Chapter 120

Wei Xun ignored the aunt's muttering, afraid that she would say something she shouldn't say again.

"Auntie, do you know that there is a strict ban here? This seven-mile long corridor is sealed from the beginning to the end, and outsiders are not allowed to enter or leave." Wei Xun asked.

"I know, but I'm not an outsider. I've lived here for decades. I'm from the city, do you know? Not from the countryside." Aunt Zhao said righteously.

"I mean this place is blocked, no one can come in, I didn't ask if you are from the city." Wei Xun rolled his eyes and continued.

"Don't you come in too!" Aunt Zhao was speechless, "I'm ashamed to say that everyone is the same, don't be nagging, you young man is nagging like an old woman."

"." Wei Xun.

"There's a sniper lying on the ground here, aren't you afraid?" Luo Yi saw the sniper in place when he came in. Is this aunt so brave that she's not afraid of a gun?
"What are you afraid of? I didn't break the law. Can they still kill me?" Aunt Zhao patted the ash on her body, and the dust flew around like flour.

Wei Xun covered his nose and kept stirring his palms, "You are so brave!"

"That is, what kind of society is it now, a society ruled by law, do you know that murder is a crime!" Aunt Zhao proudly said, "They said that they won't let you enter through the intersection, what law did I violate by entering through the dog's hole, and there is no such rule The law stipulates that people are not allowed to go through dog holes."

"That's the hole you cut yourself!" Wei Xun glanced at the square metal hole, "If a dog can chew on such a square, then what would it do as a dog? It's an engineer!"

"Young man, don't talk nonsense, which eye of yours saw me cut it?" The aunt stared, waved her hand, shook her head, and the set of denying three times was quite smooth.

"If you're not afraid of death, then just pretend we didn't tell you." Luo Yi shook his head, there are really all kinds of people these days.

"Don't scare me. I, Aunt Zhao, must have been scared. I've figured it out a long time ago. They won't really shoot, they just scare you, and then someone will come and catch them out." Zhao Aunt said.

"Why are you so clear?" Luo Yi asked, thinking, "Could it be that someone leaked the course of action."

"I've been caught three times, of course I know." Aunt Zhao took it for granted.

"Since everything is blocked, what are you doing here?" Wei Xun asked curiously.

"My little grandson and his family are on the opposite side. I'll go over and have a look. Isn't it close here? Look, I even cooked tea eggs for them!" Aunt Zhao opened the bag beside her, and inside was a box of about five or six Brown eggs.

"Why are you here?" Aunt Zhao suddenly asked, "You don't look like outsiders, you young people came here to shoot videos out of curiosity!"

"Yes, we came in to look for materials." Luo Yi turned his eyes and had another idea in his heart.

"Captain Luo?" Wei Xun was a little puzzled.

"The people who died were all ordinary people nearby. If you follow her, you might be able to find some clues." Luo Yi explained.

It has been a full half an hour since he came in, and Luo Yi has not found any traces of the evil spirit, which only shows that he and Wei Xun do not conform to the evil spirit's law of killing.

"Then you are not timid. If you are caught, you will be educated. There is a police officer who will hold a stack of materials and ask you to copy them next to each other. It is annoying." Aunt Zhao was still a little annoyed when she thought of this. .

"Come on, you've copied it several times and still dare to come in, that's amazing." Wei Xun praised.

"I said I couldn't read, and asked them to read it to me. After reading it for the third time, they got impatient and let me go." Aunt Zhao showed a smug smile on her face.

"It just refreshed my cognition!" Wei Xun said with his mouth twitching, feeling shocked.

"Just get used to it!" Luo Yi shook his head and said, "Many things in this society are like this, especially when it comes to the elderly. At that age, even if they are rude, they can still account for three points."

"I've been talking to you for a long time. My eggs are going to be cold. If you want to avoid being caught, you'd better follow me." Aunt Zhao turned around and walked forward without waiting for the two to respond.

"Follow me!" Luo Yi said.

The two followed Aunt Zhao, and they were not spotted by any snipers along the way. Wei Xun really began to wonder if this aunt was really a secret agent.

Luo Yi thought about the surrounding situation quietly, while Wei Xun chatted with Aunt Zhao without saying a word.

"Aunt, this is rich!" Wei Xun said suddenly.

There are several paper bills scattered on the ground, all of which are one yuan.

"Cut, this kind of money can't be picked up. It looks like it's thrown away for people who avoid disasters. Whoever picks up this kind of money will be unlucky." Aunt Zhao looked at the one dollar on the ground with a look of disdain.

"Is there such a saying?" Luo Yi heard this kind of saying for the first time.

"This saying has been around for a long time. Many unlucky people who are particularly unlucky, such as their wives and children at home, or when they are seriously ill and dying, will throw a few dollars on the road, with some kind of curse transfer written on it. It's very unlucky to let others suffer disasters and sufferings for him, this kind of money is very unlucky." Aunt Zhao explained.

"Then why did you pick it up again just now?" Wei Xun said.

It turned out that when Aunt Zhao just explained, she suddenly bent down and picked up a bright red banknote.

"Aren't you stupid, young man? This one is one hundred." Aunt Zhao held the red note, her eyes were almost smiling.

"Wife and family are separated for one dollar, how big a disaster can be for 100 yuan?" Wei Xun said with a curl of his lips.

"What are you afraid of? My life is hard, it can't beat me!" Aunt Zhao happily put away the money.

I don't know if it was good luck or something, just after they walked a dozen steps, Aunt Zhao suddenly found a brand new red ticket.

"No wonder my eyelids are twitching when I wake up in the morning. I'm going to make a fortune today." Aunt Zhao said happily.

The third one,
The fourth one,
Soon Aunt Zhao had more and more red notes in her hands, and the smile on the corner of her mouth almost reached the corner of her eyes.

"Captain Luo, something is wrong. My ghost glasses have seen some supernatural phenomena. Do you want to stop her?" Wei Xun said seriously. I missed it, but Aunt Zhao has picked up almost 2000 yuan so far.

Can pick up so much money, unless the armored vehicle spilled.

Aunt Zhao still bent down to pick up the money happily, then continued to move forward, continued to bend down, and repeated these mechanical movements.

"She's dying!" Luo Yi said.

Every time Aunt Zhao picked up a banknote, the smile on her face became brighter, but it was also the same weirdly. When the smile got bigger, her complexion became grayer. I didn’t feel it at first, but now it’s almost like a dead person. His face turned pale.

But she didn't notice anything, as if she had fallen into the eyes of money.

"Aunt, aunt!" Wei Xun called to stop Aunt Zhao, trying to wake her up.

"Money, money, money" Aunt Zhao turned her head blankly, and repeated one word in her mouth, "Money"!
(End of this chapter)

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