Chapter 111 The sky-high price bunk
This kind of bunk with a large piece of glass as a facade really shocked everyone!

When ordinary people were still obsessed with the magic of transparent glass, shrewd businessmen quickly discovered the business opportunities.

This kind of transparent pavement can display the products of the store very well, and there is no need to worry about the strong wind affecting the environment inside the store after opening the door. This kind of tall and noble glass itself is a good gimmick, which attracts passers-by to linger outside the store.

These shopkeepers even regretted their intestines. Although the rent of 12000 for two years is indeed very expensive, it can definitely be earned back, not to mention the opportunity to participate in overseas caravans and have dinner with Uncle Zhongyong.

But now if I go to rent another shop, the rent will become 24000 for two years, which will soon scare off these small shopkeepers.

Everyone was also very curious, who is so discerning and willing to rent a shop with 12000 taels of silver?
Also curious was Qian Mo, who was sitting in the private room opposite the shop at this time, watching this "lucky guy" who picked up a big bargain appear.

Originally, Qian Mo was also prepared to entrust it. If no one rented the first shop, he would let his own people rent the first shop.Qian Mo believes that as long as businessmen see the glass, they will quickly discover its commercial value. He is not worried about not having a second or third person to rent the shop.

Xia Wanchun was also stunned by Qian Mo's way of renting a shop, even though he was a child prodigy, he didn't turn the corner all at once.

Qian Mo said: "Don't forget, Xiaoyin, the rent out of these 7 berths is a total of 1524000 taels of silver. With this amount of money, the Hangzhou Wharf and the shipyard have all been settled, and we can at least equip tens of thousands of new troops. "

Qian Buer said: "Second young master is still a small number. Once these shops are rented out, the surrounding shops will definitely increase. There are a total of 500 shops in these streets, which can bring at least 8 to [-] taels of silver per month. .”

Xia Wanchun said: "Uncle Qian, you are considered short. Brother Mo is not only renting a shop, but also selling glass by the way. You think that although the glass looks expensive, it actually doesn't cost much. It is nothing more than consuming some labor and coal. The businessman who got the agency right at a sky-high price has to sell the glass desperately to get back the cost, and we will not make less money."

Qian Mo said with a smile: "Actually, you are all considered short. Don't forget that the 7 merchants who won the shop this time will also participate in overseas caravans. Although we can't make money from the goods, the merchants in this city can collect them back and forth. Taxes, as long as they drive trade, the little money you calculated just now is not enough!"

At this moment, the two looked at Qian Mo as if they were looking at a monster.I thought this guy was too calculating, and it was not wrong for the folks to call him the God of Wealth. I am afraid that Shen Wansan in the early Ming Dynasty was not as good at making money as Qian Mo.

Qian Mo cleared his throat, and said: "Governor Xia still has Qian Buzheng, I have solved the money problem for you, and the operation of Hangzhou's business district will depend on you, so we can't mess up our cash cow Already!"

"Governor Qian, the shipyard and the Hangzhou Commercial Wharf must be completed as soon as possible. Don't delay major events just to save money. And whether the warehouses in Hangzhou are big enough, or build some new ones by the way, if the money is not enough, it will be bad. !"

Qian Mo, who was poor and scared, was completely a nouveau riche face at this time, which caused the two of them to feel contempt.If they knew that Qian Mo didn't even let go of the business of selling stinky tofu on the street, they would probably despise him even more.

Suddenly there was a commotion on the street, and it turned out that the benefactor who rented the first berth appeared.

Through Qianlijing, Qian Mo saw a familiar figure.

At first, he thought that some businessman was so discerning, but Qian Mo never dreamed that it was actually Huang Sanpang. Why did he come to Hangzhou?
Coincidentally, Huang Sanpang joined the Intelligence Department a long time ago, and this guy has already opened his Zuixianlou to Nanjing, Yangzhou, Wuxi, Zhenjiang, Huai'an and other places with his strong connections and good business acumen!Not only did he make a lot of money, but he also became the head of the intelligence department Nan Zhili.

This time I came to Hangzhou to report to Liu Yichen.

What's more important is that he has half of Qian Mo's shares in Zuixianlou, and he hasn't paid dividends for more than half a year. He specially brought 5 taels of silver to honor Uncle Zhongyong.

But I didn't expect that it happened to coincide with Tianzihao's shop for rent. How could Huang Sanpang, who was always good at flattering people, miss this good opportunity to curry favor with Qian Mo.

In the end, it was "shit luck" to pick up such a huge bargain!

At this time, under the protection of the soldiers, Huang Sanpang was slowly walking towards his shop with unrecognizable steps, enjoying the envious eyes of everyone, and reached the pinnacle of life!
But soon people's attention shifted to the second shop, and Huang Sanpang's highlight moment ended there.

The soldiers of the City Patrol Division began to tear down the wooden boards surrounding the second shop.

I saw shopkeeper Zhang of Silk and Satin Village, shopkeeper Wang of the pawnshop, and two other shopkeepers I didn't know walked towards the shop together.

Renting a shop for 24000 taels of silver is indeed unbearable for these shopkeepers, but you should never underestimate a businessman's determination to make money.Smelling the profits, shopkeeper Zhang and others summed up the sum and immediately rented the store through a partnership.

Among them, shopkeeper Zhang contributed 9000 taels, and the other three businessmen each contributed 3 taels, and the store was listed under the name of shopkeeper Zhang.

Like Huang Sanpang before them, they are enjoying the bright moments of their lives with their heads held high.The difference is that several of them are locals from Hangzhou. Amidst the cheers from the elders in their hometown, their vanity was infinitely satisfied!
Shopkeeper Zhang said excitedly: "Fathers and folks, the renting of Tianzihao shop is a major event in our Hangzhou city. As Hangzhou people, we must support it! Although the first shop did not catch up, my old Zhang will do it even if he loses his fortune. Take down a shop and fight for our Hangzhou merchants!"

After shopkeeper Zhang finished speaking, thunderous cheers erupted from Yuhuang Street!

"Shopkeeper Zhang is so good, he has given us Hangzhou people a face!"

"Old Zhang is fine, it's not ambiguous at all to make a move when it's time to do so!"

Hearing the shopkeeper Zhang's words, Qian Mo thought to himself that "the ass decides the head" and he was right. No matter where your butt sits, your head will say whatever you want.This shopkeeper Zhang's thought level was immediately brought up, and he even connected the shop renting with Hangzhou's economic development. He really has a unique insight.

It is a pity that there is no big business gang in Hangzhou. Although these shopkeepers can help promote the economy and increase taxes, it is difficult to become the financial backer behind Qian Mo. .

After all, Hangzhou businessmen still lack the background of some big businessmen.

The rent for the third shop was 48000 taels, which made it difficult for many shopkeepers who wanted to imitate shopkeeper Zhang and others to raise funds to rent a shop!

A shopkeeper sighed: "It's really a step, a step, it's so late, and it's twice as much money as Lao Zhang and the others!"

But opportunities do not wait for anyone. The news of Yuhuang Street's sky-high renting of shops is spreading to the surrounding area at a fast speed.

While these shopkeepers were hesitating, the third and fourth shops were soon rented out.

The person who rented the third shop was Zhuang Yifan, a great businessman in Jiaxing, who was one of the first businessmen in Tianjiazhuang to express his willingness to provide military supplies for the Taihu Rebels.

A businessman must have a keen sense of smell. As early as in Tianjiazhuang, he saw the potential of Qian Mo, and successfully bonded deeply with the Taihu Rebels at that time.Now that Qian Mogui is a loyal and brave uncle, and the governor's office in Jiangsu and Zhejiang has actually controlled the land of the four prefectures, Zhuang Yifan has already gained a lot.

What he has to do now is to continue to deeply bind with the Suhu Governor's Mansion, and he will support any decision made by the Governor's Mansion.He is very clear that in addition to commercial behavior, this is more of a political endorsement. To become bigger and stronger, he must rely on Qian Mo.

Similarly, now Qian Mo also needs the support of businessmen like Zhuang Yifan, and is happy to help them grow bigger and stronger.

More importantly, a business gang headed by Zhuang Yifan was formed in Jiaxing to cooperate with the Suhu Governor's Mansion and became a business force supporting Qian Mo.

The person who rented the fourth shop was Dai Peng, a big businessman in Shaoxing.The Vietnamese merchants in Shaoxing have always been an important force of Zhejiang merchants, and their influence is not only in Shaoxing, but also in Hangzhou and Ningbo.

Dai Peng can be said to be a representative of the Vietnamese merchants. His ancestors have been in business for generations, and he has been the core figure of the Vietnamese merchants since the Zhengde period.Now that Dai Peng controls the largest tea distribution center in eastern Zhejiang, he urgently needs to find new overseas markets for his tea.

Although he was more optimistic about Ningbo's business environment before, since Qian Mo's rise in Huzhou, he has always cared about Qian Mo. After all, there are too many incredible legends about him.

After the government captured Hangzhou and Shaoxing successively, he decided to bet on Qian Mo.

Therefore, he has always attached great importance to Hangzhou Mall. He has rented five or six shops on the commercial street before, selling tea, Shaoxing rice wine, silk and other Shaoxing specialties.

As a top businessman, he was even more surprised by this way of leasing Tianzihao's shop.

After catching the business opportunity, he quickly rented a shop. The rent of only 96000 taels was not a big figure for him. He could easily recover the cost just by opening up overseas markets.

After all, the sea is not peaceful now, and Zhejiang merchants have always had a tradition of maritime trade, but it is difficult for them to establish this route alone by relying on their own strength.

Cooperating with a powerful official became their only choice, and he was more optimistic about Qian Mo than Huang Binqing.Not only because of the size of the territory, but also because of the business vision. Seeing Qian Mo's operation, he knows that he is an expert.

He also cooperated with Huang Binqing in the smuggling trade in private before, but he always felt that he was cooperating with a pirate and there was a risk of being "blacked out" at any time, so he was not at ease.

After learning the news of Tianzihao shops for lease, he immediately realized that the rents of these shops in these commercial streets would definitely rise. In addition to renting a Tianzihao shop, he hurriedly ordered people to rent the remaining empty shops nearby.

It is a pity that the news I got is: now except for the seven Tianzihao shops, all other shops are stopped for rent, and they will not resume until the Tianzihao shops are rented out.

In less than an hour, 1 shops were rented out one after another, which made Qian Buer grin from ear to ear.

Ever since Qian Mo, a lavish spender, came into the stall, Qian Buer has never lived a peaceful life.I'm either raising money all day, or I'm on the way to raise money.

The hematopoietic ability of the chief envoy's yamen can't keep up with the speed of Qian Mo's spending. In the past two months, it has been supported by the seizure of the Qing government's treasury and the confiscation of the traitor's property, but these are all one-shot deals and have no sustainability.

It seems that this time Qian Mo is not trying to paint a picture for himself, maybe he can really rent out all 7 shops!

Unlike Qian Buer, Qian Mo is not worried about whether the seven shops will be rented out.He cares more about the people who rent the shop. He is not simply renting a shop to make some money, but looking for suitable partners.

Obviously Zhuang Yifan and Dai Peng are the ones he is looking for, and now he is also looking forward to the tenant of the fifth shop!

It is said that there is heaven above and Suzhou and Hangzhou below, but the prosperity of Suzhou at this time cannot be compared with that of Hangzhou.

In the Ming Dynasty, the grain turned in by the whole country was about 2500 million shi in a year, among which the Suzhong Prefecture was more than 1/10 of the whole country, and it was more than 10 times that of Hangzhou.Of course, this has something to do with the scarcity of government land in Hangzhou, and it is not a true reflection of the gap between the two prefectures.

Liu Xianting in the early Qing Dynasty said in "Guangyang Miscellaneous Notes", "There are four gatherings in the world, the capital is in the north, Foshan is in the south, Suzhou is in the east, and Hankou is in the west."

Suzhou is well-deserved as the number one commercial capital, but with the blockade of the Yangtze River estuary, Suzhou's maritime trade is also on the verge of stagnation.

The renting of sky-high priced shops in Hangzhou also caused a sensation in Suzhou.

Many keen businessmen immediately sensed the business opportunities, especially this special way of rent, which may double the rent later, and many people are trying to rush to Hangzhou.

This is the time to reflect your operational ability and connections. If you have enough connections, you can borrow a lot of money in Hangzhou, and you only need to come to Hangzhou.

It is also faster to mobilize silver from Jiaxing, Huzhou, Shaoxing and other cities close to Hangzhou than to transport silver directly from Suzhou.

This is a test of comprehensive strength. There is no shortage of big merchants in Suzhou who can take out several 10 taels of silver in cash, but whoever can transport the silver to Hangzhou in time is the embodiment of strength and wisdom, and of course it also needs a certain amount of work. luck.

The safest thing is to directly raise 80 taels of silver to Hangzhou. The three days are neither short nor long.Several big businessmen who intend to win the berth also show their magical powers across the sea.

It is not difficult for these wealthy businessmen in Suzhou to bribe the Qing army to transport the silver out of Suzhou. If they can't do this well, they will naturally lose the qualification to cooperate with Qian Mo.

At this time, the crowd of onlookers on Yuhuang Street gradually dispersed, and one person said: "It seems that no one will rent the fifth shop today."

Another passer-by said: "The next one needs 192000 taels of silver, and it will take a long time to get together. After all, today is only the first day. Let's see who gets these bunks tomorrow."

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(End of this chapter)

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