Chapter 19
He has a pair of good-looking hands. This fact is objective and will not be diverted by Sang Xia's will to chop him into pieces.The fingers are slender, thin and strong. When the fingers are flexed, the contours of the phalanges and the light blue veins on the back of the hand protrude under the thin skin. They are hands that are very suitable to be cut off and displayed in jewelry showcases. Agate, tourmaline, emerald The thicker the color, the more the light jade color of the hands will be set off, but he usually only wears a pair of silver longevity bracelets, which are densely twisted with extremely fine silver threads, decorated with two slender silver bells, hanging in the air On the wrist of Lingding, there will be one or two soft and cold bells when walking.

Silver protects the five viscera, calms the mind, relieves palpitations, and eliminates evil spirits. There is an old custom in the southern region to make silver bracelets for newborns. Life".

But in the "Garden of the Falling Moon", this bell is called——

"Reminder bell".

Ripples appeared on the water surface of the bathtub, which was as blue as a jade mirror, and large splashes of water splashed up. Sang Xia suddenly poked her head out from the bottom of the water. After soaking in the hot water for too long, the blood supply to the brain was insufficient, and she felt dizzy and had trouble breathing. Yin lingered, she lay on the edge of the barrel and panted hard, her eyes couldn't stop going black, and it took a long time to catch her breath.

The pool of water was still warm, but she felt cold all over. She staggered wetly to the clothes hanger and wrapped herself in a bath towel. It took a long time for her cold fingertips to feel warm again.

She felt that her whole body had been marinated by the medicinal bath, her body smelled of bitter herbs, and she took a shower outside before changing her clothes. She was too lazy to wait for her hair to dry and disheveled, so she pulled on her slippers and had a fight with the head of the medical center. Greeted to leave, but the old man pulled back the collar and carried her back and pressed her on the seat while muttering about her poor health and not being careful not to dry her hair, the moisture would invade her body while covering her with a towel like wiping a puppy She rubbed her head vigorously, and before she left, she stuffed two packs of herbs that strengthen the blood and nourish Qi in her hand.

Sang Xia: ...All right.

Although it is an old-fashioned way that neither cures the symptoms nor the root cause, but he can't stop drinking it. It's like Flender spent his own money. If he can use the best medicinal materials, he will never use second-class medicinal materials. The salvia miltiorrhiza in the medicine bag None of the Zizhi and Cordyceps are cheap, and a pack of medicine costs at least three hundred gold soul coins. Every time Sang Xia takes the medicine, she is heartbroken and wonders whether she is drinking medicine or burning money.

It was still early, and she didn't want to go back to school, so she simply wandered aimlessly in Soto City.The dim sum shop she frequented in the city had new products. She bought red bean cakes for the teachers in the academy. Zao Wou-ki liked sweet ones, so he added candied dates for him. Flender had trouble digesting recently, so the sweet ones He was not allowed to eat it, and bought some hawthorn sticks for him to chew to digest after meals.

I also bought egg yolk cakes and ox tongue cakes for Bai Aopang, who was running around and screaming hungry in the middle of the night. The little girl finally came to the college. They should like the new peach blossom cakes in the store. She packed a few copies, Weighed myself a portion of candied green plums.

Seeing that she was a big customer, the busy clerk in front of the counter wrapped a small portion of candy for her, but she didn't refuse, and thanked her with a smile, and picked a grape-flavored one and threw it into her mouth.

The new issue of "Dou Luo Feng Shang" arrived in the bookstore. She bought a copy, along with several novels, poetry collections, biographies and medicinal plant illustrations. It's great, but I haven't read a few books in the end, and Flender always scolds her for wasting money.

When she walked out of the bookstore, the afternoon sun was shining, and the sugar in her mouth melted and the flavor came back. She was so tired that she felt nauseous, and leaned against the wall to retch.

She was choking her neck, her fingers were almost sunken into the muscles and bones, she couldn't vomit without eating anything in the morning, all she vomited was clear water mixed with blood, and the smell of blood welled up from her throat.She coughed so hard that she arched her back in pain, her body trembling violently involuntarily.

She was in so much pain that she was unconscious, and she was in a daze wanting to hear the reminder that someone would die, so why didn’t I die after hearing it so many times, keep me to torture me, right? I can’t die and you can die Okay--

She cursed nonchalantly, and the severe pain slowly calmed down. At this time, her back was soaked in cold sweat. She took out the mirror from the soul guide and looked at it, and found that she was really She is a female ghost with disheveled hair and a pale face. Don't think about going back like this. If Flender sees her, she will definitely be nagging. She sighed resignedly, tied her hair into a neat and energetic high ponytail and put it down on both sides. Two strands of long sideburns were used to cover her face, and she rubbed her cheeks vigorously to bring out a little blush and warmth on her frighteningly cold face.

Her hands were still trembling, and she took out a hand-rolled cigarette that she hadn't touched for a long time from the soul guide and lit it. The cool mint smell flowed through the trachea and was expanded to all the limbs, eliminating the severe pain that seemed to rise from the depths of the bone marrow. Throwing the cigarette butt into the trash can with the half-extinguished cigarette, he roughly wiped the blood hanging from the corner of his mouth.

Sang Xia didn't know how she got back to the academy, she fell asleep on the bed in the dormitory and fell asleep until it was dark, when she woke up again it was already dark outside, Zhu Zhuqing came back at some time, she was curled up on the bed and fast asleep.

She didn't wake her up, put the peach cake on the desk and left a note for her to remember to eat, and walked out the door lightly.

Zhu Zhuqing came back, so everyone else must have come back too. She took the packed snacks and went to Zhao Wuji. The latter searched the back kitchen of the college and still didn't have enough to eat. After seeing her, he was overjoyed and kept saying "" I didn't hurt you in vain." He groaned and gnawed on the red bean cake, and went to get the egg yolk cake after finishing his share, but was beaten on the back of the hand by Sang Xia.

"Are you wanting face?" She looked contemptuous, "How old are you and students grab food."

Zhao Wuji was very dissatisfied, and muttered that they didn't have money, why would you buy them some snacks, and also egg yolk crisps, you see Ma Hongjun's face was rounder than the egg yolk.Sang Xia was so annoyed by him that she finally gave him another bite. For Ma Hongjun's fault, he should eat less anyway.

"By the way, did you get Xiao Ao's soul ring? Did it go well?"

She was just asking casually, but when Zhao Wuji heard this, the hand that reached out to touch the egg yolk cake froze, and then he hahad casually: "It's going well, why didn't it go well, don't you see that we all came back in good order—" —”

His eyes wandered and his tone was erratic, and it seemed that he was guilty, Sang Xia narrowed his eyes: "Huh?"

Zhao Wou-ki shivered instinctively, under the intimidation of Sang Xia's gaze, he hesitated for a long time and couldn't make up anything. He didn't say that Dai Mubai would definitely sell him out at that time, his end would only be worse, why not say it himself.

"It's amazing," Sang Xia laughed instead of anger, and she freed her hands to applaud him twice, "It's amazing. In Shrek, the students lined up to die. After the teacher gave up generously, we made up a joke and said it to the old lady at the entrance of the village. I have to shed two baskets of tears, it’s true that the upper beam is straight and the lower beam is not crooked.”

With well-developed limbs like Zao Wou-Ki, he could tell that these yin and yang words were definitely not praises, and he was dripping with cold sweat, and he tried to smooth his hair tremblingly while wiping the sweat: "I said girl, aren't we all fine? You can't be angry, you have to be happy for us."

"Happy, I'm so happy." Sang Xia cupped her face and showed him a smile that was so sweet that there was honey in the dimples, "I'm going to praise my cute, brave, and fearless one by one. Brothers and sisters, Mr. Zhao, you should also think carefully about how to praise your performance in the Star Dou Forest. Write [-] words and give it to me. "

She hummed a song and left, Zhao Wuji's face was ashen: "Three thousand characters, the total number of characters he has known in this life may not be [-]."

 Yes, Sangxia smokes for pain relief

(End of this chapter)

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