Chapter 120 Undertaker


He nodded hastily, and managed to squeeze out an answer through his chattering teeth, and got a bright smile and a polite "thank you".

Unable to respond to the thank you, he couldn't stand upright, staggered a step, and fell back on the stool, his slightly trembling pupils reflected the back of her turning and leaving.

Every time she takes a step, there will still be sticky and thick blood squeezed out from the soles of the shoes, but the tips of her hair and the corners of her skirt are also white, and they gently shake up and down with her steps, which makes her back look like A swaying white flower stretches its flower stem neatly in the boundless darkness and the flesh and blood of all living beings, spotless.

This kind of her is too eye-catching in the capital of killing, like a harmless cub mixed in with a pack of wolves, tigers and leopards,

The wild beasts exchanged glances with each other, their eyes were full of fierceness, and they reached out their hands and took out various weapons from their pockets. They were scrambling to pounce on the precious prey in their eyes, and everyone wanted a piece of the pie.

The desolate moonlight shrouded this sinful city like a blood-colored veil, and after being reflected by the blade, her face was illuminated. Half of it was a cold silver butterfly fluttering its wings, covering the expression of her eyebrows, while the other half was bright and bright. Shenghui, with a slight smile on his raised lips.

She stretched out her hand and grasped it in the air, and "grabbed" the messy dead branches, gravel and bone fragments on the ground from the air. These fragments revolved around her against gravity, like star rings guarding celestial bodies, He blocked those cold fronts.

These things, which were obviously too weak to be vulnerable to metal, were manipulated by her, as if they had turned into mountain-like things, rolling down with an unshakable and resistant attitude, trying to crush everything into powder.

A strange scene appeared, they still maintained the posture of raising their blades and stabbing down, but they were completely unable to move in the face of such an almost substantive coercion, like a puppet that had lost the control of a puppeteer, and could only stand in a daze. Frozen in place.

And she walked among them, just like the child in the fairy tale who strayed into the kingdom of dolls, her eyes flicked past their faces mixed with ferocity and fear. Through the blades and their bodies.

The jackals, tigers and leopards finally realized belatedly who was the prey in this hunt.

The people on the periphery of the crowd who were lucky enough not to be restrained turned around and ran away under the control of great panic, wanting to stay as far away from this ghostly girl as possible.

She was not in a hurry to chase them, she just stood there and tilted her head to look at their backs fleeing in a hurry, her pupils shone brightly, as if she thought their panic and despair were very interesting, she laughed lightly and mockingly, the childish and sweet voice of a child It was supposed to give people a good listening experience, but amidst the corpses and pools of blood all over the floor, it seemed ethereal and eerie like the countdown to death.

She gently closed her palms, and countless fragments swirled up like a swarm of butterflies.

These flesh-and-blood butterflies gathered into a hurricane of death, and swept past the crowd, splashing blood in the air as it passed, like fog and rain, but not a single drop fell On her body, it seems that she is also fearing and avoiding her. The most coquettish red and the most pure white are distinct, but they seem to blend with each other.

She walks in this rain of blood, walks through the pool of blood, her footsteps are as light as a white deer wading through a valley, but the place where she walks is like the morning sun dispelling the long night, and the tide washes the beach, no one dares to approach, all Everyone was backing away like a snake and scorpion, making way for her.

Sang Xia was very satisfied that these guys were so knowledgeable, and hummed a song in a good mood: "On this glorious land, all living beings in the world are so happy..."

The originally majestic and sacred tune was hummed carelessly by the girl's clear and sweet voice, and it became low and round, like a bird whirling across the sky, but the people present still heard the familiar melody.

All living beings, no matter good or evil, are blessed by nature*—almost everyone of them has heard this song, which is a hymn in praise of angel gods, which is often played on many important occasions in Wuhun Temple, because it is said to have soothing The role of the human heart, the priests of Wuhundian will also hum this song to the frightened children after completing the awakening ceremony.

But it should not appear here. The grace of the high god who symbolizes brilliance, benevolence, goodness and salvation has never visited this place, and no one here will praise his glory. The combination of the two is Together, everyone felt a weird sense of absurdity while frightened.

If Sangxia knew what they thought, she would laugh at Qian Daoliu with great joy. The Angel Family has declined so far, and the Spirit Hall has long since ceased to take the mission of spreading the teachings of the Angel God, so many people have forgotten His original authority.

Angel God has never been just a merciful god who treats all beings with kindness as his heart. He has another face from the most violent to cruel. When He is angry, all sinners will be burned to ashes by the burning flame of the holy sword of judgment.

Humming in such a happy mood, she walked outside the hell killing field, and poured a cup of blood she received along the way into the container at the door.

This building is not as exquisitely decorated as the spirit fighting arena outside. There are only circles of simple stands going around, encircling a huge empty field with a diameter of more than [-] square meters on the ground floor.

At this time, there were only a few spectators in the stands, but the competition in the arena had reached a feverish stage. In order to win the qualification to survive, the contestants fought together, leaving countless wounds on each other with martial spirits, blades, nails and teeth. One of them The man jumped up and shot out dozens of sharp feathers like knives. They were deeply embedded in the bodies of his opponents. Blood gushed out like a fountain from the severed blood vessels and tendons, staining him. Became a blood man.

He became the final winner of this bloody and cruel match, but he was already scarred, his steps were heavy and vain, only a pair of eyes were still as cold and bright as cold stars, and he glanced coldly at the spectators with different expressions.

The guys who were about to move because of his weakness were intimidated by his cold and stern gaze, and they looked away a little unnaturally. Only one of them didn't avoid it, but blinked and smiled at him.

Wearing a white hood, the girl who looked like edelweiss sat obediently on the seat with her cheeks in her hands. When she smiled, her big eyes curved into crescents, and a shallow dimple formed on her cheeks.

Seeing such a bright and bright smile seems to brighten people's mood no matter when and where he is, but here - he sneered slightly and did not stop.

From the comments of the people around her, Sangxia heard that the title of this person in the killing field of hell is "Banshee", which is a female goblin that brings disasters in some folklore. They will herald death with horrific cries. In their eyes, he—it should be her—is as terrifying as the Banshee, but in just two years, he has won twelve victories in the killing fields of hell.

She was thoughtful, the roaring and wailing sounded again, and another game was staged in front of the audience, but she no longer had any interest in watching, and walked straight through the stands to the staff in charge of registration in the Hell Slaughtering Field, Handed over his ID card: "Hello, I want to sign up for the competition."

The latter couldn't help showing a surprised expression, not because of her too young appearance but because of the number on her ID card, but soon he came back to his senses, respectfully prepared for her register.

People who were exiled to the killing capital are already dead in a social sense. Of course, everything in the past must be discarded, including first and last names, and they are only called by numbers or codes, so he asked according to the usual practice said a word.

As if she had thought about this question long ago, she raised the corners of her lips slightly, and replied softly, "The Undertaker."

 *Note: Adapted from the lyrics of "Ode to Joy"

(End of this chapter)

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