Douluo: Senior Sister is too popular, what should I do?

Chapter 37 Look at your country twice more, and there will be no more in the future

Chapter 37

"I never missed it so much."

The next day, Oscar, who finally finished the second stage of special training, left the hotel and returned to Shrek Academy, said affectionately to Tang San next to him, and without hesitation threw himself into the arms of the broken wooden bed in the dormitory that made him yearn for days and nights. He snorted the moment he touched the pillow.

It was the rainy season, and the bedding hadn't been dried for a month, so there must have been a musty smell. It was hard for Oscar to be able to sleep.Tang San is used to taking care of others, he couldn't see him being so fussy, he lifted the quilt on him and shook it to shake off the dust, then picked up his bedding and planned to take it outside to dry.

This month's training did not squeeze the physical potential to the extreme like the first stage, but it was not easy, and the mental consumption was even greater. The first thing everyone did after returning to school was to throw themselves on the bed Had a good night's sleep.

Sangxia closed the sketchbook on the desk and put it into the book box and threw it into the soul guide. Flender asked Sangxia to follow Qin Ming to Tiandou Academy in advance, saying that she would help them find the way, and she was packing things.At this time, she would express her sincere gratitude to the unknown sage who invented the storage soul guide to save all those who were going to travel far away.

She is beautiful and has a sweet mouth. The old people in the village like her very much. When they heard that she was going to leave, they seemed a little reluctant. They held her hand and refused to let go: "Xiao Xia, where are you going?"

"Go to the city." The grandfather who was asking the question was a little deaf, and Sang Xia was afraid that he might not hear clearly, so she moved closer to him and raised her voice to answer.

"In the city, the city is good, my son is in the city." The old man muttered, "You can make a lot of money in the city, you should buy more nice clothes, don't wear black and white all the time, how old-fashioned!"

"Our Sang Sang is beautiful, and looks good in everything he wears." The old woman gave him a reproachful look, then took Sang Xia's hand and told her, "When you go to the city, take good care of yourself, eat on time and don't be picky eaters."

"I know, mother-in-law, I won't starve myself." Sang Xia smiled with crooked eyes, and stretched out her little finger to gently pull the hook with her.

"Sangsang, will you come back after you leave?"

"I'll be back," Sang Xia leaned down and hugged the reluctant old man, "Wait until my 17th birthday? I don't count my birthday until I eat the longevity noodles made by my mother-in-law."

They are all very ordinary old people, not even soul masters, and they are people from two worlds with her. If they were the noble children of Tiandou Academy, they would definitely back away screaming, lest these rough and old people The marl on their hands will stain their rich brocade robes.

But this girl who was most like the little princess in the fairy tale who would be hurt by the peas underneath twelve layers of duvets answered their questions without any impatience, and deliberately slowed down her speech to let the old man hear clearly. There was a bit of a coquettish smile in the voice, soft, sincere and clear. The old people had thick calluses on their hands. When they brushed her cheeks, they drew a few red marks on them, just like stains on white porcelain. A touch of thin cherry color made her look real and vivid.

She stood in the sun, but the light seemed to be refracted from her body. It was impossible to look at her in a trance. All the beautiful qualities in the world seemed to gather on her body. Maybe it was because of this that even the gods wanted to take her from her body. Take away from the world.

"...I heard that Poison Douluo is the elder of Keqing in Tiandou Academy. Medicine and poison come from the same source. You are his granddaughter's teacher. If you can talk to him, can you ask him if he can do something for you?" A way to prolong life?"

Qin Ming recalled the bitterness and gloom on Flender's face when he said these words.

He grabbed his mentor who was about to bow down to him, and was slightly moved: "You mean..."

"I am plagued by serious illness, and my life will not be long."

Qin Ming would never have imagined that such a bright, smiling, shrewd and cunning child would carry such a heavy load on her body when she quarreled with Flender. She is only so young, her life has just begun, and it should be bright The bright future has been clouded by illness, and it will come to an abrupt end at the age of 20.

"Senior Brother, Senior Brother," Sang Xia caught a glimpse of him standing in the distance out of the corner of her eye, and came bouncing over. She likes good-looking people and people with fire attributes. It just so happens that Qin Ming has both, so She looked at him very closely.

She pulled him into the middle of the old people and asked him to stretch out his hand and tie a multicolored silk sash around his hand, "Grandpa and grandma made you a long-lived thread, praying for blessings and avoiding disasters."

This is a custom in the village. Five-color silk threads are used to weave and tie around the children's wrists. The soul ring was broken at the time, and he was a little unaccustomed to the hollowness of his wrist, but now it has finally been filled again.

It was 20 years ago that Qin Ming studied at Shrek Academy. Many old people in the village he knew had passed away. The people he called uncle and aunt at that time have now become old people. Their eyesight and memory are not very good. , squinted his eyes and looked at him carefully before matching the number with the person in his memory: "This is...Xiao Ming, right?"

"It's me." Qin Ming smiled and responded gently.

It has been many years since the little fat man who was similar to Ma Hongjun has grown into a handsome and upright young man. The old man was very pleasantly surprised, and pulled him to ask him about his experiences over the years. He has to hurry up, otherwise all the good girls will be married away by others.

The concern and love in the words with a strong local accent are not fake, Qin Ming, who is known as a tyrant among the students of Tiandou Academy, can only smile and nod at this time.

Taking advantage of Qin Ming being urged to marry by the elders, Sang Xia brought the glutinous rice balls over. She didn't care if the princess could understand or not, and taught it earnestly: "Look at your country more, and there will be no more in the future."


Tang San came over and called her, and handed her the two things in his hand.During the month of participating in the Soul Fighting, the smithy finished making the parts he customized. After returning to the academy, he assembled the Godly Zhuge Crossbow. However, it was too late for the Flying God Claw, so he modified the one he used for himself. It happened to be a parting gift for Sang Xia.

"It's very delicately made." Sang Xia took the Godly Zhuge Crossbow and played with it in her hand. It didn't take long to figure out its structure, and then buckled the spring with a "click".The smooth and quick movements made Tang San suspect that if she hadn't been impolite, she could have dismantled the Godly Zhuge Crossbow into parts on the spot, and then put it back together as it was.

Tang San wasn't surprised when she thought of the soul tool that she dismantled to pieces and missing key parts so that it couldn't be restored.However, he wasn't worried that the secrets of Tangmen's hidden weapons would be leaked out. The Godly Zhuge Crossbow was just one of the simple structures, and Sang Xia would not waste his energy on such things.

Speaking of which, Tang San sometimes thinks that Sangxia is a very magical existence, it doesn't matter if she can practice while sleeping, she is also very good in those fields he is familiar with or not familiar with, such as tricks, playing chess, drawing, cooperating, etc. Xiang, the taste of jewelry and jade made Ning Rongrong sigh that she is just a village girl compared to her senior sister, and privately said that her senior sister must be a princess who escaped from some hidden family.

"I don't need this one." She threw the Flying God Claw back to Tang San, and raised a hand towards him. Tang San could clearly see that her wrist was a little stiff when turning, "My hand was injured before. Not so much pull.”

Broken bones, multiple dislocations.Tang San's pupils darkened slightly.What kind of princess suffers from this?

(End of this chapter)

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