Chapter 124

"When participating in team battles, you will fight as a combination of the Shrek Nine Monsters. When participating in individual soul fighting, you will choose the title of two-on-two. In one-on-one, I will give each of you a nickname, and I will use this Nicknames for the competition, as long as you explain it when you sign up, your real names will not appear in the soul fighting arena."

Oscar asked curiously: "Then what is our title?"

The master said: "Mubai will use his original evil-eyed white tiger, you are still your sausage monopoly. As for the little three, it is called Qianshouyincao, what do you think?"

"This one is not good. Change it." Xiao Wu said first: "It's not cool at all, the silver grass is too ugly."

"Then tell me. What should it be called?"

Dai Mubai said: "Although Xiao San usually looks honest, but if he really wants to get mad, he is more murderous than any of us. In my opinion, it's better to be called Qianshou Shura."

The master said to Tang San: "What do you mean?"

Tang San said: "I don't care, teacher you decide."

The master said: "Then it will be called Thousand-Handed Asura, Ma Hongjun. I also helped you with your title. How about calling it Evil Fire Phoenix?"

The fat man chuckled, "Thank you, master, this is good, how can I say, we are also a phoenix."

At this time, Xiao Wu had already moved in front of Grandmaster.Putting on a pitiful look, "Master, then what is my name, please give me a nice one."

The master smiled and said: "You are using soft skills, your whole body is as soft as boneless, plus your rabbit martial soul and charm skills, why not call it soft bone charm rabbit."

"It sounds good." Xiao Wu suddenly smiled happily.

"Rongrong's martial spirit is the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda. There is nothing better than Seven Treasures Glazed Glass to describe you, and at the same time, it can also cover you up. After all, all the martial souls of your direct disciples of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect are like this. As for Bamboo Qing, it is most appropriate to use her martial spirit as the name, Nether Civet, itself is a good name."

"As for Ah Li and Xiao Hui, their martial spirits are special, and I haven't decided what names to name them."

(End of this chapter)

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