparalleled sword energy full of killing intent.

"In that case, I will fulfill my promise and show you."

While speaking, Ling Bai's aura suddenly changed, and his eyes were like a gray abyss, completely silent.The aura emanating from the body is like a god, eternal, extinguished, and unshakable!


Seeing Ling Bai's abyss-like eyes, Bai Hong, who has always been proud, conceited and fearless, felt a palpitation for no reason at this moment.

"Slaying yin and yang, rebelling the ten directions!"

This slight danger made her not hesitate at all, and she swung her sword into the sky, bursting out a terrifying sword intent, which collapsed the void and killed her in an instant.

This sword is the most lethal sword she has honed in her life, and it is also the most peak blow she can control now. Among her peers, there are almost very few who can force her to use this strike.

"Skills stop here?"

However, in the face of this set of killing, space, and bloody swords, Lingbai's lips showed a cold arc, and with both hands together, everything in the entire void seemed to be emptied, and it collapsed inch by inch, a gray-white transparent void. Swords gushed out of the cave-in.

"The Supreme Nirvana Sword!"

Chen Xi recognized this move at a glance. When he saw Ling Bai for the first time in the Nirvana Sword Realm in the vast sea desert in the southern border, Ling Bai used this move in order to kill Su Leng.

And different from that time, the power of the "Supreme Sword of Nirvana" that Ling Bai used at this time has not only increased a hundred times?As soon as it appeared, it disturbed the sky, confused yin and yang, and plunged the world into a dark atmosphere of despair and helplessness.


The Immortal Sword Embroidered Red in Bai Hong's hand suddenly shook violently, like a restless beast receiving a fatal call, it seemed to want to break free from her palm!

Seeing this, Bai Hong's eyes suddenly shrank, and she exerted all her strength to suppress this force of breaking free.


However, at this moment, the gray-white and transparent Supreme Nirvana Sword in Ling Bai's hand had already tore through the void and slashed towards him.

At that moment, feeling the meaning of extinction contained in this sword intent, everyone was suffocated, and there was a look of disbelief on their faces.

And the blood on Bai Hong's face disappeared without a trace, turning pale.

She suddenly realized that she had no way to hide, unless she stopped suppressing the immortal sword Xiuhong in her hand, she would definitely suffer the damage of this sword intent...

And as a proud swordsman, how could he watch his sword fall out of his hand?That is tantamount to abandoning one's sword heart and one's sword way!

Even if he can survive, there will inevitably be an indelible shadow cast over his heart, which Bai Hong absolutely does not want to see.

Therefore, facing Ling Bai's sword, she gritted her teeth and fought hard, like a moth to a flame, but she was defending her own way of the sword!

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