"Suddenly I feel like I'm rich." Nalan Yanran couldn't help laughing, who knows the feeling of being smashed by her sister for pills.

"Knock down..."

There was another knock on the door.

Nalan clearly signaled Nalan Yanran to put away the pill, and then went to open the door.

When the door was opened, there was Xiao Yan in disguise standing at the door.

Xiao Yan, who was standing outside, saw Nalan Yanran inside after the door opened, he paused, and his inquiring eyes fell on Nalan Zhaoran, but he didn't ask, he just raised his chin and said, "Nalan Yanran The owner wants to invite us over."

Nalan Yanran inside heard these words, stood up, her eyes were cold: "In that case, let me lead the way for you two."

In the presence of outsiders, Nalan Yanran regained her image of a high-ranking noble young lady, with a cold look, which made Nalan want to laugh.

Within a quarter of an hour, Nalan Yanran brought Xiao Yan and Nalan Zhaoran to the lobby. Nalan Su sat at the head of the lobby, and the other elders sat on the side.

After they came in, someone led them to sit down.

And Nalan Yanran walked to the other side and sat opposite Nalan Zhaoran.

"Thank you two for saving our old man, what do you want? Just ask."

It can be seen that Nalansu is in a good mood and speaks boldly and heartily.

Nalan Zhaoran looked at Xiao Yan as if he did not speak, and only let him speak.

Xiao Yan understood the meaning in Nalan Zhaoran's eyes. Anyway, this was an agreement they had made a long time ago, so he said bluntly: "Patriarch Nalan, I want the Qihuan Qingling saliva."

Seven magic green spirit saliva?
Nalansu took a deep look at Xiao Yan, and was silent for a few seconds, without speaking, his eyes were full of meaning.

Few people know that the Nalan family has a treasure like the Seventh Illusion Green Spirit Saliva, but the second-rank pharmacist in front of him knows it.

Xiao Yan got the Seven Illusions Qingling Saliva.

Facing Xiao Yan's straightforwardness, Nalansu laughed loudly: "This kind of treasure has not been born for many years, little brother, how could my Nalan family have such a treasure?"

He is playing dumb.

Nalan Zhaoran was sitting next to him, watching Xiao Yan and Nalan Su compete with each other.

It's a pity that Xiao Yan didn't have the patience to be sloppy with Nalan Su, so he sneered: "Patriarch Nalan, if I can ask the Nalan family for this treasure, I know it is in the Nalan family. If your life is no more than a treasure, then I have nothing to say."

The sarcasm and sarcasm in Xiao Yan's tone reached the peak, looking at Nalansu's eyes was like looking at an extremely shameless and shameless old man.

Nalansu couldn't pretend anymore, but he couldn't hold back his face in front of a junior, so he could only say embarrassingly: "Little brother, don't be so angry."

Xiao Yan glanced at Nalan Su, and said in a flat tone, "Patriarch Nalan, I only need this."

Nalansu's expression couldn't hold back anymore, and in the end, his face was ashen, and he took out the Qihuan Qingling saliva.

It can be regarded as half push and half, after all, the strange fire is very likely to be on the young man in front of him, which can be regarded as selling him a face.

Of course, if Xiao Yan knew what was going on in Nalansu's mind, he would just sneer coldly.

What is selling face?

He and Nalan Zhaoran rescued Mr. Nalan together, and it was only natural to ask for a reward. If Nalan's family couldn't afford it, there was no need to brag about it and ask for a huge reward.

Nalan, who had been sitting all the time, came to eat melons and watch a show.

She didn't care about Nalansu's life or death.

(End of this chapter)

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