Chapter 197 Want to change back
Yu Mo looked at the cat teaser that kept changing directions, feeling aggrieved.

I have been played with.

Echizen Minamijiro watched Yumo stretch out his front paws to scratch the 'toy' in his hand, and his round head moved with the cat teaser, it was extremely cute.

Echizen Minamijiro had the attitude of a winner, smiling all over his face.

look!look!mock up!Give me another back view.

[Host, otherwise you'd better be a cat, I really deserve you. 〕Xiao Feifei burst out laughing, and conveniently decorated Yumo's appearance of being teased by the cat teaser as a wallpaper.

Yu Mo watched himself foolishly swinging around with the cat teasing stick, and after hearing Xiao Feifei's words, he became angry from embarrassment.

Instantly broke away from the situation controlled by cat habits.


She jumped onto Echizen Nanjiro's hand, her movements were smooth and skilled, and she KO'd Echizen Nanjiro with one claw.

One claw on the left, one claw on the right, and one claw in the middle, what a sense of art.


Amid Echizen Nanjiro's screams, Hamo stepped gracefully and walked away.

"Karubin!!!" Echizen Nanjiro shouted Karubin's name angrily.

Today, he was hurt more and more. It seemed that he didn't dare to tease Karubin casually for a while.

Yumo ignored the old urchin-like Nanjiro Echizen, following the instinct of his body, he came to Ryoma's room.

The overall tone is light blue, with rich monthly tennis magazines on the bookcase, a neat and clean bed surface, and a group photo of the Echizen Ryoma family on the desk.

Generally speaking, although a sparrow is small, it has all internal organs.

Yu Mo jumped onto the chair next to the desk, looking at Karubin in the arms of Echizen Ryoma in the photo, thinking about Karubin's subconscious behavior.

The relationship between the two of them is really good, Ryoma, he treats this cat as a family member, not a simple pet.

Unexpectedly, that guy Ryoma is quite gentle on the inside, and seeing him tugging at him usually covered up this.

Yu Mo wagged his tail behind him, looked at the photo and smiled.

"How can I get back into my body?" Yu Mo recovered from his embarrassment, embarrassment and anger, and then he remembered that he couldn't be like this forever.

[Host, it's very simple, your body and Karubin's body are hugged together, and your experience can end. 〕The corner of Xiao Feifei's mouth curled into a smile, but unfortunately it is spherical now, so it can't be seen from the outside.

The corners of Yu Mo's mouth rose slowly, with a sneer, "Echizen Ryoma's house is so far away from the training dormitory, are you joking?"

[It's up to you, I'm not responsible. ] Xiao Feifei said without fear of death.

Yu Mo felt his paws itch and wanted to scratch someone!

"Did you forget that I have the "Anywhere Door"?" Yu Mo's disdainful voice came to Xiao Feifei's side, and at the same time called out the "Anywhere Door".

After entering the door, Yu Mo wanted to go back to the dormitory, but suddenly another voice came from the bottom of his heart.

I want to see the master!
Before Yu Mo could react, the strong yearning emotion suppressed Yu Mo's thoughts.

In the blink of an eye, Yumo opened his eyes, and found himself standing under a tree, and on the opposite side were the training figures of the members of the Ryuzaki team.

When Echizen Ryoma appeared within her line of sight, control of her body was taken away again.

"Isn't it an experience? Why is the cat's consciousness so strong?" Yu Mo thought the experience was fake.

(End of this chapter)

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