After leaving Nalan's house, the two of them walked on the streets of Jia Ma Holy City. The road paved with limestone was filled with a simple and luxurious atmosphere.

"Just say what you want." Nalan Zhaoran glanced lightly at Xiao Yan who was tangled beside him, he forced himself to shut up when he clearly wanted to speak, looking extremely aggrieved.

"Where are you going next? Are you going back to Misty Cloud Sect?"

The people around them didn't pay much attention to them, but the girl's beautiful face would make people look sideways from time to time.

He knew he shouldn't ask, but Xiao Yan still asked. Now his feelings for Nalan Zhaoran are very complicated, and it's hard to explain in a word at this embarrassing situation.

"I want to go back to Canaan Academy."

The girl's clear eyebrows and eyes were calm, and she suppressed the worries about Lu Nan in her heart.

She didn't forget that when Lu Nan was taken away by those inexplicable people, one of the old men's strange eyes fell on the jade pendant around her neck.

Unfortunately, this jade pendant was given to her by Lu Nan. It seems that this jade pendant is not that simple.

"Bon voyage." Xiao Yan was silent for a few seconds, turned his eyes away from Nalan Zhaoran, lowered his head slightly, and looked at the road ahead.

It is an irreversible fact that Nalan Yanran came to Xiao's family to withdraw her engagement. Regardless of whether Nalan Zhaoran participated or not, the Xiao family is doomed to lose face.

What's more, Nalan Zhaoran has helped him a lot, so much that he can't count it.

He could hate the Misty Cloud Sect, he could hate the Nalan family, he could hate Nalan Yanran, but he couldn't hate Nalan Zhaoran.

But he couldn't make him let go of the matter of retiring the engagement for Nalan's sake.

Let Nalan clearly not stand beside Nalan Yanran, she can't do it either.

Although they have clearly reached a cooperation with Nalan, they are not all the same, nor are they allies. This kind of cooperation is only temporary.

There will eventually be a battle between him and her, and they are destined to stand on opposite sides.

After that battle, they were completely cleared up.

At that time, he can also give himself an explanation.

Nalan Zhaoran naturally didn't know that Xiao Yan had so many twists and turns in his heart, and now that the system couldn't check and balance her, she wouldn't follow Xiao Yan around.

What she said to the system before was nothing but lies. She said that after becoming his most trusted friend and then betraying him, that's why she helped him. It was all false.

It is true that betraying after becoming a trusted friend is really hated.

But her original purpose was not to make Xiao Yan hate her to the bone.

She just wants to protect herself.

After all, the system also said that if you can't complete the task, you will be obliterated. With so many people in front of you being obliterated, she doesn't think she can complete the task so easily, so she has to leave a way out for herself.

This retreat is Xiao Yan.

So many hosts in front of him couldn't make Xiao Yan completely hate him, so it can be seen that Xiao Yan is not the kind of person who will remember hatred for a lifetime.

Because it's not worth it.

Because he pursues his own path with all his heart.

How could such a person be swayed by a mere system?How can the host that the system is bound to complete the task?This would have been a dead end.

Since she knew that the mission would be doomed to fail, it was impossible for her to approach him with the aim of making Xiao Yan completely hate her.

Her purpose of approaching him has always been to find a way out of Xiao Yan.

"I want to report to the main system, you will definitely be obliterated!"

The sharp mechanical sound sounded again.

Push my family Chaochao's book ~ better than reading mine ~ at least she updates more diligently than me

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