Chapter 100 Soul King?Soul Emperor!
As the second of the three seeded teams, the duel between Tiandou Royal Academy and Wuhundian Academy is undoubtedly the most eye-catching game, especially the appearance of the legendary three who won the Purple Record Medal of Wuhundian It ignited the audience even more.

Many people have imagined the images of these three people, whether they are handsome or handsome, or with hideous horns. Based on various rumors, they would not be too surprised if there were three monsters on stage, but when they really saw the three monsters walking slowly in the Hall of Spirits When the three people in the front of the academy team, the crowd still fell into an eerie silence for a moment.

The biggest difference between them and others is not their appearance and strength, but their aura. Only the undefeated who have gone through countless battles can have the ghostly aura, which is like a sheath but still reveals a thick bloody aura. The demon sword that kills countless people with anger, just the introverted hostility and chill is enough to make people intimidated.

Of course Dugu Bo wants to watch the granddaughter's competition.Standing on the side of Shrek Academy, he reminded Tang San in a low voice: "Pay close attention to these three people."

"These three people are the three geniuses who are hailed as the golden generation by the Wuhun Hall. That red-haired young man is named Yan, and Wuhun is the Lord of Fire." He pointed the stage with his fingers, and moved his fingertips over the red-haired young man , then motioned Tang San to look at the silver-haired young man and the fair-haired girl who looked somewhat similar, "The other two are brothers and sisters, and they followed their parents' surnames and their martial spirits respectively. Xie Yue, a soul master of the attacking weapon, Wuhun Moonblade; her sister is Hu Liena, her Wuhun is a fox, and she possesses an extremely powerful charm ability. Their soul power has already reached five..."

The half-spoken number was truncated at his mouth because of the next scene.

Two yellow, two purple, and two black, six soul rings with identical configuration rose up from Xie Yue, Hu Liena, and Yan respectively, causing the audience to gasp in amazement: the golden generation of the Spirit Hall was not revealed by the information obtained from many sources. It's the soul king, but the soul emperor!

"How is this possible!" Qin Ming threw himself on the guardrail, gripping the railing tightly with his hands, his uncontrollable strength due to violent emotional fluctuations made spider web-like cracks appear on the hard marble.

He used to be the leading teacher of the Royal Fighting Team, and he had a deep friendship with them. After witnessing the overwhelming strength of the golden generation, he immediately became worried for the students. The natural gap in strength might kill them.

"Ascension to the Gods! They participated in the Ascension to the Gods Project!" The master, who was also shocked, regained his senses and lost his usual calm voice, his eyes widened and bloodshot were full of disbelief.

Dugu Bo also reacted, and immediately jumped down from the high viewing stand to ask the referee to stop the game. Dugu Yan is his only family member left, and he can't watch her in danger.

Her white and slender hands pressed his shoulders and pushed him against the railing. She was probably the only girl in the audience who was not surprised by this, and said in a cold and calm voice: "The match has already begun. Dou Empire, they won't kill. And Yanyan and Yu Tianheng are not the ones who will retreat without a fight."

The golden generation did not show a smug and arrogant expression because of the discussions outside the court. It was still as calm as the sea, and there was a raging undercurrent hidden under the sea.

A faint smile appeared on Hu Liena's face, a reddish light emerged from her body, and her spring-like eye waves met Yu Tianheng's eyes.

In an instant, the dizziness that seemed to be drunk and dreamlike made Yu Tianheng's vision blurred. With strong willpower, he bit the tip of his tongue before barely waking up, and sternly shouted: "Don't look into her eyes!"

"Is it okay if you don't look at your eyes?" Hu Liena smiled, as if mocking his innocence, "They all call me Tianhu."

The six spirit rings on her body flickered very regularly, and when each spirit ring fluctuated, the red light covering her also became stronger, spreading like a blood-colored mist across the huge arena.

In the mist, Xie Yue also moved. He held two thin and sharp curved blades shaped like crescent moons, stretched his hands, and slammed into Hu Liena's back.

The moment he collided with Hu Liena's body, the red light curtain suddenly appeared and spread, converging with the red mist floating on the field, enveloping the seven members of the Royal Fighting Team in it.

The other five members of Wuhundian Academy's team, including Yan, didn't seem to have any plans to make a move. He even took a step back and took the time to act as a spectator with his arms folded.

Even the sunlight seems to be unable to penetrate the almost solid red mist, let alone human eyesight.Tang San's eyes were stinging with purple light, but he could only vaguely see the form of Xie Yue and Hu Liena's martial soul fusion skills in the mist. Figures of men and women.

The figure danced gracefully, but with an aura that seemed to be able to tear everything apart, the two moon blades in their hands, which had been doubled in size, quietly cut out with a rainbow-like brilliance.

"This is their martial soul fusion skill, Yao Mei." Sang Xia said softly, "Master control. Within the range covered by the red mist, senses, soul power and actions will all be reduced by 50.00%. They want a quick victory."

Just in line with her conclusion, the members of the Royal Fighting Team were thrown out one by one, first Oslo, then Shimo Shimo Brothers, then Ye Lingling and Yufeng, only the one with the highest soul power remained Yu Tianheng and Duguyan are still struggling to support.

It was impossible to see the situation from the outside, and the audience could only hear suppressed muffled groans and uncontrollable screams from inside, followed by Xie Yue's contemptuous sneer and Hu Liena's coquettish voice. The demonic voice composed together echoed like metal resonance: "Poison, in our domain, is also greatly reduced. Dugu Yan, your poison is not enough to affect me. Go."

Yaomei flicked the moon blade lightly in her hand, and threw the body of Dugu Yan, who was unable to dodge in time, without any scars on her body, but blood spurted wildly from her seven orifices, and hit the wall heavily.

The red light curtain receded, and the enchanting and stalwart figure disappeared on the stage. Hu Liena stood with her hands behind her back, the blood-red lines on Xie Yue's eyes and tails were so bewitching, and Yu Tianheng stood Opposite them, Long Hua's arm, which was tough enough to cut gold and cut iron, was constantly trembling due to the severe pain, and blood gushed out from the gaps in the cracked dragon scales.

"For the sake of your family, I will spare your life."

Xie Yue glanced at him coldly, and the moon blade drew a semi-curved cold light in the air, pulling Yu Tianheng lightly like a silk thread of light, causing his body to fall to the ground with a bang.



"... Yu Tianheng!"

Seeing Yu Tianheng's tragic injury, the master, Qin Ming and Yu Tianxin, who had been watching the game nervously all the time, exclaimed at the same time, staring at Xie Yue's eyes almost oozing blood.

Xie Yue didn't care about the anger and hostility of the victim's elders, teachers, and brothers at all. She raised her ocher eyes as deep as dried blood or withered roses, and looked at the Shrek crowd in the viewing area from a distance.The indifferent and mocking smile on his lips widened, and he cut his throat lightly as if provocatively.

When his eyes fell on one of them, he suddenly froze for a moment.The girl's back is lonely and thin, and the thick and fluffy long hair like a clump of algae can't hide the outline of the shoulder blades because of her thinness, just like a butterfly with its wings folded resting on her back.

He couldn't see her face, but the strand of hair that curled slightly around her ear was so familiar, like a long-lost old friend.

 I finally wrote Brother Yue wwwww
(End of this chapter)

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