Chapter 106

The master reached out and touched Tang San's back.

"Little San, when you took those spider legs back, can you feel where they went?"

Tang San turned his right hand back, tapped on the ribs on his back, and said: "On the eight symmetrical ribs, I can feel that they seem to be attached to the ribs, but it doesn't do anything to my body. However, I feel that the strength of my back seems to be stronger than before."

"Use your soul power to move and release those eight spider legs."

Eight spider legs came out from his back, and after a while, the spider legs grew to about 1.5 meters, and the spikes grew out.

"Okay." The master exclaimed.

"Little San, control your spider leg to stab a big tree, use your strength."

Although Tang San was still very unfamiliar with the air of his spider legs, he could still do it just by stabbing a tree, turned slightly, and a spider leg on the left suddenly popped out.

To the surprise of the three people, the spider leg penetrated the whole tree, and the toxin spread to the whole tree, and it all turned purple in a short while.

"It seems that my judgment is correct, Xiaosan. You have gained the most this time. It is not the third soul ring, let alone the third soul skill spider web bondage, but these eight spider legs, or this piece Attached to the soul bone."

This time Tang San and Nangongli both opened their eyes wide again, this is the external spirit bone!

"A soul bone is a very special thing. In other words, it is the most desired item in a soul master's dream. Somewhat similar to a soul ring, a soul bone also comes from a soul beast. But it is very similar to a soul ring. The land is different. First of all, the chance of a soul bone appearing is only one in a thousand, or even lower. Generally speaking, only a soul beast that is extremely powerful and has experienced some special circumstances at the time of death can appear a soul bone after death. , not like every soul beast will have a soul ring. Therefore, the soul bone becomes extremely rare and extremely precious."

The master looked into the eyes of the two children and said.

"Another difference between a soul bone and a soul ring is that it doesn't need to be like a soul ring. Whoever kills the soul beast can use it. After obtaining the soul bone, it can even be sold. Remember, I told you before that you want Try to save as much money as possible, the purpose is to be able to buy the spirit bones you need in some special places in the future, any piece of spirit bone, even if it is an ordinary spirit bone, is expensive, and there is still no market for it.”

"External spirit bones are a kind of magical existence, a special existence other than the six types of spirit bones. If the probability of ordinary spirit bones appearing from spirit beasts is one in a thousand, then the appearance of external spirit bones The probability is not even one in ten thousand. Moreover, the condition for absorbing the external spirit bone is to absorb the spirit ring of the spirit beast dropped by the spirit bone. What we call the trunk-like spirit bone generally refers to The sternum, and the soul bone you absorbed is the spine. Through previous observations, I can be sure that it is an external soul bone. Children, do you know that in the world of soul masters, for soul masters, the most There is a ranking list for precious things, called the Soul Master Dream List, in which the external soul bone has always been ranked second on the Soul Master Dream List, second only to the number one, 10-year soul ring that is almost impossible to exist. "

The master has said so much, and his mouth is a little dry.

"The weather is scary in the morning, so put on your clothes first. Remember, don't tell anyone about the external spirit bones I told you today. Although the external spirit bones can't be absorbed like ordinary spirit bones, as the saying goes, the external spirit bones cannot be absorbed. Beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy it, the less people know that you have an external spirit bone, the better, lest someone attack you out of jealousy."

(End of this chapter)

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