Ye Luoli's belonging to the night

Chapter 29 Chapter 29 Memory 2.

Chapter 29 29 Memories Two.

"Ye Luoli Magic Star Wars City. Open, please accept my invitation."

"Ye Luoli magic, gather all our fairy power, let's start!"

The four people stood in four different positions.And standing in the middle are 10 people in the same clothes. "All the power of Ye Luoli's magic, gather."

"Just because you want to beat me."

"To defeat you, we don't have such naive ideas. We just need you not to destroy it."

"Ye Luoli's magic. Seal. Seal them!" The four said in unison.

"Too bad, they want to seal us." "Ye Luoli's magic, Wei Wei gently, eloquently, seal us, what you think is too simple."

The barrier seems to be broken by them. "Ye Luoli's millennium power of magic. Repair." The three of them dedicated their millennium power at the same time. (Princess Wood's millennium power has been given to Prince Water.)
Eventually they were sealed and a fairy disappeared.And the three fairies seemed to disappear soon, "Sister Mu, don't disappear, I can't bear you."

"Elder Sister Mu is also reluctant to part with you. Be good, don't cry." Princess Mu's primordial spirit was on the verge of collapse. "Sister Mu, I figured out a way. Ye Luoli uses magic to extract emotions and inject them." (Princess Yue injected her own emotions into Princess Mu's body with a trace of fairy power.) Finally, Princess Mu's original spirit no longer exists. collapse.The body no longer disappeared, but fell into a deep sleep. "Sister Mu, goodbye. >o<"

"Afeng, Afeng, where are you?"

"Ah Feng!"

"Ah Yue, don't cry. Where's your elder brother?"

"Brother, brother." Princess Yue looked around, but couldn't find where her brother was. "Ah Feng, my brother, I don't know where he is anymore."

"What? Ah Ci, where are you?" Princess Feng hurriedly looked around when she heard Princess Yue say this, but found nothing. (┯_┯) Princess Feng was stunned when she saw this situation.I panicked for a moment.

"Sister Feng, don't think that you don't have to think about anything. My brother must still be alive. You should be very sad first, okay?"

"I don't want it, my Ah Ci"

"Sister Feng, I'm sorry. π_π" After finishing speaking, Princess Yue made Princess Feng faint. "Ye Luoli's magic, injected with fairy power." Princess Yue poured her own fairy power into Princess Feng, and Princess Feng's original god no longer collapsed.But Princess Yue's soul was completely damaged.long sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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