Chapter 59 Letter

Sure enough, Flender nodded to Oscar and Ning Rongrong after speaking at length, and said, "Your class today is physical training. From now on, run around the entire village twenty laps quickly. You don’t have to eat lunch before you run back. You can use your martial soul to assist. Now, let’s go. Oscar will lead the way.”

Seeing Oscar and Ning Rongrong run out, Flender pointed to Zhinan Gongli and Tang San, and said, "You two come with me."

Tang San and Nangongli nodded and followed Flender, Nangongli waved to Xiao Wu in the dark to signal her not to follow, seeing that she was not following, Nangongli followed Tang San and Flender into the academy.

Flender's office, which is also his residence, is not far from the small playground where they played against each other during the fourth round of assessment yesterday.The layout of the room is very simple, only a desk, some books and some simple daily necessities.

Flender sat down behind his desk, looked at Tang San and Nangongli, a complicated light suddenly appeared in his eyes, "Is Master okay?"

Tang San nodded and said, "Teacher is very good." Nangongli also nodded.

Flender looked at them with some surprise, "Are you his students? No wonder, no wonder he even gave you this belt and this jade pendant. When I saw you two things that day, plus your age, I I knew that you were going to come to my Shrek Academy, but I didn't expect that you were his apprentices. At the beginning, he once told me that one day he would cultivate a real genius soul master, which would shock the mainland. It seems that, You are his choice."

At this moment, Nangong Li raised his hand to touch the pair of plain bracelets, and handed a letter to Flender.

"Before departure, the teacher asked me to hand this letter to the dean after I passed the college assessment and was admitted."

After hearing Nangongli's words, there was a trace of sadness in Flender's eyes, as well as a smile, "He is still so stubborn. This is his style. This guy, finally knows how to contact me?"

While speaking, he slowly opened the envelope and took out the white letter paper inside.The two of them could clearly see that Flender's hand was trembling slightly when he opened the letter.

Nangongli and Tang San didn't know what was written in the letter, they could only watch Flender's changing expression closely.

Flender is sometimes happy, sometimes angry, happy and sad, and almost all different emotions have appeared on his face.

"Okay, good old man. You old bastard, do you have to prove anything? What can you prove? Don't you know, actually..."

Flender seemed to have become a little crazy, saying words that they couldn't understand.

Suddenly, he raised his head sharply and stared at the two children, "Since you are his proof, you must not let him down. You go first and prepare for the evening class. This class is not easy. "

They have already completed the task that the master entrusted to Nangongli and the two. Although the dean of Flanders feels weird, they don't have much time to think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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