Nanming Yiming

Chapter 155

Chapter 155
After seeing the Qing army surrounded the bastion, Bai Bing knew that something was wrong.

He did not expect that the Qing army would find the correct way to attack the bastion after only a round of tentative attacks.

With the equipment of the Qing army at this stage, there is almost no shortcut to attack the bastion. They can only besieged in an all-round way and piled up with human lives.

He began to regret that his actual combat experience was still lacking.In the case of the enemy's tentative attack, they should not use too much force, and let them feel that the bastion is relatively easy to break through.Only in this way can they be tricked into adopting refueling tactics to slowly kill and injure the enemy army step by step.

I was too impatient, and when I saw 2000 people from the Qing army coming up, I wanted to destroy more enemies, but the result was counterproductive.

To put it bluntly, the most important word for defending a bastion is "delay", which means to delay the enemy under the bastion for a longer period of time. The longer they are delayed, the greater the enemy's casualties.

Like now, it is equal to the enemy's general attack after a tentative attack.

At this time, thousands of households of the Ming army shouted: "My lord, the Qing army dispatched the Eight Banners of Manchuria."

Through the binoculars, Bai Bing discovered that the Qing army in two directions was the Eight Banners of Manchuria, so he temporarily strengthened the troops in these two directions.

And aimed all the artillery in these two directions.

Bai Bing decided to strike first, and said: "The Frangji artillery is ready to fire at the Manchurian Eight Banners who are gathering."

When the Qing army was about to attack the bastion, it was unexpected that the Ming army's Frang machine artillery suddenly launched a violent attack.

Although many people in the Eight Banners of Manchuria wear several heavy armors, the defense of the armor is still so fragile in front of the artillery.The unfinished queue was bombed into chaos in an instant, and the raging artillery fire made them feel that the ground was trembling.

Although only dozens of Manchurian Eight Banners were actually killed in battle, the huge momentum caused by the artillery completely disrupted the rhythm of the Qing army along the way.

At this time, the other four routes of the Qing army had already shouted and charged towards the Ming army's bastion. It was obvious that the action along this route was affected by the shelling and seemed slow.

On the other hand, the Eight Banners of Manchuria was attacked intensively by the Tiger Crouching Cannon. Although the range and power of the Tiger Zun Cannon were not as good as the Franco Cannon, it had a faster rate of fire.

These Eight Banners soldiers were also extremely fierce. Although they were attacked by artillery fire along the way, they quickly rushed to the bastion and rushed to the moat.

Wuertai stared nervously ahead, he had a bad premonition that the Zhenghongqi who attacked him this time might suffer a lot of casualties.It is obvious that the Ming army used all its artillery to deal with its own Manchu Banners.

Nearly 200 warriors have already been killed before they entered the firing range of the Ming army's firecrackers.It is true that the Eight Banners of Manchuria are brave and good at fighting, but there are only 10,000+ bannermen in Manchuria. If the Eight Banners of Manchuria fight bravely and fight first, no matter how many people there are, it will not be enough to die.

When the Manchurians fought, they let a large number of green battalions and Han army flags come first as cannon fodder. If there was no one, they let the coats of their own banners; when the firearms of the Ming army were almost consumed and the moat was filled, they, the Eight Banners of Manchuria, came again The final word.

This time he was indeed too reckless. Tan Tai made it very clear that he was asked to assist Shi Tingzhu, which meant that these Han army flags would follow behind him to pick peaches.

But now the arrow is on the string and has to be launched. It seems that even if the bastion in front of him is taken down, he will be punished by the general!
In view of the fact that the firecrackers of the Ming army could easily penetrate the chariot, the Qing army simply did not bring the chariot this time, so the advancing speed was much faster, and the Qing army rushed over soon.

Bai Bing knew that the Qing army was going to attack this time, so he didn't hold back anymore.

He shouted: "In the direction of the Han army flag, enter the 90th step and start shooting directly. They only have cotton armor. They wear heavy armor when they are full of eight banners. They will shoot within 60 steps to ensure effective killing."

The soldiers of the Han Army Banner had experienced the power of the Lumi guns of the Ming Army yesterday, and they penetrated the chariot directly at 60 steps.So they were all careful. Although they shouted loudly, their steps slowed down intentionally or unintentionally.

Obviously, in the five-way siege, the fastest way will definitely be taken care of by more firepower, and it is good to be a little late.

Although there was no chariot, the soldiers in the front row still held shields, but they didn't expect that they were attacked by firecrackers from the Ming army as soon as they entered within 100 steps.

"Bang, bang, bang"

Those Han army flags holding shields fell to the ground one after another. Looking at the blood holes on their bodies in disbelief, they fell down unwillingly.

But after all, the Qing army had a large number of people, and this time it was a general attack, so it was inevitable that they would not work hard. The people behind could only grit their teeth and rushed to the moat all at once.

On the other side, Zhenghongqi was bombarded, and the rhythm of the charge was blocked by the artillery fire, which was originally slower than the other three Han army flags.But on the one hand, the Han army flag deliberately slowed down, on the other hand, the Ming army did not shoot at them at 90 paces.

After all these mistakes, the two sides rushed to the moat of the bastion at the same time.

Facing the criss-cross gullies, it is impossible to fill the trenches.

Protective equipment such as shields and chariots could not stop the Lumi guns of the Ming army at all. I am afraid that the moat would be killed by the Ming army before the moat was filled.

So with a heartbeat, the Qing army rushed directly into the moat.

Without these ravines, at a distance of 60 steps, the Qing army would be able to rush to the wall of the bastion quickly shouting slogans, and at most it would be two rounds of fire from the Ming army.

But now the twists and turns obviously lengthened the distance.The straight-line distance of 60 steps, after such a circle, is more than 300 steps.

What's even more frightening is that these routes were carefully designed by the Ming army. Although there are many forks in the road, they will eventually pass through several converging points.

As long as the firepower of the Ming army blocked these gathering points, the advancement of the Qing army would be hindered.

What's even more damning is that these passages get narrower as they go to the back. As more and more Qing troops were killed, these passages were almost completely blocked.

Now the Qing army in the passage is safe because of the corpses blocking it.The Qing army in the rear was hit by firepower because the road ahead was blocked.

The Han army flags blocked in the passage quickly realized that crawling over at this time would be death, but shrinking here would save their lives, so these Han army flags invariably chose to stay here and not move.

This is the shortcoming of multi-channel attack, especially if these teams are not belonged to the same department.

Take a look at "The Eighteenth Route Princes Crusade Dong Zhuo" or "Six Kingdoms of Shandong Combined to Attack Qin" and you will understand that they are so powerful that they can't use it in one place.

In the battle of Saerhu, the Ming army divided into four groups and met to attack Hetuala, the capital of Houjin.As a result, Juniper's progress was greedy and aggressive, while Li Rubai's progress was stagnant, and it was impossible to achieve the effect of splitting up and attacking together.

Wuertai, who has been on the battlefield for a long time, naturally understands this truth, but under his nose, he expected that these Han army flags would not dare to blatantly steal and play tricks.

This is naturally the case under normal circumstances. Those Han army flags running a little slower have no effect on the siege at all.But now the Ming army has created an opportunity for them, and the road is blocked, it depends on their reactions.

Zheng Hongqi reacted surprisingly quickly, even though the corpse blocked the passage ahead.

But those Eight Banners soldiers who were trapped in the gully directly raised their shields with both hands, and made a few passages abruptly. The soldiers behind stepped on the shields and crossed the ditch to break through the blocked passages from other directions.

But the problem also came, the two routes full of Eight Banners reacted quickly, and the three routes of the Han Army Banners were slow, the effect of the five routes of siege was greatly reduced.

How could Bai Bing let go of this opportunity, and hastily dispatched 200 people from the other three routes to strengthen the firepower of these two routes.

This is going to be a disaster for Zhenghongqi.

"Bang, bang, bang"

The firepower of the Ming army became more intensive, but these Manchu Eight Banners in triple armor were not afraid, and they continued to press forward in the face of huge casualties.

Many people still gritted their teeth and continued to move forward after receiving another shot, and fell to the ground until the second shot; don't underestimate that this extra shot made the killing efficiency of the Ming army a lot lower.

After all, the Lumi blunderbusses have firing intervals, so it doesn't matter if the strength of the two sides is equal or the defender's strength is slightly less.But now there are only 1000 people in the bastion, and there are only 2 people in the two directions facing the Eight Banners soldiers. Even after the increase in troops, there are only 400 people, but it is still insufficient to face the impact of a full 600 people.

These Eight Banners soldiers actually rushed under the wall of the bastion.

Different from the square-shaped Chinese city, not only is the wall of the bastion not a blind spot for shooting, but the firepower encountered is more intensive; just imagine, what kind of position is the angle between the two sides of the five-pointed star?
But after all, they saw hope. These western-style bastions have a long slope that can lead directly to the castle, eliminating the need for ladders to climb the wall.

After paying huge casualties, the Eight Banners soldiers rushed up the slope shouting slogans.

Wu Ertai, who was watching the battle from a distance, clenched his fists. Although the huge casualties made him feel distressed, as long as they rushed to the top of the city, how could these Ming troops be the opponents of the Eight Banners warriors?
"Bang, bang, bang"

Every time the gunshots sounded, many Qing soldiers would fall down, but they still rushed up with their tenacious will.

At this time, Qianhu of the Ming army shouted: "My lord, these Qing troops are about to break through the first slope."

Bai Bing shouted: "Push the boulder down for me."

Although there were heavy casualties along the way, these Eight Banners soldiers were extremely excited at this time. They roared like wild animals, as if they were already invulnerable and fearless of the Ming army's firecrackers.

But soon the eyes of these people were filled with fear, and they saw a huge ball-shaped stone rolling down the slope, crushing the body of the Qing army all the way, leaving blood and blood everywhere it passed.

These Qing troops finally collapsed, they struggled to escape frantically, but all this was in vain.

And after crushing countless Qing troops, this spherical boulder directly blocked the entrance of the slope, making it impossible for subsequent Qing troops to climb the slope to the city.

A co-leader who was facing the red flag tried to call on the remaining warriors to continue to charge. He shouted: "I, warriors of the Eight Banners, cannot be intimidated. Get up and continue to charge!"

This scene even stunned the Ming army on the city. They did not expect that the Qing army could charge at this time.

However, their team was no longer dense, there were only 50 or [-] scattered people, and soon these Qing troops were knocked down by the Ming army's firecrackers, and the battlefield returned to calm.

Seeing this scene, Uertai wanted to cry without tears. All the warriors of the Three Thousand and Eight Banners had been filled in, but they were still unable to climb that strange fortress.

This grotesque thing seemed to be transformed into a monster, mercilessly devouring the lives of his warriors.

Another leader of the red flag said: "Wultai, let me take the remaining 2000 men and horses and charge again. The blood of the warriors can't just be shed in vain!"

Ultai waved his hand.If he led the team to charge, he would probably make the same choice as the co-leader, knowing that he could not win, and continue to charge until he died in battle.

But after all, as the commander-in-chief of this army, he understood that he should not make unnecessary sacrifices at this time. Although he hated these Han army flags who were stealing, raping, and slipping, he still gritted his teeth and said, "Mingjin retreat!"

Those Han army flags that were lucky enough not to die in the battle receded like a tide, and at this time the Ming army was exhausted, and many people were so tired that they sat on the ground directly.

Thick gunpowder smoke filled the battlefield, and the blood-red sunset hung in midair.The corpses of the Qing army are everywhere, which is shocking.

There are not many veterans in the Tianmu camp, some are surrendered soldiers from the Qing army, and more are young and strong people who were displaced in Tianmu Mountain.

The white soldiers know that after this battle, many of them will grow into a true warrior.

On the other side, the Qing army, who had no fighting spirit, retreated directly across the Sishui River, far away from the firing range of the Ming army.

Urtai's heart was ashamed at this time. Not long ago, he led 3500 Qing troops across the river in a fierce manner, and now there are only [-] people left when they return.

Soon Shi Tingzhu rushed over with the remaining Han army banners. Although he thought that Uertai might fail, he didn't expect that the Qing army would kill 6500 people in just a few hours, including 3000 Manchurian Eight Banners.

At this moment, Wu Ertai even cast all his anger on the Han army flag. He said angrily: "My troops attacked the fortress of the Ming army in five ways, and the Han army flag continued to dawdle and passively attack. As a result, I was fighting against all the 3000 warriors of the red flag." They died, and nearly half of them remained, and 1 people came back in the end."

"Originally, our army was about to attack the Ming army's fortress. It was because of the weak attack of the Han army flag that the Ming army concentrated more firepower on the Zhenghong flag, which led to failure."

Shi Tingzhu's face was livid, and he thought to himself that you were greedy for meritorious service, but now you are throwing all the responsibility for the defeat to me, Han Junqi.

But this matter is really difficult to handle. After all, all the soldiers of the Eight Banners who participated in the attack were killed in battle, and many of his Han army banners have returned, and Uertai is not completely fabricated from nothing.

Now that they have suffered a disastrous defeat and the morale of the army is low, they can only find someone to take the blame, so Shi Tingzhu chopped off a leader of the Zhengbai Banner of the Han Army for fearing the enemy and avoiding war!

It's getting late, and today is not suitable for siege.Shi Tingzhu decided to take a day off tonight and fight again tomorrow!

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(End of this chapter)

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