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Chapter 110 Serial Code - Super Electric Induction

Chapter 110 Serial Code - Super Electric Induction (5000 words)
[Serial Code: Super Electric Induction, successfully activated...]

There are many kinds of Transcendent Sequences of pure elements, and the four people who were given before belong to the most easily adaptable elemental cells.

Jiu Kong, who is also set as the five-element seal, represents thunder and lightning, but He Pu's arrangement is not the same elemental cells as the first four.

The reason why different types of sequences are arranged is because of the different positioning of Jiu Kong in the script.

Whether it's the incarnation of the elements before the revision of the script, or the seal of the elements after the revision.

The mission of the five of them is to allow human beings to master the power of the elements and realize a wider range of system-like extraordinary power.

As a small group, there is always a need for a leader.

Jiu Kong was the candidate, and he was ranked No. 51 on the list, ahead of the other four.

As the team leader, he will shoulder more things.

The Administration will set up an institution for them, called Wuyuanmen.

Due to the revision of the script, they can only popularize the elements within the scope.

This is definitely not enough for the world's demand.

After the establishment of this organization, all parts of the world will be united to form a popular model of space-based strongholds.

To put it simply, it is to set up five devices similar to arbitrary doors in many places.

Of course, this device is not for people to move, but for the purpose of obtaining the approval of the five-element seal in the air.

The making of the door is inseparable from Wolf's coordinate needle ability, after all, it involves space.

But when do these doors open, what are the conditions for opening, and which element's door is opened.

These are the contents that Jiu Kong needs to be responsible for.

The world is so big and there are so many creatures, and it is possible that the doors of many regions will be opened together.

In order for him to play a good role, the sequence arranged by He Pu is super electric induction.

The transcendent who owns this sequence can use all electromagnetic charge signals between the heaven and the earth as carriers and pedals to move and fix points.

Charges are ubiquitous, and his thinking span in such an environment is equivalent to having a sensory sensory sense to every corner of the world.

It can be understood as the existence closest to God's perspective.

This is why he is clearly in the primeval forest on the other side of the planet, but he can instantly see scenes thousands of miles away.

Only such an ability to instantly sense all places at any time can well cooperate with his duties.

In addition, he can also use various lightning-type abilities in the fixed position of his mind.

At this time, the face in the sky made of thunder and lightning is the cloud and thunder artificially caused by his thinking mobilizing the electric charge between the sky and the earth.

It is close to the ability of an elemental puppet, not the elementalization of the body, and this sequence cannot be elementalized.

In terms of setting, this is actually a good thing.

Although the other four can be elementalized, for the sake of script setting, they can only lock this ability.

Of course, it is not enough to just sense every corner of the world, his ability can also reversely make others sense his own thinking.

In fact, it is a bit similar to the "transmission" that Tang Xuan and the others are using now.

The current sound transmission is based on the extraordinary signal, and it is realized by the "channel" intelligently matched by Hepu's background.

This version of Jiukong is different, it is directly derived from his sequence ability, using the ubiquitous electric charge to transmit the pause instantaneously.

Just like at this time, when he appeared with a huge lightning face, his thoughts have also been conveyed to everyone below through electric charges.


As he roared, everyone in this country immediately knew that that big face was Jiu Kong, as if they had been connected to some signal.

You know, back then, the national idol Mari was raped and became pregnant, which is still a big news that everyone remembers.

So soon someone remembered Jiu Kong's identity.

However, compared to the reaction of the melon-eaters, Furukawa and Mari were the most frightened.

"How come, wasn't he in the primeval forest just now? What the hell is that face!"

On the other side, Mali covered her ears with her hands, and with a pale face, she was able to stand firmly with the support of the economic man.

Seeing the two children happily calling daddy to the sky, I am even more sure that Jiukong just talked to her on the phone.

A sense of fear arises spontaneously.

Even a fool can see that Jiukong has gained extraordinary power.

Let such a dangerous person gain extraordinary power, what will happen to her, she dare not think about it.

However, the development of things caught her off guard.

"Gu Chuan! You not only caused me to be wronged! You even wanted to harm my child!!!"

Gu Chuan was terrified, because he clearly saw that the big face was staring at him.

Did this guy know what he just said?

Before he could react, the whole country saw a picture in the next moment.

That was the scene where Gu Chuan was plotting to kill the two children that he had just seen from Jiukong's perspective.

To be honest, compared to such an astonishing extraordinary phenomenon, this melon in the entertainment industry is not a big news.

But after all, this is the content of Jiukong's case, combined with the news that is still in people's memory, it really shocked many people.

"My God! This Jiukong was actually framed!"

"Come on, the children are all biological, how could it be framed?"

"So what did we just see?"

"False memory?"

People are more skeptical, and Mari is even more disbelieving.

She gritted her teeth tightly: "This bastard actually wants to frame Mr. Gu Chuan."

People's reactions were fed back to Jiukong through electric charges, he didn't expect that most of them didn't believe him.

This made him calm down. After he calmed down, he came back to his senses and found that there were a lot of things in his mind.

Just now he ignored him because of anger, but now that he touches it carefully, a magnificent historical torrent surged into his heart.

"No wonder, no wonder I would use this power inexplicably as soon as I came up, I remembered what I am!"

The commotion they made here quickly attracted the attention of the whole world.

Especially the officials on their side became excited after confirming Jiu Kong's identity.

Just when Jiukong was stunned by this magnificent memory, a bunch of people rushed to Mali.


"Stop! What are you going to do!"

A group of official personnel came up to snatch Jiukong's two children.

Of course Mari disagreed, but where she had no strength to resist, even she was controlled.

"Be honest, as long as you cooperate obediently and help us control Jiukong, we can guarantee your personal safety."

"What did you say?"

Mari never imagined that they actually wanted to use their children to threaten Jiu Kong.

How could that scumbag make concessions for the sake of the child.

In Mari's eyes, Jiukong's tenderness in front of children these years is all acting for the sake of reducing his sentence.

The hatred for Jiu Kong made her prefer to believe that the sun will come out from the west, rather than classify him as a good person.

"Dad! Dad!!"

"Wow!!! Dad~~~"

You see, the children are already crying like this, but that guy just puts on his face and stands indifferent in the sky.

Of course, Jiukong is not indifferent, but immersed in the digestion of "memory".

At the same time, he was still talking to an existence.

"You have finally awakened, Lei Feng."

Tang Xuan's figure appeared in Jiukong's consciousness.

To be precise, Tang Xuan entered his conscious thinking through electronic signals.

Yes, after a careful comparison, it can be found that Jiukong's super electric induction can be related to the electronic charge signal, so Tang Xuan, who is a data man, can transmit electronic signals to his brain.

Of course, in order to prevent Jiukong from realizing that the signal between heaven and earth has become extraordinary, and to prevent him from discovering the data man Tang Xuan who has been traveling through the electronic signal.

The extraordinary signal, as well as the electronic signal that can be connected to the digital world, Jiukong's induction in this aspect has been firmly locked by the genetic lock.

That's right, super electric induction is already the sequence closest to the data man.

That's because this sequence was originally discovered by He Pu in the process of studying the data sequence.

But the gap between the two is still hundreds of thousands of miles away, it can only be said that there is a little linkage.

Hepu still hasn't developed the real data human sequence.

Even if Tang Xuan's current digital gene is extracted, it still cannot be reproduced.

This generally has only two conclusions.

One is that the data human sequence does not exist at all, and Tang Xuan's transformation into a data human is an accidental unknown phenomenon that is separated from the extraordinary sequence.

The other is that the data human sequence is far higher than the current computing power limit of Hepu. If you want to reproduce it, you can only increase the computing power of the quantum supercomputing first.

These are all things for later.

Right now, Tang Xuan came to see him in person, naturally it was not as simple as just saying hello.

Jiukong was only stunned for a moment when he saw Tang Xuan, but he soon knew the identity of the other party.

Because the moment he recalled who he was, the other four seals with the same root as him had already sensed each other with him.

From them, he also had a very clear understanding of the current situation.

"I met Mr. Tang."

"Well, you should know everything from them. Our people should be able to find where your body is very soon."

"Body, sir, I don't care about human bodies anymore."

Jiukong didn't want a body, that's why Tang Xuan came here at this time.

Super electric induction was discovered in the process of researching data humans, and the reason for this discovery is inseparable from the research on spiritual bodies.

The spirit body is completed after the remaining brain waves of the human body are reversely shaped, memory is restored, and emotions are activated.

Super electric induction is just a branch extended on this basis, it can make people's consciousness separate from the body, and it can still exist.

In terms of phenomena, it is basically the same as the soul leaving the body, only the difference is that it looks like a god.

However, his ability to escape from God's perspective and thinking needs to be used in his duties, so it is not easy to block it with a genetic lock.

At this time, Jiukong has the mentality of cutting off his human identity because of all the experiences he has experienced in human society, coupled with his understanding of abilities.

And Tang Xuan came to stop him from doing so.

First of all, if Jiu Kong breaks away from his human identity, there will be a certain degree of uncontrollable factors.

After all, his ability is somewhat close to that of a data person. Although the problem is not big, it does not mean that there is no problem.

Chang Qing alone is enough to give Tang Xuan a headache, the less uncontrollable factors the better.

Secondly, as the future master of Wuyuanmen, Changkong still retains a human body, and it is often better to handle things better.

"The pattern is different, Lei Feng, I need you to retain your human identity, and I don't restrict the life of the members of the Administration as human beings."

"But my human self, too bad."

"Don't make me feel ashamed. In your eyes, is the distress of a mortal still considered distress? There is nothing to hesitate about. Besides, are you really willing to be a human?"


Jiukong didn't speak, in fact, he acquiesced.

"Okay, take care of your private affairs, return to your body after the end, and come back with our people."

After speaking, Tang Xuan's figure began to dissipate.

"Go, don't you hear your child crying?"

As soon as the words came out, Jiu Kong finally came back to his senses.

Sure enough, I saw the scene where the two children and Mari were controlled by someone.

His huge face pressed down like a mountain.

"What are you doing!?"

The sound was like thunder, and the eardrums and ear bones of several of them were shattered on the spot.

A group of people fell to the ground in pain, covering their ears and screaming.

Also only Mari and the two children have nothing to do.

The leader's eyeballs were bloodshot, but he managed to control the two children.

"Nine... Jiukong! You forgot the contract you signed! Any results found in the primeval forest belong to our country! Including yourself! As long as you understand, this matter..."



Before he could let the other party finish his sentence, a thunderbolt blew down, directly turning him into a black scum.

But the children around him were fine.

This scene also frightened Mali, she hurried over to hold the child in her arms.

At this moment, the dark clouds dissipated, and the huge face slowly landed, turning into a blue electric man, the one without clothes.

But because the whole body is covered with electric light, there is no shameful part to be seen.


"Don't go!" Mali looked terrified, "You... what are you going to do? Come to me for something, don't hurt the child."


Looking at this woman who has entangled with him, Jiu Kong's mood is also very complicated.

After being fully awakened, he had a more thorough understanding of abilities, and thus found the truth about what happened back then.

The truth is very cruel to Mari.

Therefore, on the second day, Jiukong had no room for excuses at all.

However, what Gu Chuan didn't expect was that he had asked people to induce Mari to take the contraceptive pill at the first time, but in the end he was still tricked.

The following things became uncontrollable because of their weird laws.

The end result is that Mari successfully gave birth to two children.

The above is the truth that Jiu Kong learned at this time.

As long as he wants, he can expose these things to everyone now.

And it is the kind that needs evidence and evidence.

However, after seeing Mari, Jiu Kong chose to conceal it.

If she was just a victim, Jiukong wouldn't have to care so much, he just needs to clear himself of his grievances.

The problem is that she is still the mother of her own child, and Jiu Kong really can't bear to let her bear the truth anymore.

After all, Gu Chuan had kept her in the dark all these years, and she had handed over her body and mind.

To let her know the truth again, people will definitely collapse.

He sighed deeply.

Jiukong, oh Jiukong, what are you entangled with? I didn't plan to take care of human affairs. Can you be a man!

After PUA in his heart, he opened his mouth and said.

"Mari, take good care of the child, and tell me if you need anything, I'm always there."

He took a deep look at the two children again, and in Mali's sluggishness, he turned into a flash of lightning and escaped into the air.

Of course, before he left, he sent down dozens of thunders, including Gu Chuan, everyone who framed him at that time, and those who would threaten the child now, all of them were turned into black ashes.

Not only that, but also left a thunderous message in the ear of the head of the country.

"I'm everywhere, if you don't want to be like this, don't touch my family."

After finishing speaking, the scene of those people being reduced to ashes just now remained in the other party's mind.

After finishing these things, he withdrew his mind and returned to his body.

At this time in the primeval forest, with him as the center, almost all the animals and plants around him were infected with the power of the lightning element.

Tang Xuan paid attention to all this and was a little surprised.

"He can endure such a big humiliation, what a man."

Reality is not fiction, and not everyone seeks revenge and justice.

Perhaps Jiukong's choice will make some people feel ashamed, ashamed, and aggrieved.

But a person like him certainly doesn't care about other people's opinions. He can tolerate himself and doesn't want others to be hurt anymore.

Let's not discuss whether it is a shame or not. What is certain is that what he did is definitely a man.

Compared with him, Zhong Buting's toad couldn't stand the test.

If this is Tang Xuan himself...

"Well, I can't seem to bear it."

Thinking about it in his own shoes, Tang Xuan realized that he was really not qualified to talk about others.

After all, when he was still human, the opposite sex was indeed one of his weaknesses.

No longer thinking about these things, he asked He Pu to call up the current job chart of the Administration.

The Wuyuan Gate that Jiukong is in charge of has been lit.

In addition to this, there are other cadres responsible for the content.

Wolf is in charge of the Hall of Souls, which is in charge of various matters related to ghosts and spirit masters.

Yuewangjian is in charge of the concept of state and mind, and is in charge of the cultivation channel of the elite and extraordinary.

What Zhong Buting is in charge of has not yet been determined, but there will be a part that is united with Jingxinguan.

The concept of mind and mind can improve people's comprehension. If Zhong Buting's ability is used to superimpose a layer of fast time flow in the concept of mind and mind, it will be of great help to the cultivation of system transcendents in the future.

Chang Qing has no specific responsibility. Apart from being Tang Xuan's assistant, she can be used in various fields.

As for Ru Xiaoya, in fact, what she is responsible for is more important.

 Explain, the reason why the content published these days is always not divided into chapters, but piled up in one chapter.

  I'm sorry, it's just that I'm so busy every day that it's about to end, and there's no time for it. I've been delayed too much by company matters recently.

(End of this chapter)

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