Chapter 116

After carrying the bamboo basket, Nangongli, after the banquet, Dai Mubai and Tang San ran out first, after running for a while, Nangongli didn't respond, but Tang San felt that something was wrong, motioned them to stop.

"Little San, what's the matter?" Dai Mubai also stopped, looking at Tang San with some doubts. "Ten back and forth is not short, run quickly."

Nangongli also looked at Tang San with a puzzled expression, one must know that she came here wearing small leather shoes, and her feet should hurt in a while.

"Mubai, remember? The teacher said before we set out that we are a whole, and he asked us to complete this punishment together. You see, Zhuqing and Rongrong were also punished with us. Based on my respect for the teacher I understand, this time he is not only going to punish us, but also let us exercise our bodies. The teacher told me yesterday that the body is the foundation of a soul master. More importantly, this punishment is probably also a test for us by the teacher. What he wants to test is our collectiveness. We are a whole. In terms of physical strength, maybe you and I can support, but they may not. I think we must think of ways to see how we can let everyone complete this time together. test."

"I'm afraid that's the case. Let's discuss it first when they come up."

They stood there for a while, and when the five people behind ran up, they told them their speculation, and everyone nodded in agreement with this point of view.

After everyone discussed the running strategy, they started their running journey. They all ran at a uniform speed for the first round trip. When they ran to the gate of the academy, the master handed them water, "After drinking Keep running."

Nangongli took a sip of the water and found that it was salty warm water. After drinking the water, the nine of them started running again.

(End of this chapter)

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