Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 136 1 Big Ghost Money

Chapter 136
After the ghost mopan was nailed to death in the coffin, the ghost chain suppressed by the mopan immediately began to recover.

The dark light passed by, and the evil ghost on the chain opened his eyes, numb, hollow, with dilated pupils, and a white film appeared on the surface, just like a cataract patient.

With the appearance of the evil spirit, the chain began to rot and rust, and it was completely broken into several pieces within a few breaths.

"This ghost was not stored in the chain from the very beginning. He was beaten into the chain hard by someone acquired, as the connection between the ghost millstone and the coffin."

Luo Yi's eyes moved slightly. To be able to do this kind of thing, at least the ghost domain has to reach the level of changing the reality. Even if the reality is changed, it can only maintain this form for a short time. Unless it is sealed in gold, it will soon return to its original state. face.

If this is Huang Sanshui's handwriting, then his ghost domain has at least reached the point of restarting itself.

This is the lowest estimate!

In addition to the evil spirit with the ghost domain, there are two other evil spirits whose laws are unknown in his body.

These elderly ghost masters all have good skills. Luo Yi's choice of not acting recklessly before was undoubtedly very correct.

The evil ghost stood up, and the chain that had stored his body turned into powder and disappeared, along with the evil ghost itself.

"This ghost is so fierce!" Luo Yi suddenly found that the evil ghost who was just a few meters away suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

"There is no sign, no spiritual confrontation, it just walked into my ghost domain!" Luo Yi's heart sank, even the wish ghost who had controlled the starving ghost had never done this before.

"Could it be that this ghost is more terrifying than the combination of those two ghosts!" Luo Yi frowned tightly, and the bloody ghost domain became more intense, wrapping himself and retreating quickly.

However, this evil ghost was like a maggot attached to the bone, and appeared three feet away from Luo Yi with another flicker.

"If this evil spirit can invade my ghost domain silently, then it must be far more terrifying than me, and an evil spirit of this level can never be suppressed by the ghost mill."

"So this can only be its law, ignoring the law of the ghost domain!" After confirming again, Luo Yi has understood the method of the evil ghost's entry.

"The world is really big, full of surprises. If this ghost meets Yang Jian, who specializes in playing Ghost Domain, he will probably give him a headache. It's a pity that you met me today."

Luo Yi scattered to the ghost domain, lightly pressed the Ghost Slaying Knife, and at the same time, the spirit all over his body was poured into the Ghost Slaying Knife like a tide.

The moment the three-color field of vision fluctuated, a bright knife light swept across the void, the special effect of splitting was triggered, and the body of the evil ghost suddenly broke.

At the same time, the evil ghost raised his arm, and a spiritual wave appeared on Luo Yi instantly.

Luo Yi only felt as if his whole body was tied up, except for his brain, other limbs could not move at all.

"This is its ability to lock the ghost mill, an ability to bind the opponent firmly." Luo Yixin said.

This kind of weirdness is somewhat similar to the suppression of the coffin nails, but the effect is far inferior to that of the coffin nails, because with the impact of the ghosts in Luo Yi's body, the weirdness that binds him is rapidly fading away.

Luo Yi did not choose to wait to let his spirit get rid of the shackles, but directly chose to restart himself.

"It's a very powerful ability, but the level of terror is a little bit worse!" Luo Yi said coldly, and there was a cold light following the voice.

Ghost Slashing Knife is out of body again!
Following the Ghost Slaying Saber is the monstrous Youyou Chains across the sky. The endless chains seem to wind up from all directions, and in the blink of an eye, the evil ghosts that have been cut into four are separated and suppressed.

The evil ghost was imprisoned, Luo Yi thought for a while and took out the Mopan ghost again, and used the Ghost Slaying Knife to split it into two sections of detention, releasing the coffin nail.

This is also impossible. There are still three ghosts left, and a coffin nail can quickly nail one to death. This is very helpful to solve the complicated situation at present.

The three evil spirits who are breaking the balance will immediately face a siege if they cannot be imprisoned quickly.

But before that, Luo Yi needs to open the coffin as a container to hold Huang Sanshui.

Using two evil ghosts to fix the coffin, there must be a terrible secret inside the coffin.

Luo Yi turned to the front of the altar, lifted the covering curtain, stretched out his five fingers and clasped a corner of the coffin, pulled his arm back and pulled the coffin straight out.

"There are so many precautions in the coffin, and it's still so heavy. The contents inside must be very important, but the degree of danger should not be great!"

Luo Yi had confirmed with Huang Shiyu before that this vermilion solid wood gilded coffin was prepared by Huang Sanshui for him. No one would store evil spirits in his coffin, which is the same as no one would like to bury himself and a dog together.

"There should be very precious things stored in it, maybe this is a temporary safe house."

Although it is expected that there will be no horrible ghosts, but now that Huang Sanshui is dead, there may be mistakes in his arrangement, it is better to be careful.

Luo Yi held the Ghost Slaying Knife with his left hand, and pressed his right hand against the side of the coffin, pushing it away with a surge of spirituality in his hand.

The lid of the coffin fell to the ground, and Huang Shiyu outside the door was startled, and suddenly raised his head.

"Is something wrong?" There was a flash of struggle on the little girl's face, she wanted to go in and have a look, but she was afraid of affecting Luo Yi.

Changxiang flickered sparks in the wind, and the falling fireworks scalded her tiger's mouth, but she didn't feel it at all.

"The incense has only burned half the distance. If Luo Yi handles it well, he will definitely call me in. Now there is no sound in the house, it must be that things are not going well."

"He's not an ordinary person. If even he can't solve the problem, I'm afraid it won't help the matter if I go there. It may even drag him down and make things more complicated."

Thinking of this, Huang Shiyu forcibly suppressed the restlessness, squeezed the Changxiang in his hand again, pressed his hands to his forehead, muttered a few words, and fell to his knees again.

In the room, Luo Yi released the Ghost Slaying Knife with his left hand, and the coffin was quite empty, with a few items scattered here and there.Although there are many ghosts, they are not evil ghosts, but ghost objects and several small gold boxes the size of palms.

It seems that it should be the evil spirit that Huang Sanshui was imprisoned before.

"This one?" Luo Yi picked up a half-open box in the middle, which contained sheets of colorful paper.

The shape is old, the pattern is rough, and various numbers in traditional characters are printed on it.

"This is ghost money!" Luo Yi surprised and took out a stack of ghost money that was as thick as a knuckle inside.

Ten yuan, eight yuan, five yuan, two yuan, the most is one yuan, there are twenty or so tickets.

Luo Yi nodded, and it was about a hundred yuan.

Luo Yi imprisoned dozens of evil spirits, and dealt with more supernatural events than his hands can count. He even went to the supernatural land several times, but he only collected about two yuan of ghost money from the beginning to the end. And here, there are several times as many!
"This trip is not in vain! The hard work paid can no longer be called too much, it has to be described as generous." Luo Yi carefully kept the ghost money close to him.

Having money can make ghosts grind, burning ghost money can prevent evil spirits from attacking, and giving enough money can even send evil spirits away. The function is basically similar to that of red ghost candles.

But this is only the most basic. The ghost money can also buy supernatural items, and even admission tickets to some supernatural places, such as tickets for the ghost train No. 1462 in Hailin, boat tickets for Ghost Lake, etc.

From this point of view, its value can be said to be quite high, and it is a common currency among ghost masters. The most important thing is that this kind of money has basically disappeared in the later period, and if you use one, you will lose one.

"This Huang Sanshui didn't expect the coffin to be so rich, how could it be so profitable to make paper money?" Luo Yi thought to himself.


There was a strange movement behind Luo Yi.

"Not good, just remember some money, forget about Huang Sanshui behind you!"

Luo Yi pressed the knife and turned around, and the dead man Huang Sanshui behind him had already got up, and the seat behind him was overturned by the ghost.

He's revived!

(End of this chapter)

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