Chapter 70
On the first day of the Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition Qualifiers, Shrek Academy became famous among the participating academies in the Tiandou City Division.

There are three reasons, one is because of their ugly school uniforms, the other is because they eliminated the second reserve team of Tiandou Royal Academy within one minute, which caused Emperor Xue Ye to leave the table with a livid face on the spot, and the third It is because of their beautiful girl teaching assistant.

How good is it?In the words of a member of the other academy who was interviewed by "Douluo Style" on the street, if the Soul Master Classic Competition is a competition of appearance, she can beat this competition by herself.

It's a pity that the beautiful girl Shenlong didn't see her end, she only showed her side on the sidelines on the first day of the qualifiers and then disappeared, so many people thought that the stunning beauty in a glimpse was just their own illusion.

Sangxia explained her absence in this way.

"A bunch of ugly monsters, I don't want to see them." "Such a weak opponent, I have confidence in you. If you can't win, you don't have to come back to see me." Palm and roasted phoenix"... The master had nothing to do with her, so he had to let her go.

Shao Xin, who was squatting in front of the vegetable stand picking fresh vegetables in the morning, stuffed a bunch of candied haws and a bunch of roasted gluten into the little girl's hands, and waved her away to signal her not to make trouble for him. Sang Xia was happy, looked around, and walked around Dadi ran to a relatively clean breakfast stall and sat down to order a bowl of tofu curds. The stall owner saw that she was cute and poured an extra spoonful of marinade for her.

Her forehead hair fell down over her eyes, casting a small shadow on the tip of her straight nose.

The spoon tapped lightly on the edge of the coarse porcelain bowl one after another. The sound of collisions that should have been scattered and unstructured carried a strange sense of rhythm, rippling around in the dead air that did not know when. Circles of invisible ripples, where the ripples pass, everything around them seems to be paused, and everything around them fades quickly, just like an ink painting that has been splashed with clear water, the ink traces gradually melt away, making it impossible to distinguish the painting. scene.

She finished eating a bowl of bean curd, put two copper soul coins on the table, turned the bowl upside down, and stood up.

She walked against the light, and the daylight became thinner the further she went, until the cold prying feeling was as heavy and sticky as substance and completely swallowed up the light.The bustling morning market is gradually collapsing. Young people complaining about their superiors with their companions while eating breakfast, children chasing and playing with balls in the crowd, vendors and customers bargaining...all faces are distorted and dizzy, Like a broken figure reflected in a curved mirror.

Her face overlapped with those weird reflections, and they were also distorted and alienated. Her originally beautiful eyebrows were sinister like ghosts, and ominous shadows spread in the mirror like clear deep cracks, and all kinds of incomprehensible pictures covered the mirror surface. .

The white human body soaked in the dark green medicinal liquid, the wings torn off bloody, piles of dry bones and collapsed ruins, the girl nailed to the cross with thin nails piercing her limbs opened her eyes, she was pale and weak , but has the tyrannical and cold eyes like a dragon.

When he met those eyes, Shi Nian thought he saw hell.

Deep remorse enveloped his heart, he was only here to step on the only way back to Shrek Academy from the Heaven Dou Great Soul Arena, and he never imagined that he would be exposed.

But it was too late, the arrogant who tried to spy on hell would have to pay the price of their lives for their transgression.

"Are you looking at me?" Her smiling face overlapped with the girl's pale face. Shi Nian, who liked to enjoy the game of cat and mouse when killing people, finally understood the feeling of the prey, and a huge panic dominated him. He couldn't even think of any resistance, and turned around to run away just like his students.

The moment he turned around, severe pain overwhelmed his consciousness, Sang Xia grabbed his skirt and dragged him back, one of the two bamboo sticks in his hand pierced his eyes, the other pierced his neck, Turning and twisting, blood spurted out and sprinkled on her face.

She said coldly: "You look so disgusting, I don't want you to see it."

As soon as Shao Xin turned his head, Sang Xia disappeared. Just when he was wondering, he saw her walking over briskly. Her fair face was splattered with a large amount of blood. Pedestrians gave way.

His heart tightened: "What's the matter?"

"There's a chicken killing stall over there, I'm too close." Sang Xia replied nonchalantly.

Only then did Shao Xin feel relieved, and took out a handkerchief to wipe her face, laughing and laughing: "Why are you so careless?"

Sang Xia obediently raised her face to let him wipe it, and hid her bloody hand behind her back as if nothing had happened.

"How about the chicken? If it's good, I'll buy a few and make soup for you when I go back."

"No, it's dirty." She shook her head and answered casually.

Shao Xin had no doubts about him: "Forget it, let's change to another stall."

After shopping, the two returned to the college with big bags and small bags, Shao Xin went to the cafeteria to put things away, and Sang Xia went to Flender's office.

Flender, who made a lot of money from his students, has just sent away a sponsor who came to talk about advertising business, humming a tune that is out of tune, turning around, closing the door, and nestling back comfortably in his seat to count the money, Sangxia He squeezed in like a ghost, took his place unceremoniously, and threw something on the table.

It was a round bone the size of a baby's skull, and the whole body shone with faint colorful lights. Flender was awed by the brilliance, and his breath was stagnant. He hurriedly locked the door and repeatedly confirmed that the lock was secure before walking quickly to the table. Beside him, the voice tremblingly asked: "Soul bone?"

"Hmm." Sang Xia didn't really want to touch the thing that was picked out from the skull at that time, so she sat down on the chair and played with her fingers.

"Where did you get it?" Flender picked up the soul bone, thinking of some possibility, his eyes widened behind the lens, "Are you going to grab the auction house?"

"I'm a good citizen who abides by the law." Sang Xia was speechless and rolled her eyes at him.

"Then where did this thing come from? You can't pick it up, can you?"

"The Remnant Dream Year," Sang Xia narrowed his eyes, "I'll kill him."

Flender breathed a sigh of relief and immediately brought it up again: "What's going on?! Are you not injured?"

"Just rely on him." Sangxia disdainfully sneered, "No wonder the opponents of Canghui Academy always die suddenly for no reason. It turns out that this hard-working teacher paved the way for them. He bumped into my hand, count your luck good."

Of course, Flender understood that at that time he was cruel and notorious in the world of soul masters. If other students of Shrek fell into his hands, they would definitely die, but this did not mean that he would not be worried about Sangxia.

He eagerly grasped her wrist to feel the beating of her wrist pulse, and he was relieved only after he felt a steady pulse.

That old thing died when he died, but things might be troublesome afterwards: "Have you cleaned up the scene? Canghui Academy's behavior style is exactly the same as that of back then. If they find traces, they might bite like a mad dog Come up."

Actually no, the body of the famous Nian Tian Linggai who was stabbed to death by two bamboo sticks should still be lying in that dead-end alley that few people pass by.

"Then kill them all," she said quietly.

Flender was startled, and looked down at her eyes. Her eyelashes were as thick as curtains, and the shadows cast when they fell down made the clear blue dyed with a dark haze, like being shrouded by the polar night brewing a storm in the north. sea ​​of ​​ice.

The ice floes in the dark ocean are full of sharp blades.

(End of this chapter)

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