Chapter 52

But besides him, who would have an enmity with the royal family?

"Ye Luoli's magic, find life." The spell flew out from the hands of Prince Ci, and Prince Ci closed his eyes immediately, looking around with consciousness.Here he was even more surprised that there was not a single living person in the majestic royal family.Suddenly Prince Magnetic opened his eyes, sensing something, opened his eyes, and flew towards that side quickly.

Inside the castle, there was a little girl who was badly injured, who seemed to be only about ten years old.And next to him were five elderly people, all dead.

"There is still a child. Ye Luoli's magic. Send the flower sea to the tide flower temple."

flower tide

"Princess Ling. Save this child."

"Lord of Order, what happened to this child, I feel that the flowers are dying recently, is there something terrible?"

"Okay, Princess Ling, you save this child first, and we'll talk about other things later."

"Okay. Put the child there first." Princess Ling pointed to the side of the pillar.

"it is good."

"Ye Luoli's magic. The spirit of life, the heart of soul." Princess Ling closed her eyes.After a while, it suddenly opened again.

"The Lord of Order. I'm afraid I can't do anything about it. This child was seriously injured. He needs extremely strong magic power, but I dare to find out that he belongs to the royal family, and the people of the royal family may not be as simple as the power of a thousand years."

"Understood, although it's a pity, I have to thank you." After finishing speaking, he put his arms around the little girl and left. "Ye Luoli's magic teleportation."

Lingxi Court

"Consonance candle, light it."

When the consonant candle was lit, several pavilion masters had already arrived one after another. After waiting for a while, all the pavilion masters had arrived.

"Okay, since you are all here, let me talk about the important things first."

"" There is a new organization.It's called Mutian Pavilion.It is said that his members are very powerful and have killed countless people. "

"Is it countless killings?"

"Yes, the members there are very cruel. We need to eliminate them as much as possible. But if the elimination is not good, the seal is enough. And tell you a very sad news."

"The royal family was wiped out. And the royal family still has a surviving child. But now he is seriously injured, what should we do now?"

"What, the royal family has been wiped out. Who will rule the fairyland from now on? Who will use his magic power to maintain the stability of the previous realm?" A male pavilion master spoke.

"Don't panic, isn't there a surviving child in the royal family?"

"Isn't the child seriously injured? How to revive her?"

"Well, can't you ask Princess Ling for help?"

"I've looked for it. Princess Ling said that it takes more than a thousand years of cultivation."

"Thousands of years of cultivation? Isn't it more?" Accompanied by his questions, everyone was silent.

"How about we each contribute a little? Save him. In the end, even if we fall, he will be able to bear the fairyland." Suddenly, a voice broke their silence.

"Hey, don't be ridiculous, we are falling! How powerful are they?"

"They are very powerful. Among them is the Moon Princess, the Lord of the Universe. But he is not the most powerful, but can only be ranked seventh. This can also prove how powerful they are. And Hurricane Lin, the Lord of the Wind. Ranked sixth. And how many of you can defeat the Lord of the Universe, the Lord of the Wind. I don't think you have the confidence."

"They are really powerful."

"But we are also very strong."

"We don't ask to kill them, but to seal them."

"But we also have to leave a way out for Fairyland. Let's save the last survivor of the royal family first. What if he has a way?"


"No if. He is a member of the royal family, so we must save him."

"Stop arguing and vote."

"I agree. He is a royal family, what if he has a way?"

"I agree. It's a life, after all."

"I object. What about the royal family? Do we have to spend mana to revive a fairy when we face a stronger enemy?"

"I agree. I wish us success in sealing them, but we don't know where they are. He will take the burden of maintaining the fairyland on our behalf."

"I object. The burden of the fairyland can be maintained by a fairy with the power of a thousand years, but why should it be maintained by such a ten-year-old child?"

"I agree. Royal family, guess why they are royal family? In addition to strong mana, it also has the effect of soothing people's hearts."

"I agree. The role of the royal family is beyond what you and I can imagine."

(End of this chapter)

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