Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 101 Zhang Wei's Affair

Chapter 101 Zhang Wei's Affair

Not long after the few people came in, they encountered the ghost baby. If it was a fluke, no one would believe it.

"According to the headquarters' files, this should be the lowest-level baby ghost, which is the same as the evil ghost that Zhou Zheng controlled before." Wang Xiaoming showed no fear on his face, and there was even some excitement in his eyes.

"This is Zhou Zheng's ghost baby?" Tong Qian said.

"It's not the same one. His ghost baby has grown into a starving ghost. This is just a supernatural being derived from the starving ghost. Once the starving ghost is imprisoned, all these will disappear." Luo Yi said.

Li Jundao: "I don't know how many ghosts there will be."

"Why didn't it attack us? Didn't we trigger its laws?" Tong Qian tried to take a step forward, but the ghost baby just raised its head, revealing its hollow and numb dark ghost eyes.

"It needs to see people to attack, and we are currently in the ghost domain. It looks like it is in front of it, but it is actually in another dimension." Luo Yi looked at the ghost baby circling around several people, but his heart was full. I remembered the scene when I faced it for the first time in No. [-] Middle School.

At that time, I didn't even dare to contact Zhou Zheng until he was near death. It was the successful suppression and sacrifice of the ghost baby that gave Luo Yi a chance to rise.

"Let me come!" Li Jun stomped his feet, and the miserable green ghost fire emerged from the ground, and instantly formed a circle, trapping the ghost baby inside.

The ghost baby looked at the will-o'-the-wisp, its pitch-black soles kept beating, trying to break out from all directions.

The scope of the will-o'-the-wisp gradually narrowed, and soon the baby ghost was cornered.

Li Jun stretched out his hand and grabbed it.

"This is just the lowest level of evil spirits. It would be great if we could catch the evil spirits of the other stages." Wang Xiaoming said regretfully as he watched Li Jun imprison the infant ghost.

"Because we discovered and acted earlier, we should spend a little more time finding the second-stage ghost boys. As for the third-stage ghosts, it would be unrealistic to meet them here," Luo Yi said.

The growth of starved ghosts is stepped, just like a food chain, the higher the top, the fewer the predators.

"The most urgent thing now is to find Yang Jian and go to his safe house to find out the latest situation. He is the person in charge of the preparation here, and he is in Dachang City, so he will know more details than us." Wang Xiaoming analyzed.

"I'll go find a car!" Tong Qian volunteered.

"Do you want to drive in this situation? Even if you drive for a day, you may not be able to go to Yang Jian." Luo Yi shook his head, with his eyesight, he could see everything within a few miles.

The streets in Dachang City are basically blocked by cars, and it is impossible to drive.

Unless you can find that ghost rental.

"Then walk over?" Tong Qian said.

"Forget it, let me come."

Luo Yi thought for a while, and directly mobilized Lingyi to restart himself.

"Restart! Has he reached this point?" Wang Xiaoming looked at Luo Yi who had recovered in an instant, and was horrified in his heart. "I have only seen this kind of method on that old man."

After restarting, Luo Yi's Ghost Realm dispersed like fog, covering several people in the blink of an eye, drawing a long black rainbow in the sky.

Even though it was not the first time he entered Luo Yi's ghost domain, Li Jun was still as shocked as the first time.

"This power is really amazing." Li Jun could feel that in Luo Yi's ghost domain, there was a suppressing power against ghosts, and this power was also possessed by his will-o'-the-wisp.

This is the fundamental reason why Huangquan can isolate the supernatural.

But the difference is that Luo Yi's power far surpasses Li Jun's. Even if Luo Yi doesn't use it deliberately at the moment, this faint threat is still obvious.

"If he hadn't let go deliberately, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to support the will-o'-the-wisp's ghost domain in his ghost domain." Li Jun thought in his heart.

A moment later, Guanjiang District.

"Great God, here, here!" As soon as Luo Yi's ghost domain dispersed, he saw a young man in cartoon pajamas with messy hair flying towards him. Seeing his enthusiastic posture, Luo Yi hurriedly dodged to dodge.

"Wow, you're finally here, I knew you would never leave me and Brother Leg, you don't know, these two days I was so scared that I couldn't sleep well, I couldn't eat, I didn't even watch small movies interest."

Zhang Wei complained to Luo Yi tearfully, "Hey, God, why do I feel that you have gained weight?"

"Can't eat? Why do I feel that you are getting fat!" Luo Yi joked as he looked at Zhang Wei, who had a rosy complexion.

"Why is the voice behind?" Zhang Wei heard the voice behind him, "Then what the hell is that I'm holding? It's still a little soft and fragrant?"

"Bastard!" Tong Qian raised her brows, her pretty face was full of anger.

When Zhang Wei heard a woman's voice next to his ear, he was so frightened that he was alert, and quickly let go of his hands and looked forward.

The person in front of her was not Luo Yi, but a woman with one pitch-black eyeball. At this moment, her face was quite terrifying, her face was distorted, her almond eyes were round, and she was gnashing her teeth.

It felt like killing him!
Tong Qian looked at the frivolous and exaggerated Zhang Wei, and raised her hand to punch him hard.

"Brother Legs, God, help!" After being punched, Zhang Wei also knew that he had hugged the wrong person, so he turned around and ran away.

However, his speed couldn't compare to Tong Qian, a tall and long-legged ghost driver, not to mention he was stunned for a moment.

Tong Qian took a few big strides and grabbed Zhang Wei's pajamas.


Under Tong Qian's tearing and Zhang Wei's desperate running, the pajamas printed with SpongeBob SquarePants finally had a big tear due to the unbearable humiliation.

"Oh!" Zhang Wei was punched in the face again.

"Wrong, wrong, sister, I, Ah Wei, admitted my mistake!" Zhang Wei was punched twice in a row, and hurriedly fled with his head covered.

"Bang!" Zhang Wei, who was in a panic, collided with another person.

"Hey, we bumped into each other again, this time it wasn't that tigress, right?" Zhang Wei felt his heart tremble from being bounced back, and he prayed hurriedly in his heart.

"What tiger? What's going on?" Yang Jian asked.

"Brother Leg, it's you, it's alright, alright!" Zhang Wei covered his eyes, and quietly opened a slit with his fingers.

"Are you playing boxing games with yourself again?" Yang Jian asked looking at Zhang Wei's red, swollen and blue eye circles.

After all, this product has a criminal record.

"Hahaha, he wanted to hug me, but by accident, he hugged Tong Qian." Luo Yi looked at the embarrassed Zhang Wei and smiled.

"Master, you must have messed up, otherwise how could I get it wrong with my Ah Wei's eyesight?" Zhang Wei refused to accept.

Luo Yi said: "I think it's because you are restless and kind, and you can't help it when you see beautiful women."

"Awei, your boy is very lucky!" Yang Jian looked at the tall and long-legged Tong Qian, with a hint of envy in his tone.

"Fart, she's not the one I like at all, this is what I like." Zhang Wei said, first he covered his cheeks with his hands and made a kawaii look, and then raised his chest fiercely.

Isn't this Yang Xiaoyu?

No wonder the headquarters asked Yang Xiaoyu to work as an operator for Yang Jian. It turned out that the crux was Zhang Wei.

"You're looking for death!" Tong Qian looked at Zhang Wei's actions, and then looked down at her chest, the anger that had just subsided suddenly came up again.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, turnips and greens, everyone has their own love. Beauty, it's not that you are not good enough, but I, Wei, are too demanding." Seeing Tong Qian who was angry, Zhang Wei hurriedly pushed Yang Jian in front of him.

When it comes to fighting, Zhang Wei has never won, but Yang Jian has never lost!
"Okay, stop making trouble, Zhang Wei is like this, he's playing a fool, he punched you twice, and tore your clothes, is it even?" Luo Yi said.

"Hmph!" Tong Qian glanced at Luo Yi, and it was clear from that expression that it was not your fault!
"I didn't know you were right behind me. If I hid, who would have thought that." Regarding this result, Luo Yi could only express his hands.

So everyone should blame Zhang Wei, who told him to jump on people when he has nothing to do, like a Teddy.

(End of this chapter)

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