Chapter 31 People are not frivolous

It has to be said that fighting side by side is really the fastest way to enhance the relationship. After a month of soul fighting, the relationship between the Shrek Seven Monsters has become much closer, especially the girls. Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing still had a disagreement when they first entered school The couple who hate each other are now so close that they can take a bath together (because they formed a two-on-two soul fighting combination, they lived together in the hotel, and Sang Xia became Xiao Wu's roommate).

She secretly told Xiao Wu that Zhu Qing had developed really well, and she wanted to bury her. Xiao Wu looked down at her chest, sighed and looked at Sang Xia resentfully. She finally became roommates with her senior sister, and she also wanted to take a bath with her senior sister. But every time the invitation was rejected, did the senior sister have any objections to her?
Sang Xia's scalp was a little numb from her junior sister's beautiful big eyes, and she quickly explained: "I'm just not used to taking a bath with others..."

Not only did Ning Rongrong speak loudly at the women's meeting, but she was also quite unscrupulous in front of the boys, asking with a malicious face if it was true that boys would compare their size in private, let alone honest boy Tang San, She couldn't even beat Dai Shao and the suave Oscar among the thousands of flowers. One was drinking water and almost choked to death, the other was blushing and couldn't even speak. Sang Xia and Xiao Wu laughed wildly beside them.

"What's the matter?" The master came in with a stack of paper materials in his hand, and asked inexplicably upon seeing this.Ning Rongrong, who has profound face-changing skills, turned serious for a second, and replied with a dignified and reserved sweet smile: "Everyone is going to be promoted to Silver Fighting Soul, so I'm happy, master, so our second stage of special training is finished?"

"Well, just one test to pass."

The master spread out the information provided by the Soto Great Spirit Arena on the table, and explained the situation concisely.Flender next to him frowned, with disapproval written all over his face: "Why did you agree to them so quickly? People have said that a big nobleman made a big bet. The bet is obviously huge. If they let them go Maybe they will be in a hurry at once, do you understand the maximization of benefits?"

"Vulgar, philistine, you're looking for money!" Sangxia said, "Is the master doing it for the money? To test whether everyone's special training results are good. You can't see the good intentions, so you should hurry up and abdicate and let the virtuous." .”

The master had no expression on his face. Every time Sang Xia said such words, he couldn't tell whether she was being angry or sincerely praising her, so he didn't respond at all.

And Flender stood up and walked over to her, clawing her hair like flying claws into a chicken coop.

Tang San flipped through the information and saw the densely packed markings on it, his heart was moved every now and then, he looked up at the master, he was a little surprised to find that there seemed to be more emotions in the other party's eyes that he had never seen before, the meteor torch was so hot that it ignited his past. His eyes were already stained with twilight.

He pursed his lips slightly, thinking about it.

Ma Hongjun saw the name Oslo at a glance, and asked in amazement what kind of relationship does Oscar have with you, is it your father's illegitimate son?Oscar was furious, and said that his parents were childhood sweethearts who were in love with each other, they were their first love and only had one son, so don't spread rumors here.

Sang Xia straightened out the messed up hair by Flender, and also looked at the content on the page.

Captain Yu Tianheng, Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Wuhun, a level 39 assault-type battle spirit master, with two yellow and one purple spirit rings.In the photo, the young man with blond hair is handsome and upright, with an imposing aura that almost breaks through the paper, making Sang Xia couldn't help but take a few more glances.

"Senior Sister?" Tang San noticed the stagnation of her sight, and asked aloud.Although he could come to the conclusion without thinking about it that the team leader and the Jade Phosphorous Snake Soul Master Duguyan of the control department most needed to be wary of, but he still wanted to hear Sang Xia's suggestions.

"It's nothing." Sang Xia looked at Yu Tianheng's face and then at Yu Xiaogang, and swallowed back the impolite "he looks delicious". She shook her head and pointed to the Royal Fighting Team Ye Lingling, the only assistant soul master, "Look at her."

Tang San didn't know why, but Ning Rongrong looked in the direction of her finger and exclaimed: "Nine Heart Begonia?"

Everyone present looked at her, and even the master's eyes showed a bit of inquiry. He had never heard of the martial spirit Jiuxin Haitang before, but considering that he had two auxiliary spirits Teacher, among them is the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda, which is the most famous in the world, so he didn't focus on this Ye Lingling: "What's so special about Jiuxin Begonia?"

Ms. Ning, who is ignorant and incompetent, basically puts her left ear in her left ear and exits her right ear in her literacy classes. She can forget the knowledge she just heard in class after class, but Jiuxin Haitang, a special and extremely special martial spirit, left her a deep impression on her. Extremely impressed, she still remembers her father's description of it.

To introduce Jiuxin Begonia, one sentence is enough.

"No matter how many soul rings Jiuxin Haitang attaches, there is only one soul skill, which heals all within a range, and the degree of healing is controlled by the soul master's will."

After understanding the meaning of this sentence, almost everyone present gasped.

Flender wondered, Sang Xia had never been very interested in soul masters, how could he know Jiuxin Haitang, a rare martial soul that even the master had never heard of?
He whispered to Sangxia: "Where did you know about Jiuxin Haitang?"

"I've never heard of it, it's the first time I've seen it." Sang Xia replied, "I mean, this sister is pretty."

Flender: "..."

"Can win."

Pressing his hand on the paper, Tang San glanced over his teammates who had lost confidence and morale because of the powerful healing ability of Nine Heart Begonia, and said two words firmly.

Although he didn't know why the master would place so much importance on this spirit fight, but he didn't want to disappoint the teacher, and he didn't think that the Shrek Seven Devils would definitely lose.The opponents are very strong, yes, but they are not much worse than them, and they are still younger, even if they really lose, they have enough time to catch up and surpass.

"Yes, we can win!" Dai Mubai followed suit, putting his hand on Tang San's.Except for Sang Xia, he has never been afraid of anyone since he was a child, and this time is the same, his pride will not allow him to shrink back in front of a strong enemy.

Then there was Xiao Wu, she always wanted to stand by Tang San's side, not to mention the former Notting College eldest sister was no less proud than Dai Mubai, otherwise she wouldn't be judged by Tang San as an explosive.

And then it turned out to be Oscar from the auxiliary department.

"It's burning!" he yelled, "I just hate that my sausage can't be used as a mace and kill the Quartet with my brothers!"

"Who is your brother?" Ning Rongrong gave him a serious look because there was Jiuxin Haitang soul master in the Huangdou team, but the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he put his hand on it.

Dai Mubai counted one, two, three, the seven people shouted "We must win" in unison, and the seven folded hands waved away, seeing Flender and Zao Wou-ki couldn't help nodding in approval, although the slogan shouted a bit Arrogance, but this is the drive and bloodiness that young people should have. People are not frivolous and useless to young people.

Zao Wou-ki was particularly satisfied, he even said that you guys are promising, you are worthy of being his disciples of King Fudo Ming, and you have the demeanor of doing things when you are indifferent to life and death.

The master looked at Tang San, and found that the other party was also looking at him. The 12-year-old boy had already started to twitch. Se's eyes are calm and firm, but there is a bright and amazing light dancing in the depths, like a meteorite falling on the sea surface, burning and boiling the entire ocean.

And he saw through these eyes that there was the same light in his own eyes.

"Yes, yes, keep this expression!" Sang Xia took out the photo camera from the soul guide, and urged Tang San to release the blue silver grass to hold it. She directed Tang San to adjust the distance, and ran behind the photo camera Observing the screen, it took several repetitions to determine the best spot, "Okay, this is the spot, I'll call [-] Xiaotang to take a picture, [-], [-], [-]—"

Dai Mubai and Oscar, who had heavy idol burdens, tried their best to look concave, Ma Hongjun quietly stood on tiptoe, Tang San was commanded to be a little dazed, his eyes were dumbfounded, Ning Rongrong grabbed Zhu Zhuqing's hand and raised it up, smiling brilliantly, Sang Xia ran back in a hurry, Xiao Wu pushed her into the middle and jumped on her with a smile, their faces were pressed together, the baby fat on Sang Xia's face was squeezed up, she looked sideways at the camera , some helplessly bent his eyes and smiled.


The people who are captured by the photo machine are so cute, even the world and fate are trampled under their feet, and the shadow of conspiracy and separation is intimidating in front of them. It is really wanton in sorrow and joy, magnanimous in love and hatred, and a thousand gold is worth a thousand dollars The best age that is irretrievable.

 What Sang Xia usually said to the master = uzi bible, and she thinks that Yu Tianheng is really delicious in the literal sense

  Blue Silver Grass (×) Selfie Stick ()

(End of this chapter)

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