Chapter 26

But Sang Xia was dreaming.

In the dream, the base’s eternal artificial light source shone on the glass barrier, and the reflected light was cold and dazzling. The thin boy breathed out a breath of white air on the glass, and wrote a number on it with his fingers, showing the She smiled: "Hi, I'm number nine."

He told Sangxia that dreams are the projection of people's subconscious mind, so Sangxia felt that this theory must be wrong, and that place and him could not exist in her subconscious mind, unless the picture showed her blowing them up together.

That's what she thought, and she did. The cracked lines spread along the glass curtain wall like a spider web, and the flying debris scattered like a hard rain. Like countless times before, she pointed at him with the tip of a knife. , said calmly: "Go away."

The blade pierced the palm of his hand, and blood flowed down along the fingers. He held the knife with a sad and pleading look in his eyes: "Sangsang, don't go."

Sang Xia almost laughed because of his dedicated acting skills even in the dream, she clenched the handle of the knife even harder, and nailed the blade deeper into that hand before waking up from the dream, blood flowed to her hand superior.

Strange that it was still hot.

Sangxia slowly opened her eyes, bent her arms to cover her eyes to adapt to the morning sun, the pale golden light reflected the floating dust in the air, there were one or two chirping birdsong outside the window, and the glutinous rice balls were sitting on the cat In the nest, he raised his face and gave her a soft "meow".

She is in the world, yesterday is far away.

She bent down and took the kitten into her arms and gave it a quick suck. After adding cat food and water to it, she got up refreshed and went out to watch Dai Mubai and his morning training.

Before the master came to Shrek, Sangxia's daily life was like this: eating, reading, petting the cat, drawing, hoeing, bickering with Flender, bullying Zao Wou-ki.

After the master came to Shrek, Sangxia's daily life was like this: eating, reading, stroking the cat, drawing, hoeing, watching the training of the juniors and girls. He acted as air, bickered with Flender, and bullied Zao Wou-ki.

Generally speaking, there is no difference, but seeing them being tortured by the master so that everyone wears a pain mask to practice Sangxia is really happy, and they can even eat two more bowls of meals happily. Of course, there may also be school cafeterias The reason why the dishes have finally improved.

Therefore, after three months of suffocating devil training, not only did Dai Mubai and the others gain weight, but even Sang Xia gained a little weight, with a little bit of baby fat showing on his face. Shao Xin, Minister of the Ministry, expressed great satisfaction and encouraged her to continue.

Flender, however, was grimacing. Yu Xiaogang’s training equipment, nutrition package, and medical bath materials prepared by Yu Xiaogang for the special training were all not blown by the strong wind. The money was spent like a flood, and the financial situation of the academy was already stretched. As a result, it became even more bleak. He fiddled with the abacus for a long time and figured out the expenditure during this period. After taking a breath, he pushed the account book in front of Yu Xiaogang and spread it out, which means that the college has no money. You can look at it yourself. do it.

Yu Xiaogang picked up a cup filled with Flanders' ten catties of silver-soul coins of inferior tea, and calmly blew away the foam floating on the water: "You don't have to worry about the follow-up expenses, I will find a way to solve it. "

Sang Xia passed by Flender's office and listened. She rolled her eyes, turned around to look for Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun, and pointed her fingers to signal them to come closer.

After hearing her talk about Flender's plight, Dai Mubai immediately wanted to pay for support. Although he was exiled by his father, his mother's family still supported him behind his back, so he was always financially well-off, otherwise he wouldn't always have been exiled by his father. Ma Hongjun called Gou Dahu sourly.

"Your little money is not enough for the master to build in three days." Dai Mubai's living expenses are enough for him to live comfortably by himself, but it is impossible to rely on this little money to maintain the operation of an academy, Sang Xia weighed the money bag he took out in his hand, and there was a dull sound unique to the collision of gold, "Lend it to me, and I will return the principal with interest to you in a few days."

She stretched out her hand to wrap around Ma Hongjun's neck: "Come on, Fatty, my sister will take you to do something big."

Dai Mubai was stunned for a few seconds before reacting, his face wrinkled with grievance: "Senior sister, you don't take me every time you go!"

"You look so fierce, you must be paid attention to once you enter." Sangxia explained, "Look at Xiaopang and I, one is harmless to humans and animals and the other is simple and vigorous. Once we stand inside, we look like idiots who are coming to be slaughtered." , easy for them to take the bait.”

Ma Hongjun is gearing up: "Don't worry, Boss Dai, our record is half of yours!"

Sang Xia wanted to take Ma Hongjun to gamble on stones.

Whether in folk tales or academic works, dragons are greedy creatures. They sleep in caves where treasures are stored, and they will be attracted by the brilliance of gold coins and colored treasures. I don’t know if it is influenced by this. Sang Xia also loves jewelry and jade. She and these things seemed to attract each other like magnets, and even through the thick stone skin, she could feel the light shining beneath it.

In other words, a humanoid cheating device on the stone gambling field.

The Kingdom of Barak is located in the inland plains, and there are not many mineral veins in the territory, so the stone gambling industry is not prosperous. However, Suotuo City is an important economic city in the kingdom, and there are still many good things in the stone gambling workshop. For example, the hair crystal that Tang San bought was bought by Flender from the Gambling Stone Workshop.

Sang Xia led Ma Hongjun to the gate of the largest stone gambling workshop in Suotuo City. Before entering, she pulled him aside and smeared on the faces of the two to cover up their easily identifiable features. Armed with cloaks and masks, the elite guys in the casino can also tell their actual age from their walking pace, it is better to show it openly, and as Sang Xia said, so that they can Easier to hook.

Ma Hongjun was smeared into a small black face by her, and she herself lightly drew two lying silkworms on her face, with a few simple strokes to soften the outline, Ma Hongjun held up the mirror and looked at herself inside. Qi Qi: "Senior sister, your hand is really amazing, my mother may not recognize me here, can you make me thinner?"

"Don't put some unrealistic fantasies on this craft," Sangxia took back the small mirror and threw it back into the storage soul guide. "It can only be fine-tuned, and the head cannot be changed."

The two of them stopped in the lobby of Gambling Stone Workshop, and they were just like two silly white sweets who came to their door to be slaughtered. The young waitress in the uniform with high slits immediately stepped forward and handed them a booklet. With a sweet voice and a smile, he said, "Welcome. Do you two want to buy jade or bet on stones? Some time ago, a batch of glass jadeite with a particularly good water head was opened in the workshop. It happens to be auctioned tonight. If you are interested, you can pay attention."

Ma Hongjun didn't look sideways, he was chased and beaten by Sang Xia many times for "disrespecting women", and now he finally had a memory, and he tried his best to lean towards Sang Xia to show his determination to change his mind.

Sang Xia took the brochure handed over by her kindly and flipped through it. While reading it, she asked the waitress: "I don't know much about jade, can my sister introduce which ones are better?"

The waitress's eyes brightened. There are two types of transactions in Gambling Stone Workshop. One is to trade on the spot, and the other is to organize an auction after the purchase in the workshop. If the guests she receives buy the lot, she can get a commission of.

Moreover, Sangxia looked like the kind of girl from a wealthy family who was very favored at home, so she was extraordinarily attentive and introduced the items at the auction in detail, including unprocessed jade wool and Jewelry designed by famous artists.

After listening carefully, Sang Xia sighed with some regret: "Well, these are very beautiful, but I didn't bring enough money."

The waitress froze, and the business smile on her face almost collapsed. Sangxia saw that she wanted the thugs to throw him out, so she patted her chest to make sure: "But sister, don't worry, wait for me to bet on you." Shi will have money when he comes back, and then you can take me to the auction."

The waitress looked at her back silently, wondering whose family this unlucky child ran out of, don't lose all the family property in one night...

 Sub-question: Who is No. 9?
(End of this chapter)

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