Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 150 "Doing Business" The Captured Ghost Master

Chapter 150 "Doing Business" The Captured Ghost Master

At 10:30 in the evening, two young men and a little girl got off an empty bus at Fotuguan Station in Yuzhou City.

"Aren't you going to get out of the car?" Yang Jian said.

"The evil spirit on me is not in a good condition. Once I get out of the car, I may die here, so I can only linger in this car."

Lin Bei looked distressed, "Also, I still want to try to control that evil spirit. If possible, maybe we will have a chance to meet again."

Yang Jian sighed and said, "If there is anything you need to bring to your family, I can help you if I can."

Ghost masters are like this. If Yang Jian hadn't survived the suicide by hanging, he might be about to revive the evil spirit just like Lin Bei, so he can understand Lin Bei's situation very well now.

"If you can, help me bring some money to my family, even if I borrowed it from you, and tell them that I plan to go abroad to study, so that they don't want to look for me." After Lin Bei finished speaking, the corners of his eyes were a little moist, as if in Explain the funeral in general.

"I'll give your family 1000 million, which is your hard work for helping us solve supernatural events." Luo Yi said indifferently.

He didn't propose to suppress the evil spirit for Lin Bei to revive it. First of all, this is not his obligation. Second, if he wants to suppress the evil spirit for him, he must get out of the car, and the invisible evil spirit may still be staring at Lin Bei. I don't want to take risks, let that evil ghost have the possibility of entering Yuzhou City.

What is more important between a person and a city, Luo Yi knows very well in his heart that if Luo Yi is responsible for him, he is not responsible for the 3000 million ordinary people in Yuzhou City.

So even though he admired this person quite a bit, he didn't help him. He couldn't let his personal emotions affect his judgment.

"Thank you!" Lin Bei nodded gratefully. He could feel Luo Yi's seriousness, and he also believed that people like Luo Yi and Yang Jian would not lie to him if they kept their promises.

"You are a coward, and since that's the case, I'll leave it to you. Let's go and stay at your base camp tonight!" Yang Jian looked curious.

Before he became a ghost master, he was a student, and he was a student from an ordinary family. He basically didn't know much about the cities outside Dachang City.

The three of them left slowly along the river, and as they left, the ghost bus closed its doors again and started to speed up.

Lin Bei sat down in a disappointed position, he was the only one left in Nuo Da's carriage.

Some are sad, some are unwilling, some want to cry...


Inadvertently, Lin Bei raised his head, and a red number 1 on the electronic display came into view.

Lin Bei sat up suddenly, wiped his eyes, not 2, but 1.

"It was clearly still 2 just now!" Lin Bei couldn't believe it, "Could it be that the ghost gave up on me and turned to other people?"

Lin Bei stood up all of a sudden, walked to the rear of the car in a few big strides, and slapped the glass on the back of the car desperately.

Luo Yi, who was tens of meters away, felt vaguely and turned around.

"This man is actually very righteous. He has walked so far and is still waving at us!" Yang Jian looked at Lin Bei, and raised his hand and waved.

"Is he so enthusiastic?"

Luo Yi wanted to take a closer look, but the ghost bus had already disappeared at the end of the long street.


At the end of Binjiang Road, the three of them had just walked to the edge of Raffles City when they met an acquaintance.

About 30 years old, not tall, dressed casually, at the moment is punching and kicking another person.

The other man was dressed in a neat suit, and he didn't resist the beating. He just raised his hands to protect his face and screamed for mercy.

"What are you two doing!" Luo Yi snorted coldly. As important figures in Yuzhou City, these two people fought openly here.

"Hey, captain!" Zhang Han put away the anger in his heart, and pulled an ugly smile on his face.

"Captain Luo!" The man who was beaten stood up straight, but his expression was a little evasive.

"Zhang Han, why did you beat him!" Luo Yi asked coldly.

"Team leader, don't..." Before Zhang Han could speak, the beaten ghost driver grabbed Zhang Han first, and kept winking at him, as if he didn't want Zhang Han to speak.

"The one who hit someone was justified, and the one who was beaten was guilty and fearful. It seems that there is a story!" Luo Yi sneered, "Hurry up and tell me!"

"Say it, Lao Zhang, let me have fun too!" Yang Jian and Zhang Han were old acquaintances, so they didn't speak so politely.

"Let go of me, believe it or not, I will give you another punch!" Zhang Han squinted at Xiang Qiang, and raised his sandbag-sized fist again, as if to hit him.

"Don't, don't, don't... I don't dare, but the team leader, can you stop talking about it..." Xiang Qiang hurriedly raised his arm to cover his forehead, still wanting to beg for mercy.

"Now I know it's embarrassing, what did you do back then!" Zhang Han's face turned green, obviously very angry.

"What did he do? As for you being so angry?" Luo Yi frowned, this kid doesn't look like a bold master, does he?
"Could it be that you betrayed Team Luo?" Yang Jian jokingly asked.

"No, no, you can't talk nonsense!" Xiang Qiang waved his hands hurriedly, denying frantically.

If Luo Yi misbelieves this, then he is really not far from death.

"If he betrays us, it will be easy to solve. Just kill him and throw him into the river to feed the fish. You don't know, hey, I'm ashamed for him when I say it!" Zhang Han was so angry that he kicked Xiang Qiang again , directly kicked him a stagger.

"Don't dawdle, talk about it!" Yang Jian said.

"I'll tell you the whole story, and you'll understand why I'm so angry!" Zhang Han said bitterly.

"Isn't this guy single all the time? Last time he got a big bonus after finishing his mission, he followed other people's online dating and met a girl from out of town. He bought food and clothes for her every day, asked about her health, and the two chatted. After half a month, I found that it was quite appetizing, so I made an appointment to run."

"Isn't this great? Is the other party a dinosaur, or is it not a woman at all, or was jumped by a fairy?" Yang Jian asked curiously.

These are all classic Internet cases. He has seen them on the Internet. He doesn't know how many ignorant teenagers have been deceived. Back then, he almost...

"Isn't that right? The two of them also met very well offline. They stayed in a small hotel that night, but they broke up the next day."

"Huh? It's too fast, hahaha!" Yang Jian reacted instantly, and laughed gloatingly.

"Understand, understand, it's the first time, just practice more!" Yang Jian patted Xiang Qiang's shoulder, his eyes full of sympathy.

The embarrassing incident was revealed, Xiang Qiang's face flushed, and he felt like he died on the spot.

"But that's not why you're so angry. After all, it's the private affairs of young men and women. There are slow and slow feelings, and fast and fast ways to play!" Yang Jian laughed.

"Don't tell me, this kid thought the same way. He felt that he didn't perform well that night because he had too little experience, so he spent money to experience the experience again. He was caught by the police on the way to do nothing. Now, man, I just got out of the police station on bail!"

"Your uncle!" Luo Yi couldn't help but swear after hearing this. A ghost master was caught by the police and called his parents.

That is to say, Zhang Han has a good temper, and Luo Yi might kill him on the spot.

"You are rewarded with 1000 million yuan, and you will use it for this. Do you have any brains?" Luo Yi said angrily.

Xiang Qiang stood where he was, with a embarrassed look on his face, not daring to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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