Chapter 94 Titan Giant Ape
"Mr. Zhao, look, can we stay and find a suitable spirit beast for me?" Tang San asked tentatively.

Zhao Wou-ki smiled slightly, "Of course, it seems that we need to extend our time in the Star Dou Great Forest this time."

They didn't stay here for too long. Firstly, they were afraid that Mrs. Dragon and Snake would come to their door. Second, the spirit beast had just been killed here, and the smell of blood would easily attract other spirit beasts, so they didn't camp here to rest.

That night, Zao Wou-ki took the nine Shrek students and walked another ten miles in one direction. After covering up all the traces, he settled down in peace.

Zhao Wuji's heart didn't have any effect, nothing happened all night, after a night's rest, everyone's energy also returned to the best state.

Early the next morning, they continued to search for the soul beast. The master had already planned the best choice for future soul beasts for Nangongli and Tang San, so it was relatively easy for him to find them.

But it's a pity that after searching for two full days, he couldn't find a soul beast suitable for Tang San.

That night, it was time to rest again. Everyone had a clear division of labor. The boys set up the tents, and the girls cooked.

Zhao Wuji was pulling Tang San outside to discuss about his third spirit ring, suddenly, Zhao Wuji felt something was wrong, grabbed Tang San's hand, and said to the eight people who were packing up: "Let's go! "

After a few days of cooperation among all the people, the tacit understanding value has reached the peak, Dai Mubai strode to Zao Wou-ki's side, and asked suspiciously, "Mr. Zhao, what's wrong?"

Zhao Wuji didn't answer his question, "Everyone come behind me, if something happens later, don't worry about me, leave here immediately, go out of Star Dou Forest first, Mubai, when I'm not here, protect everyone The heavy responsibility is entrusted to you."

Everyone couldn't understand why Zao Wou-ki was so nervous. Just when everyone was wondering, they suddenly saw a strange scene.

Right at the direction where Zhao Wou-Ki was looking, two tall trees suddenly and slowly separated to the two sides, and a huge figure walked out from there without making a sound.

Seeing this big guy, everyone seemed to stop breathing, and everyone finally understood what Zhao Wou-ki was worried about.

It exists like a mountain, and the dark hair all over the body is shining faintly under the faint light of the stars and the moon. Although it is on all fours, the height of its shoulders is definitely more than seven meters high.

If it stood upright, I am afraid that the height will be 15 meters away.

From the outside, it looks like an ape and a chimpanzee. Except for a pair of lantern-sized eyes with a citrine-like luster, it is completely dark. If it is not moving at night, it is not even visible. Clear it to the body.

The body of this big guy is really too majestic, so majestic that it is unimaginable. Not only is its body huge, but every part of its body is covered with strong muscles that are more terrifying than granite, protruding like small hills.

And such a huge guy made no sound between walking, not even breathing.

"It turned out to be the king of the forest, the Titan giant ape."

Tang San's voice trembled, and even Nangongli and Yanhui, who had always been steady, changed their expressions.

(End of this chapter)

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