Chapter 97 The Precarious Sandcastle

The blood stained the clothes on her body so badly that she couldn't see them. After going back and changing her clothes, Sang Xia returned to Shrek's rest room with her neck pressed. The result of the third round of lottery has come out. Their opponent is the high-ranking soul of Xing Luo Royal. teacher college.

After listening to Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing's narration of the cruel family strife, the atmosphere in the room was a bit depressed. While shocked and saddened by this beastly way of competition, Ning Rongrong couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief, thanking herself She was not born in this kind of family, otherwise she would probably be chewed to the bone, she took Zhu Zhuqing's hand, and scratched her palm a few times with her fingertips to show comfort.

"Now is the pre-match psychological counseling session," Sangxia who walked in waved to Zhu Zhuqing, "Zhuqing will follow me."

Zhu Zhuqing has always been the one who works the hardest among them, to the extent that she has overdrawn her own potential, she is on a cliff where the weak will survive, and if she doesn't run with all her strength, she will be eaten.

Both of them were standing against the wall, Zhu Zhuqing's back was straight, and Sang Xia was slouching.

"Zhuqing," she lit a cigarette, the smoke curled up and engulfed her eyebrows, she waited until the cool herbs with analgesic effect diffused through the body with the process of oxygen exchange, and then she thought about organizing her words and opening her mouth slowly , "You have been working so hard, why?"

" survive."

Zhu Zhuqing's vocal cords were slightly damaged due to the roar just now when his emotions fluctuated violently, and he is still a little hoarse now.

"What about after surviving?" Sangxia asked, "If you and Xiaobai can win this competition, your family may turn their bets on you and let you become the new emperor and queen of the Star Luo Empire." After that, after sitting in that position, continue to continue this stupid rule, so that your children, like you and your brothers and sisters, will repeat the fate of the tragedy of the circle, stabbing sharp knives into each other's chest again and again?"


Zhu Zhuqing's cold and dead pupils trembled, confusion and pain emerged from them.Of course, she doesn't want her children to repeat this kind of life like walking on the tip of a knife, and if they are not careful, they will be doomed, but this iron has been deeply engraved in the blood of the Star Luo Empire since the founding of the country. , stretching together with history till now, how could Dai Mubai and her break it?

"The family will not agree. This rule involves the power game of the empire. Not only the failed candidates, but also the big nobles who bet on the wrong bet will be obliterated." Zhu Zhuqing said hoarsely, "They use this To eliminate dissidents and maintain political balance."

She grabbed the hem of her clothes and continued to exert force: "And even if we win, we are only qualified to officially participate in the competition. That position is not determined by the outcome of a game. Davis is six years older than Mubai." At the age of [-], we have already begun to cultivate and support our own forces, and we who have been exiled abroad for so many years away from the center of power have no way to compete with them."

"The older the house is, the more decayed the foundation will be. In the end, no one needs to push it, and it will collapse by itself." Sangxia's voice was soft and cold, like the crisp sound of thin porcelain after it was broken, "where is it?" At that time, those great nobles at the top of the pyramid would be the ones who fell the hardest. You should understand why Wuhundian can't become the master of the mainland."

"Wuhun Palace has no basis for establishing political power." Zhu Zhuqing thought of those people who came to Wuhun City all the way because they yearned for this flowery paradise, but were rejected by the towering six walls, "Although they have soul masters, But there are only soul masters. Ordinary people, who account for the vast majority of the population, are the bricks and tiles that rule from the ground up. They turn a blind eye to this, which is arrogance and compromise."

"Yes, once Wuhundian begins to win over the people, the two empires will spare no effort to encircle and suppress it. It's ridiculous, right? In the eyes of the rulers, the people are no different from nothing, but they know that they are attached to them Once the dodder that absorbs nutrients loses its host, the parasite will surely die."

Sang Xia's eyes were filled with a cold light like the intersection of swords and swords.

"But how long can the people be oppressed by them? Zhuqing, look down, follow the river that passes through the Star Luo Imperial Capital to the slums, the clear water will become filthy and smelly after flowing from the upper city to the lower city. , the bodies of countless people who have been drained of value are sunk under the water. Their cries and cries will be covered up by minuets and arias in the ballroom all night long, but they will not be covered up forever. One day there will be a wave The torrent of the dynasties washed away the decaying and fragile rule of the dying dynasty like a crumbling sandcastle on the beach."

"——Zhuqing, instead of being swallowed by such a torrent, it is better to go there and dig the grave for the old era."

"But, that will be difficult." Zhu Zhuqing murmured.

"But you've never been the one who would shrink back and give up because of difficulties, right?" Sang Xia held her hands, Zhu Zhuqing had a pair of nice-looking hands, but they weren't soft and weak. A hard cocoon worn out from holding a sword and a pen.

Her fingertips gently brushed over these rough calluses: "I have read your notes, haven't you been working hard on this?"

Zhu Zhuqing shook her head in bewilderment. Before that, she wanted to be the heir of the family just to keep her own destiny from being manipulated by others. The future described by Sangxia was too far-reaching and full of thorns for her, which meant betraying her Her family, lineage, and class are contrary to the rules of the entire world. She does not think she has such awareness and determination: "I, I have never thought about this, and Mubai..."

"He is him, you are you. You are Zhu Zhuqing, not the 'fiancee of the third prince of the Star Luo Empire'. What you want to do, what you want to do, is up to you to decide," Sang Xia's tone was soft and gentle Cold, "Toughness, calmness, consciousness, wisdom, you have all these. You are the one with the most revolutionary potential among the Shrek Seven Monsters, why do you let yourself become a vassal of your husband?"

"Of course, the choice is yours. This is just my selfishness. One day, all kings will be sent to the gallows and guillotine for trial, as the burial of the old era and the foundation of the new world. I don't want you—you And Xiaobai to be one of them." The cigarette in her hand burned to the end, she pressed the spark that was about to be exhausted, and suddenly she blinked and smiled again, and the unattainable mountain-like aura that made people breathless disappeared in an instant, as if The spring breeze greens the valley, and the ice and snow melt.

She showed a willful expression like a little girl looking at a toy she doesn't like: "But to be honest, this kind of country that uses childish blood to continue the country's destiny and let girls be born to be someone's wife, do you really want to think about it?" To maintain it?"

For a moment, Zhu Zhuqing couldn't tell which was the real her, whether it was the little senior sister who likes to hang on people like a cat and make people want to crumple her into a small ball and put her in her pocket, or was she far more beautiful than her father and brother? The superior person who made her fear?
She should have been angry because of the curse-like words, but she just stood there in a daze, raising her hand to hold her chest, whose heart was beating like a drum.Her body trembled slightly, she didn't know whether it was because of fear or yearning for the new world.

(End of this chapter)

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