Chapter 22 They and Them

She told him, long time no see.

Subject No. 0, code-named "Dragon" in the Court of Falling Moon, the most outstanding creation of the White Tower, is privately referred to by low-level researchers as "he" instead of "she".

Yu Xiaogang never thought that one day he would see her alive again.

In what he prefers to call a "slaughterhouse" rather than a research institute, he's seen what they do to this girl, they call it "research", "experimentation" and "reformation" , but in his eyes, it was cruel torture that was no different from murder.

At that time, he was only the most junior researcher in the White Tower, and he was not qualified to contact the precious high-sequence experimental subjects, and he had no way of knowing what experiments they had conducted on her, but he saw everything through the cold glass shield.

Those strangely colored liquids injected into her body through transparent plastic tubes, the shimmering alien bones that were dismantled from her body or implanted in them, fresh suture marks and healed hideous and tangled scars, as well as septum Looking at him through the glass, the frozen deep sea.

Those eyes are not what a "girl" or "human being" should be. There is no pain, no fear, and no desire to survive. If it weren't for her pupils moving with the light, Yu Xiaogang would even think it was just a mosaic. The two blue glasses in her eye sockets are clear and empty, and because of this inhumanity, they show a terrifying divinity, like a lost deer or a dying dragon.

During that time, he could hardly eat and sleep normally, vomited frequently, lost weight, and was tense. As soon as he closed his eyes, colorful patches of color, red blood, white bones, and blue eyes would begin to flash.

white tower.The institution under the Martial Soul Palace, the academic hall that everyone looks up to, and the most authoritative Martial Soul research organization in the Pangea, every theory or achievement born in it is enough to shock the entire soul master world, and every scholar can be ranked among the best. The court of the hanging moon in the pagoda is proud, including the former Yu Xiaogang.

But it wasn't until he left there that he understood why Bibi Dong said that there was an abyss.Everyone who looks at the abyss will be assimilated into a lunatic and a monster by the abyss.

He sold his conscience to those monsters, and with the help of them, he perfected his theory of the ten core competitiveness of Wuhun. blood, to spend the rest of his life bearing the shackles of repentance.

And now the girl is sitting by the bonfire not far from him, the profile of her rosy face reflected by the fire is more delicate and softer than before, and she looks younger than her actual age. She is holding a bunch of Baked potato chips, listening to Xiao Wu's words with a smile on his lips.

Maybe it seems hypocritical for him to say this, but he is really happy that she survived and left that ghost place, and seeing her act like an ordinary girl, his heart, which has been tortured by guilt, finally feels better .

He stared at her for too long, Sang Xia accidentally got the roasted rabbit meat by stuffing the potato slices in his hand, Zheng Zheng angrily denounced the bunny so cute, how could he eat the bunny? Changing his seat, he sat next to Yu Xiaogang, glared at Flender and asked him to sit far away so as not to eavesdrop on her.

Flender, who quietly closed his ears, was caught on the spot, helplessly patted the back of his head, and got up to look for Zao Wou-ki.

"What are you looking at me for?" She put her hands on her knees and held her cheeks, with the bright flames of the bonfire dancing in her eyes, she said casually, "I know I'm good-looking, but you don't have to keep staring at me like this."


Yu Xiaogang didn't expect that she would take the initiative to sit over, he was stunned for a while, and he didn't know what to say to her when he came back to his senses, in the end he just uttered an apology dryly.

"It's okay, there are too many people who like to look at me, so there's no need to apologize." Dazed by the fire, Sang Xia's eyes narrowed slightly like cat's eyes under strong light.She doesn't like people from that place, but Yu Xiaogang is really not ranked among them. First, he never drew her blood, second, he never used a knife on her body, and third, he never stuffed some in her body. There is no need to put on such a guilty face as if he owed her 800 million gold soul coins to show her such a mess, and the person he really owes is not her.

"How about it, our Shrek students are good, right? Young and energetic." She picked up a stick from the ground and fiddled with the fire, and after she pulled the stacked firewood away, the fire burned even more vigorously, and burst into flames. A flame more than half a meter high erupted, and the crazy Ma Hongjun cheered impassionedly, smashing the juice bottle in his hand to the ground with a loud clang, jumped up and began to twist and dance, holding up Oscar and holding a roasted corn as a microphone for him Deep in the story, he said in a straight voice that next, we will invite classmate Ma Xiaopang to perform the solo "Phoenix Returns to the Nest" for us.

"it is good!"

Of course Dai Mubai wanted to show face to his roommate and junior, so he took the lead in applauding.

Ma Hongjun's dancing posture is weird, it can't be said to be exactly the same as Phoenix, it can only be said to have nothing to do with it, Zhu Zhuqing's cheeks twitched when he saw that his expression was not developed, Tang San, who has always been steady, couldn't hold back his laughter, Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong She even collapsed from laughing, Ning Rongrong collapsed on Zhu Zhuqing's body, she couldn't breathe from laughing, she clutched her stomach and cried out that it hurts.

Ma Hongjun was even more proud, he spun in front of Ning Rongrong like a peacock spreading his tail and invited her to dance together.Ning Rongrong didn't hold back, she took his hand and stood up with a smile on her face, walked to the center of the square, raised her skirt and curtsied gracefully to everyone.

At the moment she danced, the laughter and conversation stopped, only the faint breath of admiration remained.The light of the fire is reflected on her swirling and blooming skirt, flickering on and off like a big, flourishing flower. She is surrounded by bright flowers, light and graceful like a white crane dancing on water, and like a solitary solitary tree. Blooming flowers, blooming to the extreme beauty, people almost forget to breathe.

Oscar looked up blankly, unaware that the butter spread on the corn had melted and dripped onto his hands. When he first saw Ning Rongrong, he knew she was beautiful, but he never thought about her. Can be so beautiful, just like her martial spirit is so radiant, just looking at her light seems to be burned by her.

In her skirt scattered like a bird's feather, he saw all the beautiful things he had seen in his life, the faint morning light, the brilliant galaxy, the clear sky and blue sea, the luxuriant vegetation, all kinds of magnificent scenes merged into thousands of colors, all of which were blurred. At the corners of her brows and eyes, a bright smile froze, and when Yingying looked back, the world paled in an instant.

In this smile, he raised his hand and pressed his heart that was beating like a drum, half resigned to his fate and half laughed at himself, thinking that it was over.

Oscar, you are screwed.

And Sang Xia withdrew her gaze, bent her eyes and laughed: "They're all the same age, aren't they very similar? When you see them laughing like this, do you think of those cries?"

Yu Xiaogang's face was as pale as gold paper, of course he will never forget it, he has never forgotten it in these years, every time he is called "Master" is a spiritual and moral delay for him, reminding him Those people and things that could not be erased, his cold brows trembled because of the great pain, but Sang Xia just looked at him indifferently, his eyes were completely unmoved.

She poked Yu Xiaogang's chest with the blackened tip of the stick in her hand: "Have you seen the hearts of so many people, have you cut open the chest to see your own? Drenched in so much blood However, will it become more and more red, or has it already started to fester and turn black?"

She dropped the stick in her hand, stood up and left without looking back.

 I love writing about girls, and all the girls are cute.

(End of this chapter)

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