Chapter 68 Xiao Wu wins

"Sister, go down. It will be bad if you get hurt. Look, you are so delicate." Qing Bao was a little embarrassed.Han Han asked Xiao Wu to admit defeat.

Xiao Wuxiu frowned slightly, her slender waist twisted, "Why are you talking so much nonsense? Hurry up and use your martial spirit, don't blame me for not reminding you."

Seeing what Qing Bao had to say, Xiao Wu, who had never been considered gentle, couldn't help it, and took a stride towards Qing Bao's direction.

Xiao Wu's speed was very fast, and the distance of more than ten meters was reached in an instant. She flicked her long legs, sent her body off the ground, and kicked Qing Bao's neck with one kick.

Defense is one of the most powerful abilities of a power-type soul master. Seeing Xiao Wu's light kick towards him, the simple and honest Qing Bao didn't dodge, and his speed couldn't dodge at all. The girl is ignorant, so she came to participate in the soul fight at such a young age, let her fight a few times, and when she was tired, she would naturally go down.

However, Qing Bao only had time to raise this thought in his heart, and the next moment, the spirit fight was over.

Xiao Wu kicked Qing Bao's thick neck with a force that was lighter than what Qing Bao had imagined. After she kicked up, the tip of her toe didn't bounce off and hooked Qing Bao's neck instead. At the same time, Her other foot also lifted up, kicking on Qing Bao's solid chest.

Pink light surged out, and two bright yellow halos appeared on Xiao Wu's body. At this moment, she used her soul ring to prove her identity as a great soul master to all the audience.

In the soul master stand, when Tang San saw Xiao Wu's right foot hooking Qing Bao's neck accurately, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said two words softly, "Goodbye."

Xiao Wu's first spirit ring skill, Waist Bow, was activated.

Qing Bao only felt a strong force coming from his chest and the back of his neck at the same time, following Xiao Wu's cartwheel, his whole body was thrown into the air like clouds and fog.

Immediately afterwards, after landing on the ground, Xiao Wu took a run-up step, and jumped up facing Qing Bao's body that had fallen from the air, with her feet pinched precisely around his waist, twisted her small waist, and her body spun around in mid-air, one back Qingbao's falling body flew out obliquely, bounced on the protective rope on the edge of the fighting spirit stage, and fell directly under the ring.There was a muffled bang.

The entire Fourteen Fen Fighting Arena's one-on-one fighting stage became silent, not to mention the audience, even the previous host had opened his mouth.

No one expected that such a spirit fight would end so quickly, and the winning party turned out to be the little girl who looked only in her teens.The whole process was not only fast, but Xiao Wu's waist bow looked so graceful when used on a huge opponent. Qing Bao, who was like a bull, didn't even have time to use his martial soul, and the fighting soul was over. .

Because of Qing Bao's politeness, Xiao Wu didn't use much soul power to attack him, and his own defense power was quite good, so he had already staggered up from the ground at this time.

"Sister, you are really good. I lost." Qing Bao is an honest man, but he is not stupid.The moment Xiao Wu exerted his strength, he already felt that Xiao Wu's soul power was far superior to his. Qing Bao's own soul power was level 25.Given the gap in soul power, and the fact that this little girl's skills were so weird, he knew that even if he tried his best, he would not be able to win.

Xiao Wu said angrily: "What kind of girl, what girl, she should be called Miss Xiaowu. Don't you know whoever is capable is the greatest?"

"Oh, Miss Xiao Wu." Qing Bao called out honestly, and left with a flushed face.

(End of this chapter)

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