Chapter 74 Eating Sausage

Flender's eyes lit up obviously, "Okay, okay, okay, Oscar, you have not let me down. You are the fourth student to reach level [-]. On behalf of the academy, I congratulate you."

"Congratulations, little Ao." Dai Mubai patted Oscar's shoulder and said.

Tang San, Xiao Wu, Ma Hongjun, Nan Gongli, and Yan Hui also stepped forward to express their congratulations.Ning Rongrong stood where he was, looking at Oscar with complicated eyes, while Zhu Zhuqing lowered his head, wondering what he was thinking.

"Okay. Today's class starts now." Flender's voice pulled everyone back from the congratulations to Xiao Ao.

"Today's lesson is very simple. Oscar, you are the protagonist today. Today's lesson is that, except for Oscar, each of you must eat at least one of the two types of sausage produced by Oscar's soul power."

"What?" Xiao Wu exclaimed when she heard Flender's words. "Dean, what class is this called?"

Flender said grandly: "This is called adaptive training. Let me ask you, is life or face important? When you can only choose one of the two, which one would you choose? Although Oscar's soul curse is a little wretched, but As I said yesterday, he is a food-type soul master who is born with full soul power, and his talent is extremely high. The martial arts sausage he made is the best food-type martial soul I have ever seen. During the academy, he was One of you, you will experience together, if you can't reach a tacit understanding with him, you will waste your best support partner."

At the same time, this is also a training for your mentality. If you can't even do this, how will you survive in the world of soul masters in the future?In order to survive, it must do whatever it takes.Not to mention eating a sausage, when life is in danger, even mice, cockroaches, and earthworms will be eaten. "

Hearing Flender's last words, the faces of the four girls present turned pale at the same time, obviously looking ugly.Especially Ning Rongrong, who already had symptoms of vomiting.

"This lesson is what each of you must do. Otherwise, there is no need to stay. Don't question my decision. On the first day each of you came here, someone told you, Shi Lake Academy cultivates monsters, not ordinary people. Oscar, let’s start.”

Flender stood there with a cold face, showing a stern and selfless look.He told the students in front of him with his expression.No one should try to get away with it.

At this moment, Oscar had already burst into laughter in his heart.

Oscar stretched out his two hands at the same time, chuckled, and recited his soul curse.

"I have a big sausage."

"I have a small sausage."

One thick and one thin, two sausages with very different flavors appeared in Oscar's palm respectively. He smiled and said, "Who will come first?"

Both Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun had attended similar courses before, although they felt somewhat shadowed, they could bear it to some extent.Just when the two of them were about to go forward and complete today's lesson with a long-term pain rather than a short-term pain, one person jumped ahead.

"I'm coming." Accompanied by a crisp voice.Ning Rongrong strode up to Oscar.With both hands out, he picked up his big sausage and small sausage respectively.

No one thought that Ning Rongrong would actually come out first, Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun also stopped their steps, they all wanted to see if Ning Rongrong would eat the sausage transformed by Oscar's martial soul.

(End of this chapter)

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