Nanming Yiming

Chapter 133 Fighting Jinshanwei

Chapter 133 Fighting Jinshanwei

Soon the Qing army in the tunnel felt that something was wrong, and rushing water roared in.Fortunately, the tunnel is winding, and the impact of the river is much reduced.

Although the Qing army in the tunnel did not have to worry about being washed away by the river for the time being, they were dumbfounded to see the gradually rising water level.

The water level rose little by little and gradually flooded their knees, chests, and soon overflowed their noses.

Just now, the Qing army, who was thankful that he was short and didn't have to bend over, had to stand on tiptoe. Many people waved their hands out of fear and began to struggle desperately.

The Ming army in the city was having a hard time, and they were carrying out "target training" in a leisurely manner. After a while, the muddy river water began to faintly turn red.

Many Qing soldiers didn't care about so much anymore, and hurriedly stepped on their companions to climb out of the tunnel, but the result can be imagined.

The Qing army struggling in the water only showed a head, and the target was relatively small.The goal of the whole person climbing out is much bigger. Even if someone climbed out of the tunnel by chance, he was knocked down by the Ming army within a few steps.

Many Qing soldiers with relatively good water quality hurriedly plunged into the water, and when they were almost unable to hold back, they poked their heads out, greedily gulping for air.But it must not exceed 10 seconds, otherwise it is very likely that the head will explode.

The shooting efficiency of the Ming army is also getting lower and lower. After all, from the original "target training" to the current "whack-a-mole", the difficulty has not increased by a single star.

Seeing that his offensive was helpless, Tang Li had no choice but to order the withdrawal of troops.

The Qing army who had not yet entered the tunnel left their chariots and fled in panic as if they had received an amnesty.

After counting the number of people, Tang Li gasped. Only half of the 2000 people came back. The problem was that the walls of the Fortress had not been touched yet.

Fortunately, at this time, the red cannons of the Qing army had cooled down enough time to start firing again.

With the sound of rumbling cannons, the Lumi guns of the Ming army also stopped firing, and the remaining Qing troops in the tunnel quickly surfaced, breathing the air greedily.

General Qian of the Qing army who survived the catastrophe cursed: "These Ming soldiers who killed thousands of knives are simply inhumane, and they came up with such a bad way to deal with us.

But cannonballs have no eyes, and soon a cannonball fell into the tunnel, splashing a lot of water.

Mr. Qian shouted: "Run, don't get blown up by your red cannon."

Soon the East Fort, like the West Fort, was blown up beyond recognition by the red cannons of the Qing army.

Tang Li successfully "occupied" Dongbao again.

Sure enough, the same is true for Dongbao, and no corpses of Ming soldiers were found.

At this moment, Tang Li's heart was bleeding, and he didn't know how to report the battle situation to Bashan.

Could it be that our army fought bravely and won the East and West Forts at the cost of 1200 people killed, while the Ming army was unscathed?

Ordinary soldiers of the Qing army didn't care about this. After taking the East Fort, they erupted in deafening cheers.

But the cheers stopped soon. When they looked at the distant sea, they were surprised to find a huge silhouette slowly approaching.It was a huge warship with its sails soaring into the sky, occupying the entire view of the sea, which is amazing.

The huge body of this warship is several stories high.Its strong bow, like a giant lion, opened its mouth wide, revealing two huge teeth.A bright flag of the sun and the moon looks extraordinarily dazzling against the backdrop of the sun.

On the battleship, the Portuguese first officer Rafael said in fluent Chinese: "Master Chief, we have aimed at the artillery positions of the Qing army. Their artillery keeps moving forward and has completely entered our range."

Since Qian Mo obtained this giant ship, he renamed it "Hongwu", and directly hired the Portuguese on board. Now half of the ship is Portuguese sailors, half are Daming sailors; the gunners are all It is the officers and soldiers of the Zhejiang Navy of the Ming Dynasty, so that they can master the control of these large warships as quickly as possible.

Zeng Jiahui, the chief soldier of the Hangzhou Navy, said: "Then let's fire, and make sure to destroy the red cannons of the Qing army."

With a loud noise, the artillery on the battleship released their power, roaring like a roar, and violently bombarded the artillery positions of the Qing army.

The salvo of dozens of 12-pound cannons is so spectacular.Swarms of shells poured directly on the artillery positions of the Qing army.

All of a sudden, fire clouds and smoke filled the air, and the entire Qing army position was shrouded in smoke.The shelling brought violent vibrations, constantly shaking everything on the Qing army's position.

Suddenly a shell hit the ammunition of the Qing army, instantly blowing up the artillery.

The gunners of the Qing army on the battlefield were blown to pieces, and the naval guns of the Ming army were really terrible.

In just the first round of salvo, eight of the ten red cannons of the Qing army were scrapped, and the artillery position directly turned into a piece of scorched earth.

At this time, who can care about firing back fire? The gunners of the Qing army who were lucky not to be killed by the shells quickly ran out of the position.

Soon the second round of salvo came again, and even the Ming army in Jinshan Weicheng could feel the strong shock.

At this time, there was nothing good to buy on the artillery positions of the Qing army.

Bashan in the back directly ordered the entire Qing army to retreat, away from the range of the Ming army's naval guns.

These two rounds of shelling shocked him too much. Fortunately, the artillery position was only moved forward, and his main formation was not within the range of the Ming army.

If the Ming army had given his Eight Banners elites such an attack, hundreds of people would have been killed on the spot.

Soon the two fortresses occupied by the Qing army were shelled by the Ming army again. Obviously, after this round of shelling, the two buildings were basically reduced to ruins.

The Green Battalion soldiers who were still cheering in the East Castle just now had no time to retreat, and took another round of naval guns.

Tang Li was so frightened that he quickly ordered the whole army to retreat.

Not to mention Bashan, even Rafael's jaw dropped in shock.The previous Lisbon did not have such powerful firepower.

He shouted: "My God, did you use magic, why did the firepower of the Hongwu become so powerful?"

Of course Zeng Jiahui knew the reason, because the Ming army used flowering bombs, and the power of the explosion was naturally much greater than before.

However, Qian Mo had an order not to allow these Portuguese to come into contact with explosive bombs.

Zeng Jiahui thought that it would only lead you astray, and said with a smile: "The gunpowder we make is much better than your Taixi's, and naturally the power of the artillery is even greater."

In fact, Rafael knew that the shells of the Ming army must be different from theirs, but the Ming army was unwilling to reveal this kind of core secret, and it was difficult for him to inquire about it; if he really knew, I am afraid he would never be able to return to Portugal .

Originally, Bashan was in a good mood, and he successfully pulled out the two fortresses on the periphery of Jinshanwei, and could complete the encirclement of Jinshanwei City.

Unexpectedly, the giant ship of the Ming army suddenly appeared and blew up his red cannon.

Although bombarding Jinshanwei for several days before had no effect, something is better than nothing. Now that the cannon is lost, it is more difficult to attack the city.

At this time, Bashan said rather worriedly: "Now that the Ming army has naval divisions to help, our army is easily attacked by the Ming army's naval guns. How should we attack the city next? Do you generals have any suggestions?"

Most of Bashan's tents were Manchu and Mongolian generals, and they were good at cavalry combat. It was difficult for them to ask them how to attack the city and avoid the warships, and they fell silent.

Tang Li was standing under the tent trembling, afraid that Bashan would ask him about the specific results of the battle. Just now he was hit by a round of naval guns from the Ming army and lost another 100 people.

But fortunately, the two fortresses had been razed to the ground by the artillery fire of the Ming army. He could lie about the number of Ming troops killed, and he could say that the corpse capital of the Ming army was blown up. Anyway, it is impossible to verify.

But now it seems that Bashan no longer cares about the results of his battle. Looking at the sad faces of everyone, Tang Li feels that his chance has come.

So he said: "Master Dutong, don't worry too much. Although it shows that the giant ship of the army is fierce, the general still has a way to avoid it."

Hearing Tang Li said that there is a way, Ba Shan's eyes lit up instantly, and he said excitedly: "What good way does Zongbing Tang have? Tell me quickly!"

Tang Li cleared his throat and said loudly, "We can directly avoid the south, south, and north gates of Jinshan Acropolis, and arrange the camp farther away from the west gate. The Ming army's naval guns will not be able to hit us."

After Tang Li finished speaking, everyone had a contemptuous expression, as if saying: Who doesn't know this, so you need to say it.

Ba Shan also had a disappointed expression, but he still remained patient and did not interrupt Tang Li.

Then Tang Li said: "As the commander-in-chief of Wusong, the last general knows the tide time very well. There are two high tides and low tides every day, with a distance of 2 hours. The three hours of Si, Noon, and Wei are high tides every day. Before and after, at this time, the giant ships of the Ming army could approach Jinshanwei, and the artillery fire covered a large area; but after the tide receded, the giant ships of the Ming army had a deep draft, and they would be far away from Jinshanwei. It is absolutely impossible for the cannon to hit Ximen."

Then he added: "Look, it's Shen Shi now, and the warships of the Ming army have already evacuated from Jinshanwei's coastal waters."

Bashan was overjoyed immediately, he didn't expect that Tang Li really had two tricks.

Said: "Tang Zongbing's method is feasible, so we have 3 hours a day to contact and attack Jinshanwei."

At this time, Batu, the leader of the Mongolian Eight Banners, said: "The Mongolian cavalry under the general's command are good at night battles. We have experience in dealing with the Ming army's firearms at night. The moon is dark and the wind is high tonight, which is suitable for our Mongolian cavalry. If the moat is dropped, the Mongolian warriors led by the last general will definitely make the Ming army on the city look good."

Hearing that Bashan was overjoyed here, it was true that "the mountains and rivers are full of doubts and there is no way out, and the willows are dark and the flowers are bright and another village". He immediately ordered: "General Tang Li led the green battalion to fill the moat at the west gate, and Batu led 2000 Mongolian cavalry to help."

Batu said to Tang Li: "The firearms of the Ming army are sharp, and they can penetrate shields and break armor at eighty or ninety steps away. Even if your troops are wearing cotton armor, it is useless. Tang Zongbing can let the soldiers who fill the pit tonight wear as dark as possible." Colored clothes, and don’t bring any reflective weapons, so as not to be spotted by the Ming army musketeers, your mission is to fill rivers, not attack cities, so don’t bring knives and guns.”

The Ming army won a big victory during the day, and they never thought that the Qing army would take advantage of the night to fill in the moat. In addition, there was almost no moonlight tonight, and the sneak attacking Qing army successfully touched the river.

However, the movement of filling the river was too great, and soon attracted the attention of the Ming army on the city.

The patrolling Ming army shouted: "Hurry up and ring the bell, the Qing army is here to steal the city at night!"

Not long after Diao Shigui fell asleep, he was awakened by the sound of the alarm bell, and rushed to the west city with his saber.

With the help of the firelight from the city, one can vaguely see someone filling the soil by the river.

Diao Shigui hurriedly shouted: "The Qing army is filling the river at night, and the musketeers are ready to fire down the city."

"Bang, bang, bang"

Although they couldn't see the target under the city clearly, the Ming army still fired a volley towards the city based on their feeling.

Sure enough, many Qing soldiers fell to the ground in response to the sound, and soon there was the sound of Qing soldiers crying in pain.

Batu in the distance saw the white smoke rising from the city, and said softly, "Mongol warriors, shoot arrows in the direction where the white smoke rises!"

A gunner of the Ming army had just fired a gun towards the city, and was reloading to prepare for the second shot. Suddenly, with a "whoosh", a sharp arrow drew an arc and directly inserted into his throat.Soon blood continued to ooze from the neck, the soldier's eyes widened, and he fell down unwillingly.

The Mongolian cavalry is notoriously good at shooting, but it is unbelievable for him to be able to directly shoot and kill the Ming army in the dark.

Soon dozens of Ming soldiers in the city were shot down by the Mongols' bows and arrows.

Unknown why, the Ming army still seized the time and fired a second round of volleys towards the city.

It is conceivable that this black light is blind, and the hit rate will not be very high.

Fortunately, there were still a lot of screams from the Qing army under the city, indicating that the Qing army still had a lot of people filling the river. Otherwise, it would be impossible to achieve great results by shooting randomly.

After the firecrackers of the Ming army fired, the Mongol cavalry arrived in an instant, and many Ming troops were directly shot at the vital points.

The Ming army on the city cursed: "Damn it, how can these Mongolian bows and arrows be so accurate at night?"

Now the Ming army can see the enemy army under the city clearly at all, and can only rely on blind shooting to kill and injure the enemy army.

At this time Diao Shigui shouted loudly: "Extinguish all the torches on the city, it's blind shooting anyway, we can't see the Qing soldiers under the city clearly when the torches are on, but the enemy can see us."

The Ming army, which quickly finished loading the ammunition, launched the third round of volley, but something unexpected happened again. The Mongols launched a counterattack with their bows and arrows again. More than 3 people were still shot and fell to the ground.

Seeing the white smoke that had not cleared from the city, Diao Shigui finally understood that the Mongols used the white smoke fired by the firecrackers to determine the position of the Ming army. No wonder they shot so accurately.

If it is daytime, with the powerful range advantage of the Lumi gun, the Mongols have no chance at all.But now that they can't see their fingers, the Ming army can't see the Qing army at all, and can only shoot blindly; on the contrary, the Mongols can accurately judge the position of the Ming army through the white smoke after firing the firecrackers, and give them favorable conditions. fight back.

In just a few rounds, the Ming army on the city had already suffered hundreds of casualties, and they were completely passive and beaten.

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(End of this chapter)

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