Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 104 Zhao Kaiming's Siege

Chapter 104 Zhao Kaiming's Siege
Countless human beings who are still alive, only feel black in front of their eyes, and are instantly pulled into a dark, deep and silent place.

After a short silence, there was a loud din.

"What's going on, what happened? Why is it suddenly dark."

"Did a ghost come here?"

"God bless, bless me..."

"Shut up, Interpol is on the job!" In the darkness, Luo Yi stood out of nothing, wearing a black robe on his body, with a golden light glowing from the corners of the bottom, his whole body seemed to be embedded in a circle of light, emitting a faint fluorescence.

"There's someone there!"

"He can fly!"


Looking at the dark crowd in Huangquan, Luo Yi frowned, "Keep quiet!"

The supernatural power was released, and all the people froze in place as if their necks were stuck.

Luo Yi clenched the boning knife tightly, and the three-color world emerged before his eyes again. This was the world in the eyes of the boning knife under the supernatural effect.

"Split!" Luo Yi said softly.

The three-inch blade sliced ​​through the void, and the blue-black haze in the distance seemed to burst like tempered glass, revealing a long and narrow opening.

The light from outside entered, like dawn.

Looking from a distance, Luo Yi could even see Zhao Jianguo, who was full of anxiety and wind and frost from the outside world, through this gap.

Luo Yi's ghost domain drilled out of the gap and paved a thousand meters away, and countless people fell from the low altitude like dumplings.

"Come out, I'm out!"

"Come out, hahaha!"

"We are rescued!"

"Thank you Interpol!"

"It was him, it was he who saved us!"


Facing the cheers and celebrations from all over the city, Luo Yi turned around resolutely.

Zhao Jianguo clenched his hands into fists, his body trembling slightly due to excitement, he pumped his chest, and shouted loudly: "Luo Yi!"

Among the cracks that quickly healed and disappeared, only the black robe Lie Lie remained.

From splitting the void, breaking through the ghost domain, to sending out the trapped people, the whole time is only three breaths.

"Finally everything..." Tong Qian hadn't finished speaking when a terrifying supernatural power descended in an instant.

"Be careful!" Luo Yi's pupils shrank, and in the darkness behind her, a stiff figure emerged, and next to it was Zhao Kaiming, who had a sullen face and was leaning on a walking stick.

"long time no see!"

Zhao Kaiming grinned the corners of his mouth, a smile of success showing on his face.

"He has been waiting for me to make a move, waiting for me when I am the weakest?" Luo Yi looked at Zhao Kaiming who suddenly appeared, and a trace of surprise flashed in his heart.

"Zhao Kaiming, do you want to stop us from saving people?" Li Jun turned around and shouted.

Zhao Kaiming sneered: "You are Li Jun? I thought it was a talent, but I didn't expect it to be an idiot who can't even tell the situation!"

"Luo Yi!" Wang Xiaoming shouted from the side, but Luo Yi turned a deaf ear to it at the moment, he was thinking about the motive and purpose of Zhao Kaiming's coming here at this time.

"Is there something wrong with the plan this time? The starving ghost has grown to the point that the wishing ghost expected. Otherwise, why didn't Zhao Kaiming stop me from carrying out the rescue operation, but chose to snipe me after my rescue was completed?"

Zhao Kaiming and Wishing Ghost wanted to raise the starving ghost, and Luo Yi wanted to imprison the starving ghost, but Zhao Kaiming didn't stop Luo Yi's plan, but waited here for a few people.

As soon as Luo Yi came up with this idea, it was quickly rejected.

In the original book, the situation in Dachang City lasted for at least a week. Even though Luo Yi's appearance this time caused Zhao Kaiming to make arrangements in advance, his action time never reached the limit of a week.

Not enough time, not enough growth for the starving ghost!

"The starving ghost's growth is very dynamic. Even the wishing ghost can't completely cover it up. Zhao Kaiming chose to attack me afterwards, probably because he knew that I could break through the starving ghost's haunted area and escape from here." Luo Yi switched his mind. , turned around and used the ghost domain to protect the ghost candle. He had just used the boning knife, and it took a certain amount of time to calm down the restless power in his body before he could use the restart again.

"Boning knife, by the way." Luo Yi remembered Zhao Kaiming's plan when he thought of the boning knife. He couldn't stop me at all."

"He didn't come to stop us from saving people, he came to kill us!" Wang Xiaoming snorted coldly. From the first moment he saw Zhao Kaiming, he realized that something was wrong.

"That's right, as long as we kill us, the starved ghost's haunted area will be changed to a different location. If we rescued the people just now, he can all be trapped in again, and the crisis in Dachang City will still be there." Luo Yi said.

"He dares!" Li Jun said angrily.

"Why don't I dare?" Zhao Kaiming sneered, "What does the life and death of ordinary people have to do with me? As long as my goal can be achieved, no matter how many people die, it is worth it!"

"Bastard, what is the difference between what you do and animals? They are your kind, not raised livestock." Tong Qian's almond eyes widened, and ghostly eyes appeared on her face immediately.

"Same kind? Hahaha", Zhao Kaiming laughed maniacally, clutching his forehead, "Where were these same kind when I was going through suffering and torment, and where were you self-proclaimed heroic saviors? You don't even know what I've been through. Why can you be so shameless and accuse me with such a superior attitude?"

"Hmph, after you have experienced suffering, you blame others for your faults. Is this the reason you give yourself? You should look at your hands and ask the blood on them. Will they agree with your bullshit logic?" Wang Xiaoming said.

"If you don't agree, kill them until they agree, not only the people here, but also you guys, especially you, Luo Yi, I will crush you to ashes!"

"Hate me so much? Did you make a wish to your ghost in order to kill me? Or is it because of me that you have to bow to the wishing ghost?" Luo Yi raised his head and stared at Zhao Kaiming with piercing eyes.

Whether it was the previous gold agreement or the collusion with the Fenglu Club, it was just a small trick by Zhao Kaiming. Even if Luo Yi saw it through, what he would lose would be a ton of gold and a few insignificant ghost masters. Not enough to make Zhao Kaiming hate Luo Yi so much.

"If you stay in Yuzhou City honestly, why am I here? I want you to pay for it!" Zhao Kaiming's cheeks trembled, and the hatred in his eyes seemed to be real.

"That means you have already made a wish. Let me think about it. You must have made the wish and want to know how to kill me!" Luo Yi affirmed.

He didn't stop saving people, but blocked Luo Yi's way after saving people. This is because Luo Yi, who has a restart and boning knife, can't kill him unless he is in,
When neither the reboot nor the boning knife can be used!
And the number of times Luo Yi used the boning knife can be counted on one's fingers, one time for the ghost knocking on the door, and one time for breaking through the green and black smog in Dachang City.

"During the door-knocking ghost incident, there were only a few people around me, Zhao Jianguo and Tong Qian, and there was no way the information would be leaked. In the morning, I used a boning knife to break through the ghost domain outside, and it was impossible for Zhao Kaiming to know about it. But now he is stuck here full of confidence, so he can only make a deal with the wish ghost."

In dealing with ghosts, the one who suffers will always be the living. Zhao Kaiming's price is that every time he makes a wish, a relative will die. He will not come to an end until all relatives are dead.

"That's why he said he wanted me to pay for my life!" Luo Yixin said.

"Everyone die!" Before Zhao Kaiming could finish his sentence, the death-defying attack had struck.

(End of this chapter)

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