Net King: Rebirth

Chapter 220 Countdown to Training Camp (4)

Chapter 220 Countdown to Training Camp ([-])
"We will select 8 lucky people to participate in this trial."

After Huacun coach finished speaking, he smiled mysteriously and took out a handful of tags from behind.

"This time, we will draw lots to determine the participants. Of course, those who have not been drawn will also have a chance. They can challenge any player who has been drawn. However, there is only one chance to challenge."

Coach Huacun said, ignoring everyone, and with various expressions after getting the information, he handed the ticket in his hand to the temporary assistant, Ryuzaki Sakurano.

Ryuzaki Sakura walked through the team one by one timidly, and handed the tags in his hand to the team members.

Yumo took out a note from Ryuzaki Sakurano's hand, and when he saw the words on it, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up.

The clear and bright red doubles [-] on the tag indicated the fact that she was favored by the god of luck.

"Okay, now the players who have been drawn in the order of the competition, stand up, and the players who have been drawn for doubles, please stand together." Coach Sakaki said lightly.

As soon as Coach Sakaki finished speaking, some people began to move in the team.

Yu Mo looked at the people who came to the front one by one, and the tags in their hands, and was surprised to find that the one who wanted to partner with him was actually his own baby Jingwu.

This is to do something!
Couple partners or something, are you sure you're not bullying?
Looking at Doubles 1, this combination is clearly odd.

According to previous data, Kikumaru Eiji could not fully display his strength in doubles without Oishi Shuichiro.

This group, hang!
The other Kirihara Akaya, Fuji Shusuke, Sengoku Kiyoshi, Echizen Ryoma...

and many more!

One more person?

Is there anyone as a backup?

When Yu Mo was thinking about this, he didn't notice that the other people who were not drawn were quiet and didn't have any dissatisfaction.

Tezuka Kunimitsu took a step forward, his cold voice was not loud, but it resounded throughout the training room.

"I still say that, let's concentrate on it!"



Walking out of the training room, when passing the garden, Yumo tugged on Jingwu Atobe's clothes, "Jingwu, didn't you say that those who were not selected can challenge? Why is there no one?"

This is simply too unusual!

"In these days of training, there were several games at least. Everyone has already known their own strength. As the coach said, luck is a kind of strength."

Atobe Keigo turned around and rubbed Yu Mo's delicate face.

This is his newly unlocked skill, Yu Mo's face is smooth and tender, it's really comfortable to rub.


Yu Mo looked at Keigo Atobe, who was addicted to kneading, with black lines on his face, and threw himself forward into Keigo Atobe's arms.

Atobe Keigo looked at Yu Mo's movements, and smiled dotingly, the tenderness in his eyes seemed to drown him in it.

He naturally put his arms around Yu Mo's slender waist, and completely clasped her in his arms.

Yu Mo felt that Baby Jingwu was getting stronger and stronger now, and she couldn't hold it anymore.

Liu Lian Er, who followed them, regretted it very much, why did he just follow them?
Look at the pink bubbles!

I am a living person, as if I am not here!
Can't you see such a light bulb with hundreds of watts!
Liu Lian Er felt very desperate, but, as a bachelor, it was necessary to interrupt this jealous atmosphere.

"I said, the coach told us to go back and pack our things, the car will be here in the afternoon."

Yu Mo froze, when did Lian Er come?
 Such a willful draw...

(End of this chapter)

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