Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 146 Flame off, chapter head

Chapter 146 Turn off the flame and turn back

The ghost bus stalled, and it stalled on a dark and inexplicable road.

The light on the front of the car weakened at a speed visible to the naked eye, and darkness rushed in from the bottom, top, and gaps of the car, like a small box that was filled with ink, and the air was expelled, and the feeling of suffocation filled the entire space.

The cold wind continued to pour in from the car door, making people feel refreshed. In the faint light, the numbers on the electronic display began to jump, changing from 4 to 3, and the invisible ghost got out of the car first.

However, the changes were not over yet, and the Ghost Bride also started to move. At this moment, she gave up paying attention to Luo Yi. It seemed that something had overwhelmed her instinctive laws, forcing her to choose to get out of the car and dodge.

The number jumped again, from 3 to 2, and now there are only two evil ghosts left in the car, Luo Yi and the ghost bus itself.

"Get out of the car!" Luo Yi shouted.

This is not the first time he has encountered this situation. It happened once before on the ghost train No. 1462 in Hailin, but that time it was the train that caused the ghost bus to stall, and the culprit this time is still unknown.

Yang Jian happened to be at the back door of the carriage. Hearing Luo Yi's words, ghostly eyes appeared on his forehead, and he turned around and ran away without hesitation.

Luo Yi was right there, and he raised his hand to spread out the ghost domain. The bleak blood color suddenly burst out, knocking out a spiritual path in the darkness, and got out of the car with Huang Shiyu.

Behind them, the man in the peaked cap also reacted quickly. He didn't choose to go to the car door to snatch the opportunity to get out of the car, but directly opened the window, got in, and jumped out in this way.

Yang Jian turned his head in the distance, saw the escape method of the two people behind him, and instantly understood that there was a temporary problem with this ghost bus, otherwise Luo Yi would not be allowed to use supernatural means on the bus, nor would he Someone is allowed to open the car window.

With the departure of a few people, the compartment was completely dark, and once again fell into a deathly silence.

"It's a good thing you run fast, otherwise I can't imagine what will happen there!" The ghostly eyes on Yang Jian's forehead turned back and forth restlessly, constantly looking around.

"Don't be careless, now that we are exposed, it is even more dangerous to say the least."

After escaping from this weird bus, Luo Yi didn't have a relaxed expression on his face, because he knew that the real crisis was only now coming.

"That's right, don't forget that there are three evil ghosts who got off the car with us just now, and two of them are invisible. We are only moving forward and backward, and they may not have gone far at all. At this moment, a group of us living people are Here, I'm afraid it will attract them to turn back." The man wearing a peaked cap also followed, and at this time, reporting to the group to keep warm was more important than anything else.

"Three?" Yang Jian frowned, but soon he understood what the man said, "He counted Luo Yi in it, but in fact he only left two evil spirits just now."

Yang Jian is different from this man who has been sleeping in the corner. He has seen Luo Yi get on and off the bus two or three times today, and he is very sure about this. The missing ghost is in the car.

"Although the ghost bus is weird, it is relatively safe. Basically, all the evil spirits will not choose to do anything on the bus, but it is not necessarily the case when they get off the bus. I can feel that the ghost bride who just left is still there." That invisible evil ghost is very scary." Luo Yi said.

Another ghost eye appeared in the back of Yang Jian's head, and he said with a vigilant expression: "I hope they have gone far away!"

"It's best to leave, so that we can wait in place a little more safely. If we are still staying nearby, we can only unite and resist. As long as we last a few minutes, when the ghost bus starts up again, all dangers will be gone. I will retreat temporarily." The man said.

"You seem to have a lot of experience?" Yang Jian took a deep look at this man.

"I experienced a ghost bus flameout incident before, and more than half of the dozen or so ghost riders died that time. I was one of the few survivors. By the way, that Xu Feng was also a survivor of that incident, so It's not that I have rich experience, but that I have experienced a lot, and I should be more cautious." The man said.

"You're a smart man." Luo Yi praised, he could tell that this person was not a bad person, and he was willing to share his knowledge in order to seek cooperation, which was why he didn't deal with him.

"Of course, I'm a very smart person." The man held his peaked cap and smiled.

"I hope you are always so smart, otherwise I don't mind getting rid of you first before I deal with the evil ghost that turned back!" Luo Yi said coldly, but his face was not facing the man in the peaked cap, but facing another direction .

In the darkness in the distance, two figures stirred the mist and slowly came towards them.

One of them was wearing a long black windbreaker, with a sallow complexion, and three large holes on his forehead. Through these holes, he could even see the darkness behind him, and strands of red and white matter leaked out from the blood holes, spreading on his face. There were long marks on the top and clothes, which looked quite disgusting.

"Xu Feng, he's not dead yet!" The man in the peaked cap exclaimed, as if he couldn't believe it.

Luo Yi's eyes turned cold, "The person I killed has never been resurrected. He died a long time ago, and the ghost in his body is controlling him."

Because the spirit cannot be used in the car, Luo Yi did not imprison the evil spirit on Xu Feng after he killed him, and he got off the car in such a hurry that he forgot to bring him down. Man needs to face his demons to resuscitate.

"If it's just Xu Feng, it's not difficult to deal with. I've seen him make a move. His ghost can pretend to be dead. He can hide the perception of evil ghosts, and at the same time, he has some suppressive abilities." The man in the peaked cap took Xu Feng without hesitation Feng sold it clean.

Now he is in a supernatural event, everyone is in the same boat, he can't make fun of his own life.

Yang Jian said solemnly: "Then the problem now is the ghost behind him!"

Behind Xu Feng, there was a slender woman figure like a skeleton, covered with a red turban, wearing a gorgeous cheongsam, the exposed palms and calves were wrinkled, and there was no sense of fullness of flesh and blood at all. A layer of gray-brown leather covers the bones, making people unconsciously creepy.

The mummy-like ghost bride is back again, and she has also controlled the ghosts in Xu Feng's body by recruiting ghosts.

"Xu Feng will be handled by you. I will handle the ghost bride behind him. You, Yang Jian, will be in charge of the battle. At the same time, be alert to other possible situations!" Luo Yi made a decision in an instant.

"Yes." The man in the peaked cap said to himself. He and Xu Feng had been together for many days, and they were relatively familiar with each other. Besides, he was quite confident in his own methods. .

Yang Jian nodded: "I'm fine, and I can also make a move at critical moments."

"I didn't want to confront you at first, but now it seems that there is no way to do it, but this is good. It is better to deal with you here than to let you enter Yuzhou City. It will be more troublesome to deal with!"

Luo Yi's face turned cold, and he took a fierce step forward. The blood-red ghost domain on his body stretched forward like a laser beam, enveloping the ghost bride.

(End of this chapter)

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