Douluo: My Martial Soul is an Umbrella

Chapter 64 Introduction to the Great Soul Arena

Chapter 64 Introduction to the Great Soul Arena

Dai Mubai's face changed, and he said in a low voice: "Dean, let them go there on the first day?"

Flender said lightly: "Remember, you are all monsters, not ordinary people. Since you are monsters, you must have a monster's way of cultivation."

Speaking of this, he paused, and said in a deep voice: "Your martial souls are all different, and each has its own cultivation method. What the academy can teach you is how to better use your martial souls to help you obtain more A good soul ring has more actual combat experience and develops its own potential as much as possible. The rest is knowledge about all aspects of martial arts and the situation of soul masters on the mainland. Among all the things you need to learn , the most important thing is actual combat experience.”

"The same level and strength, the amount of actual combat experience will determine the key to victory. Only through continuous actual combat can you improve your resilience in combat as much as possible. Therefore, your first lesson is actual combat. And that The place is your classroom."

Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun looked at each other, Ma Hongjun didn't dare to say anything, Dai Mubai's evil eyes showed helplessness, they both obviously knew where it was.And the six newcomers all showed puzzled expressions.

Flender said: "A building like this can only be owned by a city at the main city level. Its size can be said to be a sign of the strength of a city or even a country. Such a building is called the Great Spirit Arena. And It will be named after the city where it is located. Therefore, the one in front of you is called the Suotuo Great Spirit Arena."

"The so-called Great Soul Arena is the place where martial spirits are fought, where soul masters fight. Whether it is the Heaven Dou Empire or the Star Luo Empire, there is a saying that the Soul Arena determines the rise and fall of a country."

"But isn't soul master a very honorable profession? Why do you let us play monkeys on the top of the stage to show them?"

Nangongli, a person with modern thinking, really doesn't understand why a high-ranking position should be a monkey to please the audience.

Flender shook his head and said: "No, you are wrong, although I don't like places like the Great Spirit Arena either. But I have to admit that the Great Spirit Arena is definitely an important place to reflect the value of a soul master .You think it is too simple. The Great Spirit Arena has its own complete system. And it can also be said to be a special force. It was jointly founded by the seven most prestigious soul master families in the whole continent. It is not affiliated with From the two great empires or the Hall of Spirits. It can be said that it is a third-party force, rich as an enemy country, and a soul master who has become famous in the Great Soul Arena. He will become a dazzling star in the entire country, and not only can he obtain huge benefits. You can gain great fame, moreover, the Great Spirit Arena is a relatively fair place, here, even if you kill a descendant of a big family, you don't need to worry about being retaliated, this is its fairness."

"The level of the spirit is a symbol of the strength of a soul master. The soul ring is the best way to express it. However, this does not represent the true ability of a soul master. Only through one's own efforts can one's own strength be obtained from the soul master." The title you get on the field is the best reflection of your own strength."

"After a soul master of any level enters the big soul fighting field, it is only represented by the word fighting soul. After winning the first victory, he will get a badge. After that, every time he wins a victory, he will have a certain level. Points. When the points reach a certain level, the level of the badge will increase. This badge is a symbol of the level in the Great Soul Arena, and it is common to all the main cities in the whole continent. There are many benefits of a high badge level. I will not explain it in detail. Badges The grades are divided according to the quality of the minerals, the lowest one is the Iron Badge, that is, the Iron Fighting Soul, and the upper ones are copper, silver, gold, purple gold, sapphire, ruby, and diamond. There are eight grades in total."

 The author is sick, sitting on the water word count, don't worry about the author, the author will fend for himself

(End of this chapter)

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