divine talisman

Chapter 998 The Road to Eternal Life [Part 1]

To Chen Xi and Qing Xiuyi, returning to the Xuan Huan Territory was no less than going through a cycle of reincarnation.

After all, this process was too thrilling. First, because of the century-old bet, Chen Xi went straight to the Tianyan Dao Sect by himself, encountered repeated obstacles and obstacles, and finally fought against Bing Shitian's avatar.

Originally, that should be the perfect ending.

It's a pity that at the last moment, Bing Shitian tricked Qing Xiuyi into the netherworld by Chu Jiang Wang Jikang with the "Nether Disk".

It was also from then on that Chen Xi was passively involved. He had no choice but to set off again, break into the Netherworld, fight alone, and kill all directions, overcoming thorns and thorns all the way, and finally rescued Qing Xiuyi in the hands of the five Yama kings.

This process sounds simple, but in fact it is full of difficulties. It can be described as murderous every step of the way, full of dangers.

Now that he was able to return home with beauty, one could imagine the excitement in Chen Xi's heart.

"Let's go, let's go back to the Jiuhua Sword Sect first." Chen Xi laughed.

The place where they are at this time is a barren canyon, very strange and inaccessible.

But this couldn't help Chen Xi, because from the moment he returned to Xuanhuanyu, he had already felt the aura of the second clone, and he could easily return to the Jiuhua Sword Sect just by returning along this aura.

Qing Xiuyi thought for a while, but shook her head and said, "I want to take this time to talk to you more."

Chen Xi was stunned, somewhat unable to figure out Qing Xiuyi's thoughts, but he still replied with a smile without hesitation: "That's fine."

In this barren canyon, not a single blade of grass grows, and gray-brown rocks are everywhere. The strong wind howls, flying sand and rocks, making whimpering and whimpering sounds, and it is dead silent.

Chen Xi and Qing Xiuyi sat side by side on the top of a steep mountain in the canyon, looking at the sky and the earth in the distance, it was a vast expanse, and the setting sun was like blood, exuding an aura of sorrow.

"I was brought into the Tianyan Dao Sect from the ancient battlefield, and I started to retreat. I didn't care about the world, and I was determined to kill all the karma in the previous life..."

A voice as clear as a secluded spring, ding dong, rang in Chen Xi's ears. Qing Xiuyi hugged her knees with her hands, her hair dancing lightly. In her pair of star-like jewel-like eyes, there was a hint of reminiscence, as hazy as clouds of smoke.

"Before a hundred lives, I crossed the nine heavens in one night, and if I wanted to become an immortal, it was within my reach, but when I was about to take that step, there was a voice deep in my heart that doubted the way of heaven and eternal life. "

"At that time, I hesitated for a long time, and finally decided to withdraw from the army. I wanted to find the answer deep in my heart. Then, I went through hundreds of reincarnations, each life experienced a completely different life, walked a completely different path of practice, accumulated After hundreds of generations of experience, I finally found a trace of heavenly luck!"

Speaking of this, on Qing Xiuyi's beautiful and refined face, a look of yearning suddenly flashed, brilliant and dazzling.

"Heavenly luck?"

Chen Xi, who had been listening quietly all this time, couldn't help being shocked when he heard these four words. He was so shocked. He never expected that Qing Xiuyi's cognition of the way of heaven had reached such a terrifying height. .

The so-called fate of heaven is the secret of heaven!

The secrets of the heavens are unpredictable, nothingness is vague, between the circulation and the universe, not to mention the cultivators in the human world, even the gods and Buddhas who are full of the sky, dare not talk about the secrets of the heavens.

Back then, Fuxi, the Lord of Shenyan Mountain, also relied on the power of the river map to see through the secrets and enter the Tao, and only then did he reach the end of the road.

And Qing Xiuyi, after going through hundreds of reincarnations and cutting off the heavy karma of her previous life, she actually caught a glimpse of a sliver of heaven's luck. If it gets out, it will not only be in the Xuanhuan Territory, but I am afraid that the entire Three Realms will be a sensation.

"Unfortunately, due to the fact that my cultivation base is too low, it is difficult for me to peek into more secrets. I can only vaguely perceive that my path will undergo a new transformation in the fairy world in the form of Nirvana. As for what kind of transformation, I don't know. It is impossible to know."

Qing Xiuyi sighed faintly, a rare look of bewilderment appeared in those clear eyes.

Immediately, she smiled, raised her eyes to stare at Chen Xi, and said, "Sounds like, doesn't it feel similar to fortune-telling?"

Chen Xi nodded, and said truthfully: "Fate, secrets, and paths are perhaps the most unspeakable existences in the world, but I personally don't believe in any theory of fate."

"Because your fate has long been covered by the secrets of the heavens, and you are in the secrets of the heavens, so naturally you don't feel much about it." Qing Xiuyi said in astonishment.

Chen Xi was startled, and said, "You saw it too?"

A strange color appeared in Qing Xiuyi's clear eyes, and said: "Well, it was only when I left the customs that I suddenly realized something."

"The authorities are obsessed, but the bystanders are clear. Perhaps the most difficult thing to judge in this world is yourself..."

When Chen Xi thought of the fragments of the river map in his sea of ​​consciousness, he couldn't help but feel a sense of emotion. His fate was covered up by heaven's secrets, yet he was regarded as a "heretic" by the heavenly dao. Things in this world are still so inconceivable.

"Having said so much, I actually just want to tell you that Chengxian may be able to live the same life as the ages, and be free and carefree, but if you want to live forever, it is not something Chengxian can do."

Qing Xiuyi's expression became solemn, and she spoke seriously.

"eternal life……"

Chen Xi was stunned, and finally understood that the path that Qing Xiuyi was pursuing was actually the same as that of the millions of living beings in this world. They were all unwilling to be chained by fate, and longed for eternal life in the world and immortality.

It's just that Qing Xiuyi is clearer, and also understands how to move forward on her own path, and walk all the way to the end.

After a while, Chen Xi shook his head and laughed at himself, "I have no interest in eternal life. My only wish is to fulfill the responsibilities on my shoulders. That's enough."

"Then what happens after you finish your responsibilities?" Qing Xiuyi asked.

Chen Xi said frankly, "I never thought about it."

He really didn't think about it, because he already had too many things, he was promoted to a fairy, looked for his mother Zuoqiu Xue, found his father Chen Lingjun...

The heavy pressure made him dare not think too much.

"I understand." Qing Xiuyi thought for a while, then nodded.

As for what she understood, she didn't say much, she just turned her head, looked at the bloody sunset on the dark horizon in the distance, and said softly: "I can only stay with you for a month at most."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Xi was startled awake from his contemplation, and he frowned and asked, "Why is this? Could it be that there is still something unresolved?"

Qing Xiuyi smiled, stretched out her slender and fair fingers, pointed to the sky, and said, "I have to go first."

"Immortal world?" Chen Xi frowned.


Qing Xiuyi nodded, pursed her lips and said: "Actually, I have never cut off the karma of my previous life. The moment I break through the gate, I can go to the fairy world anytime and anywhere. No disaster in the world can stop me."

In the voice, there was a look of disdain and confidence. In the final analysis, she has always been a woman who is extremely proud in her heart. Because she is extremely proud, she never wants to share her pride with anyone in the world.

Of course, Chen Xi was the only exception.

"A month?"

Chen Xi sighed. After thinking about it, he couldn't help sighing again. He felt a bit unable to accept it, but he had no choice but to accept it. He was very entangled.

Seeing this, Qing Xiuyi couldn't help but smile, and immediately she still couldn't bear it, and explained patiently: "I never told you that my strength is improving every day. Step into the realm of celestial beings in one step. Until I entered the Netherworld, even though I was confined in the God Prisoner's Cave in Wanliu Mountain, my experience during that period of time made my strength grow by leaps and bounds."

Chen Xi clicked his tongue, and said, "Then how strong is your strength now?"

Qing Xiuyi tilted her head, pouring down like a waterfall of blue silk, a rare mischievous look appeared on her beautiful face, she said with a smile: "Guess?"

"Heavenly Immortal?" Of course, Chen Xi readily accepted the request.

Qing Xiuyi pursed her lips, blinked her eyes, "Guess again."

"Xuanxian?" Seeing this, Chen Xi was faintly startled.

Qing Xiuyi didn't even say a word this time, just smiled lightly, as if you were guessing again.

Chen Xi's eyes widened, and he said in astonishment, "Could it be Da Luo Jinxian?"

"Why is it impossible?" Qing Xiuyi asked back.

At this moment, Chen Xi finally fully understood that Qing Xiuyi's current strength had actually reached the ranks of Da Luo Jinxian!

"Then you..." Chen Xi was startled.

"I also just made a breakthrough, otherwise I wouldn't need you to save me, and I would naturally be able to get out of trouble in Wanliu Mountain." Qing Xiuyi seemed to have seen through Chen Xi's thoughts, and explained in a soft voice.

Immediately, she bit her cherry lips lightly, her clear eyes drifted away, and she said pitifully: "Why, after you know all this, do you regret saving me?"

Chen Xi hurriedly shook his head, not daring to be vague.

Qing Xiuyi showed off her face and smiled, and then sighed softly, "This is the practice accumulated in a hundred generations of reincarnation. If it were you, you would only be stronger than me. It's just a pity, because my strength has already reached the level of Daluo Jinxian. level, it is no longer possible to stay in the human world..."

"Then hurry up and go back with me, and then set off from the Jiuhua Sword Sect and return to the Great Chu Dynasty."

Chen Xi thought for a while, and finally made a decision to stand up. He wanted to use this short month to accompany his son Chen An with Qing Xiuyi.

"it is good."

Qing Xiuyi got up one after another, as if she was obedient and obedient to Chen Xi.

At this moment, Chen Xi suddenly felt that Qing Xiuyi seemed to have changed, becoming more supple and virtuous, and this feeling made him very happy in his heart.

But at the same time, he was also very clear that Qing Xiuyi should have done this change on purpose, perhaps, she was trying to make up for herself with the most gentle and silent posture...


However, before the two left, Qing Xiuyi seemed to sense something, her eyebrows frowned, a look of surprise flashed in her clear eyes, and immediately, her eyes became cold again, exuding a piercing chill.

"What happened?" Chen Xi's expression became serious.

"I sensed An'er's breath." Qing Xiuyi replied.

Chen Xi was stunned, and asked in a daze, "An'er?"

"Well, he is in the Xuan Huan domain right now, and he seems to be in serious trouble, otherwise, I wouldn't be able to perceive it." Qing Xiuyi said.

"Big trouble..." Chen Xi was startled, and hastily said, "Don't talk about anything else, just find An'er as soon as possible!"


Qing Xiuyi was not a sloppy person either, so she stretched out her plain hand, tore apart the void, and disappeared with Chen Xi in an instant.

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