Douluo: Senior Sister is too popular, what should I do?

Chapter 28 Beauty is like a jade sword like a rainbow

Chapter 28 Beauty is like a jade sword like a rainbow

She turned around and pulled out the stone-cutting tofu-like knife from the raw stone that only had a human head left. This time, she lowered the knife much more slowly, with a focused expression, and the peeled stone chips rustled from the tip of the knife fall.

Including the middle-aged man, everyone present couldn't help holding their breath.

She turned her wrist, and with a "click", another piece of stone skin fell down, and a touch of greenery appeared in front of everyone.

That touch of green is deep, deep and vivid, and its color is unpredictable under the reflection of natural light, like a pool of flowing water, exuding a touching beauty, and some people in the crowd couldn't help exclaiming: "Emperor green! "

It's imperial green, only imperial green has such a green color, and the water head is better than his, the middle-aged man's face is ashen, he didn't expect that he would be cheated by a little girl today after gambling for most of his life up.

Sang Xia ignored those voices, and carefully peeled off the last layer of stone skin, and in an instant——

The brilliance overflows, and all sounds return to silence.

The blade touched the jade lightly, and the sound of the gold and stone colliding was clear and pleasant. Sang Xia laughed: "Sorry, it looks like I won."

Many years later, many people still miss the stone gambling game. At that time, the old jade worker who was too old to hold the jade knife and was taken over by his apprentice said that the jade was almost alive, like a solidified puddle. The clear water seems to break through the stone shell and flow out at any time.

And more people were more impressed by the girl who held the knife to untie the jade. Her radiance, calmness and pride combined with the rare and beautiful jade she unwrapped, so beautiful that people dare not look at them.

Beauty is like a jade sword like a rainbow.

The short knife grazed the top of the wretched man's head, shaved off a strand of hair on his forehead, and nailed his hat into the wooden door frame behind him, with the blade almost sunk into the hard wood.The pupils of the wretched man suddenly shrank uncontrollably, and the moment the knife flew past him, the cold hostility seemed to be able to split his brain.

She brushed past him, pulled the knife out of the door frame, put the knife back into its sheath, and whispered in his ear: "Don't let me see you again, or at least one of your two heads will be missing."

The waitress who greeted Sang Xia when she entered the door stunned and sent her to the door. She was in this sleepwalking state at normal auctions, and she couldn't figure out how this child got the priceless emerald. Yes, but the commission that went into her pocket was real and not a dream, so even if she was not so clear-headed, she still achieved full marks for her service attitude, and said "welcome next time" very sincerely.

Jumping and walking in front, Sang Xia lightly jumped over the mottled shadows cast by the moonlight on the ground, the tips of her hair rose and fell with her steps.Ma Hongjun trailed her a few steps, followed behind tremblingly, feeling as if his heart was about to burst out.

He couldn't help but not be nervous. The piece of glass emperor green that Sang Xia opened was robbed madly after it went to the auction. A group of people bid as if they were scrambling to reincarnate. But she acted very calmly, there were too many gold soul coins in the soul tool and she asked Gambling Stone to change them into money orders and throw them to Ma Hongjun, Ma Hongjun spent a few seconds counting the zeros on the top.

In fact, he has been unable to figure out one thing. This question has been around since the first time he gambled with Sang Xia: Since his senior sister has such a skill, why is the academy still so short of money? It would be great if Shifang could let go of his hands and feet and kill all directions. Not to mention a college, buying the entire Suoto City would be enough.

Not to mention that Sangxia did have this plan, but Flender is very stubborn. Like most autocratic patriarchs, he wants to save face. He thinks it is a shame to rely on juniors to earn money to support the family, saying that children fuck too much Xinhui is not tall, and said that she would lose nine times out of ten in betting on stones. His family background is not enough for her to build. Sang Xia has nothing to do with him. Roulu said, she won’t gamble if he doesn’t let her gamble, usually only pick and polish some small stones occasionally, they are all exquisite gadgets, white jade fan pendants, water green beads, delicate jade rings, Flender desk On the other side is a crystal steatite private seal engraved with "not tied to a boat".

Gold and jade jewels each have their own attractive features. Gold is graceful, colorful treasures, all kinds of pearls and stones are lovely in color, while jade is gentle and gentle, pure and flawless. Each piece has its own unique texture and color. Once lost or damaged Again, maybe it is because of this that connoisseurs say that jade has spirit.

Sang Xia took out the piece of glutinous ice seed emperor green she had won from her pocket and admired it under the moonlight. A bracelet, carved out of lotus leaves, curled up along a clear water, the little lotus is just exposed, when you wear it on your wrist, you will feel that the heat of the summer has dissipated: "Fatty, don't you look good?"

"Looks good," Ma Hongjun replied honestly, and then asked, "Senior sister, why don't you take another piece from yours if you want to make a bracelet? I heard they say it's made of glass, which is better than this one."

"I've handled too many types of glass, and I'm tired of playing with it." Sangxia said, "That one is too pure and transparent, and it loses its charm. I don't like it very much."

Ma Hongjun looked blank, he didn't have this kind of extravagant and lustful hobby of burning money, if it was Dai Shao or Miss Ning who grew up in Jinxiu heap, he could chat with Sang Xia here, but the chubby face There's just a limpid stupidity that just nods at her words.

Sang Xia, who was wasting her words in vain, laughed, and stopped chatting with him, and stuffed the jade back into her pocket.

"Huh?" She paused and uttered a single voice of doubt.Ma Hongjun suddenly trembled all over, subconsciously grabbed the soul guide with the money order on his wrist, raised 12 points of vigilance and looked around in a panic: "What's wrong? Someone wants to rob us?"

"Yeah." Sang Xia stood lazily in the moonlight, and her brisk tone sounded a little cheerful for some reason, "But do you know that the person who dared to snatch me was either not yet born, or already dead?"

Violet ripples in the icy blue rippled around her feet, and the bone-piercing cold spread along with it. The abundant water vapor in the air at night in early summer condensed into ice due to the sudden drop in temperature. Ice flowers bloomed all over the road in the alley.

The first soul skill, the breath of frost.With Sang Xia as the center, the Frost Field was launched. The temperature in the field dropped, and the circulation of soul power and physical activities were restricted. As her soul power increased, it expanded step by step. Now at level 72, she can already cover a radius of 20 meters.

The ice crystals quickly spread to his feet before Bule had time to react. It looked beautiful and brittle but was extremely hard, nailing him firmly in place. For the first time in his life, he felt regretful. The desire to spend a huge sum of money that would be enough for the rest of his life overwhelmed his cautiousness. He took chances, thinking that with his ability to control the soul sect, even if he failed to rob, he would be able to create enough gaps to escape completely. But he never thought that this girl could be so scary.

To be able to completely suppress him so easily, her level must be much higher than his, but how is this possible?She is 14 years old?Still 15 years old?In short, he is definitely not yet an adult. At this age, he has reached the level of Soul Sect or even higher. Is this a human being? Is this some kind of monster in human skin?
Unhappy and unable to move, he could only complain wildly in his mind.

Sang Xia was surrounded by glittering and translucent ice flowers in the center, her hands were behind her back and she tilted her head slightly. The skin on her side face was almost transparent under the moonlight. When she smiled, her face was clear and clear.

That smile was as clear and bright as if it had never been stained with haze and dirt. If this was a glimpse of the street brushing shoulders, Bule would be so fascinated that he couldn't find Beidi and swallowed his saliva. But at this time he only felt the cold, as if The blood was frozen and stopped flowing, as if the cold scythe of death had been hung high above his head.

Death said, "I told you, don't let me see you again."

(End of this chapter)

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