Chapter 94
The participating teams continued to move forward, and there were no other accidents along the way. Under the protection of the Royal Knights and Xue Qinghe's [-] armored troops from cities along the way, they arrived at Wuhun City smoothly.

This city surrounded by six walls has the most beautiful dawn in the Pangea. When the first ray of sunlight shines on the huge seraph statue in the center of the city square, the whole city is full of brilliance. Even on a moonless night, its radiance will guide the lost traveler in the direction he should go. It is the unsullied paradise, the holy city of miracles, and the poems sung by the bards praise it.

If there is heaven in the world, Wuhun City must be in it. If heaven is in the sky, Wuhun City will be as famous as it. *
In order to welcome the fifteen teams of soul masters who came from afar to participate in the finals, brocade flags were hung under the eaves of every shop and residence along the street, and thriving rose clusters were decorated on the window sills, making this already prosperous The city looks more dreamy and beautiful like a fairy tale.

Wuhun City is located in a narrow valley area, the arable land is small and not suitable for farming, but the sandy soil and warm monsoon climate are quite suitable for the growth of roses, so this gorgeous flower has become Wuhun City's most important economic The crops, after sophisticated processing procedures, are made into commodities such as spices, rouge or cloth, which are exported to various countries.

The city is built around the Six Wings Mountain, and the line of sight goes up the mountain, and the building complexes extend accordingly. They have exquisite cornices, bucket arches and spiral staircase corridors surrounded by flowers, like colorful and flowing beads on the stone steps. , and the place where the rays of light gather and is protected by it like the emperor's crown is the towering Pope's Palace. It is far away from the Douluo Palace, which is as white as jade on the top of the hill, as if it is not stained with dust. It has a solemn and holy beauty. , the tower towers as high as a forest of cavalry spears, piercing the sky into the clouds, and the huge bronze bell on the tip of the cavalry spears resounds with the sun and morning wind, just like the horn of thunder blown by an angel.

It's been a few days since I came here, but Tang San still feels shocked every time he bathes in the sound of bells and looks at Douluo Hall.

"Isn't it spectacular?" Qingyue's familiar voice sounded next to his ear, "It's all made of money."

Tang San turned his head, his eyes widened in surprise: "Senior sister, are you awake?"

Standing beside him was Sang Xia, her body was a little out of control after lying down for too long, she limped and jumped over.Her complexion has not yet fully recovered, she is wearing pajamas, her hair is tied up in a bunch, and the flesh on her cheeks has finally disappeared completely, but the clear and flying look in her eyes is the same as before, like a clear sky washed by rain: " Do you think I'm sleepwalking right now?"

"No." Tang San also felt that this question was a little silly, he smiled embarrassedly, and then thought of something, his expression darkened, "Senior sister, I'm sorry, it's all because of me..."

"Stop. If you have time to blame yourself, why don't you scold those two old things who rely on the old and sell the old and bully the weak to make them sneeze more." Sang Xia shook her head, "Okay, smile, your expression is so solemn now. It's like getting ready to lie down in the Douluo Hall."

The Douluo Palace is not so much a palace, but a mausoleum, and only the titled Douluo can be buried in it. It can be called a holy place in the minds of all soul masters, and only Sangxia would tease it so casually.She has always been like this, with amazing insight and understanding of the order of the world's operations, and at the same time she doesn't care about them.

"If I can be qualified to be buried here after my death, it would be an honor." Tang San smiled according to her words.

"I'd rather be burned by a fire than lie with a bunch of old guys." Sang Xia curled her lips, "Go back, the master is looking for you."

As soon as the master who was in a hurry came back, he summoned the Seven Shrek Monsters to make a brief tactical arrangement for the upcoming finals. Sang Xia listened to him explaining the rules of the competition system, feeling sleepy. It wasn't until he finished speaking that he slowly raised his hand: "For Wuhundian Academy, I'll go."

This was something she had already discussed with Tang San on the road, but the latter regretted it at this moment: "Senior Sister, forget it, your body hasn't recovered yet."

"Enough." Sang Xia lazily said.

"No!" The master shouted, thinking of the young man who made him feel cold all over his body, his tone had a rare ups and downs, and he glanced at the Shrek Seven Monsters at the side, and he let them go out first with a sullen face. He showed her a look of disapproval, "He... Wuhundian has already set his sights on you, do you still want to go back to that place?"

"Of course I want to go back." Sang Xia said briskly, her smile seemed to be full of sunshine, but the words she said had nothing to do with being bright and cute, "Otherwise, how would I kill them?"

The master knew he couldn't persuade her: "Flender will not agree."

"Then don't let him know." Sang Xia's clear and bright eyes sparkled with rippling water, "Since you understand, then don't stop me."

Her voice lowered: "Don't tell Lao Fu, you understand. This is what I have to do."

"...that's dangerous, you might die."

Sang Xia smiled: "Who doesn't die? But sooner or later."

Her tone was extremely indifferent: "If you can get my body back, let Lao Fu burn me and throw me into the sea, and forget it if you can't get it back."

She is at the youngest and most beautiful age, and when she tilts her head and smiles, she looks like early cherry blossoms blooming on the branches in spring, but there is a coldness that seems to have begun to decay and wither in these words. It is easy to penetrate this almost transparent skin, and see the pale bones underneath.

The master thought that if Flender heard her say that, he would feel sorry for him.

She turned to go out, but the Seven Shrek Monsters were still waiting outside, Dai Mubai who was leading couldn't hide his worry: "Senior Sister, is your body really alright?

"It's easy to beat Wuhundian violently." Sang Xia tapped his forehead with her tiptoe, "There is no need for this expression as if I am already dead."

"Bah, bah, bah." Ning Rongrong stamped her foot to stamp out the unlucky words. During this time, she was almost worried to death, "Senior Sister Fu Shouyan will live a long life!"

"It's very touching, but Fushou Yannian is for birthday celebrations for the elderly who are over 60 years old." Sang Xia stroked her junior sister's head, Oscar laughed beside her, Ning Rongrong was ashamed and annoyed, and was so angry Kicked his calf.


Xiao Wu called her in a low voice, grabbing the corner of her clothes with her hands: "I'm sorry, I'm too weak, I, I will work hard to cultivate, and I will protect you in the future."

"Actually, I should be the one apologizing, right? I've walked so hard all the way, but I snatched your last chance to fight side by side with everyone." Sang Xia sighed, "Xiao Wu, this time I'm self-willed."

"certainly not!"

Xiao Wu sobbed and threw herself into her arms.

Sangxia coaxed everyone one by one, and finally she spread her hands helplessly: "I said, I'm still a patient after all, can't you let me relax? I've grown hair all over after lying down for so long, go out for a walk with me Bar."

The chirping little sparrows immediately stopped talking, Tang San put on a straight face with the majesty of a doctor and told her to go back to rest, but he relented and compromised under the coquettish and playful behavior of Sang Xia who was lying down covered in long hair.

 *Note: Adapted from Ode to Damascus.

(End of this chapter)

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